Credit Shop Basket/Refrigerator to Keep Eggs Fresh

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3:00pm Jan 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 78
Since people are so desperate to keep eggs fresh that they spam the trades with storage that is going to spoil anyway ~~~~~ maybe it would actually be a good idea to sell something in the credit shop that would keep eggs fresh?

An egg basket that can hold up to five eggs. You buy it empty (one egg basket for 100 credits?) you pick five eggs to put in the egg basket, once full, the basket moves to your inventory where the eggs will no longer spoil. Then you open the basket (clicking 'use item') and the five eggs return to your hatchery and the empty basket goes back to your inventory for future use.

It's also possible to make the egg basket a single use item, once you put eggs in and take eggs out, the basket is destroyed. If that were the case, I say 5 baskets for 100 credits  might be reasonable.

9:48pm Jan 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 756
I think the concept is good. But is it really worth buying 100 credits just to keep 5 eggs fresh? The concept has potential, but it would need a few adjustments in terms of how many eggs would be kept fresh.


1:06am Jan 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 78
Depends on whether the baskets are reusable or not, I think.

But you and me both. In fact, I'd take it all a step further and ask who has 10$ for 3 jelly beans to turn digital pets different colors? Who has money for a monthly WoW subion? Who has money for books they're going to only read once? Who has money to see a movie in a theater? Who has money to pay someone else to cook their food at a restaurant?

I don't have money for any of those things, AND YET, I FIND MYSELF BUYING THEM ANYWAY .... though less so, in recent years.

None of that is the point. 

Anyway, it's a random idea. Like you said, adjustments as necessary, and it could be something decent. I know I've had clutches of veram eggs sometimes that I've sent as gifts or sold because I knew they'd spoil before I could hatch them. Woulda liked an egg basket then.

3:20am Jan 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,893
Support. Interesting concept, and I'm sure it can be tweaked a bit more.
I'm thinking about some things, but I'm sure that speaking my thoughts would sound more stupid than it already is.
(omg, that made no sense to me reading over that. i am le tired.)

i’m such a gamer uwu

2:35pm Jan 17 2012


Posts: 3,205
i love the idea but Drag has a point, may be the basket could also double up as an incubator? 
so the user can choose to keep the eggs fresh or incubate them twice as fast? 

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