Credit Shop Pets with a Twist.

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10:08pm Jul 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 161

So, I was thinking the other day about how the Omni and Kioka are retired. Leaves the Liyure all by it's lonesome. So, I was randomly drawing one day and I thought about this.

Seasonal Credit Shop pets. I mean literally seasonal, and to give something for those who are residents of the specific planets another bit of speciality(that came after). So, there would be one for Relcore, Atquati, Reiflem and Scria. The seasons would work as such:





So during the first day of said season, the residents would recieve three, free eggs of that pet, no more, maybe less? until next year. Everyone else would have the option to buy one/more but they would be exspensive, maybe more than the Liyure? Anyway, They could come in the usual Credit Shop colours and such. Residents can wait to trade other eggs to get all the Season Pets, or save up alot of Tu/Credits to get an egg. The pets could be named as such as a suggestion:

Relcore: Ugada, Atquati: Arolap, Reiflem: Eorto, Scria: Anyol

See the resemblence? X3 Anyway, people seemed interested and I have a few ideas as to what these pets could look like. That is if I get them past the idea part though.



10:13pm Jul 14 2009 (last edited on 10:20pm Jul 14 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 13

Relcore: Perhaps something along the lines of a squirrel?

Atquati: Squid/Octopus, or maybe like a seagull?

Reiflem: A big cat, tiger possibly

Scria: Some kind of butterfly, or ladybird.

These are just some suggestions, I have no real say in this. :)


10:34pm Jul 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 51

This is an incredibly creative idea that I like the sound of, but where does the Credit Shop part come in? Unless you meant that others could buy them from the CS shop, sometimes I'm terrible at reading comprehension, lol. x}

This also gives choosing a planet a good purpose.


11:57pm Jul 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 161

Yeah, that's what I meant McFlan. X3 Good thoughts, and thanks for the comments.

I kinda drew this weird fish thing for Atquati I guess:

It's a cross between a barracuda, a halibut and a tiger fish. It has sharp hooked fins and feathery ones behind them and for a dorsal and...underside (I know the official word, it's in my vocab. *headdesk*) Yes, it has four eyes, and I only have the adult picture uploaded.

I'll take Marine's suggestions into consideration while drawing the other three. Relcore has been most difficult with me. Sorry the picture isn't clearer, my phone camera sucks. If you'd need me to explain what stuff was I'm not going to blame you.

Funny story: I actually started drawing that thing upside down, but then looked at it the other way and decided that how it was upsidedown would be it right side up. Most confusing thing I've ever drawn.


12:04am Jul 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 58
i love the idea, it's great. especially the idea of like different seasons. nice. X3


12:12am Jul 15 2009

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
This is looks awesome! You should get a freaky-awesome paint program and join the Res Artist Team!


12:14am Jul 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 161
Yeah, maybe in the fall Dodo, maybe in the fall when I get a real compy. Anyway, thanks for all the comments guys!

4:06am Jul 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 369
xD Sounds cool, I like this idea. I've always liked making real "seasonal" pets, not holiday pets. xD

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

2:39am Jul 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 337
I really like this Idea ^^


11:04am Jul 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 183
i dont really get it... :/


1:24pm Jul 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
Wow, this is a great idea! ^.^ I'd love to see it put into action. -thumbs-

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

12:23am Jul 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 161

Rudami: When the first day of each season comes around, the residents of a certain planet that match the season get a few free seasonal credit shop pet eggs. Others not a resident of that planet have a chance to buy that pet from the credit shop with credits.

Thanks for more positive feedback guys. Kinda working on a Reiflem design... 



12:32am Jul 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
I'm sure staff have the credit shop pets planned out, so I'm not sure whether this idea would be used or not.


Feel the love man D:<


7:22pm Jul 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,895

I think that the idea is ausome but three eggs seems like a little bit to much in my opinion.  If you look at the number of relcore's residents then it kind of explains that thought to you....  I think that the best number would be one.  Two might work but I think one is the best choice for how many of these eggs are given out for free.   Love the purdy pic by the way.  I think it is awesome for Aquati since we don't have enough amazingness...we only have the polluted springs and the scary forestO3o

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8:32pm Jul 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 120
I actually really like this idea. =D


10:10pm Jul 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 161
I think many people chose Relcore because it was set as the first. I would live on Scria had I known the planet better, but I'm a Relcorian. Anyway, the number was variant to begin with, but the point about user population is a good thing to bring up.

9:48pm Jul 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 183

i dont think getting a "few" free cs pets will be having good consecuences...

but the cs pets were retired specially so they will grew in price, by giving those few free eggs will turn it the opposite, good idea but how about it with other pets specially for that?


10:36am Jul 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 162

It would make it too easy for people to make money, I think.

Seasonals already earn users quite a bit; we don't need any more, really.


2:53am Aug 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 167
This is a really innovative idea, but I agree that it shouldn't be 3 eggs. With the number of users, the price of the pet would depreciate horribly. 1 seems like a decent number, especially if it's a CS pet as well.

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8:20pm Aug 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 183
people could do multiple accounts to get cs eggs...

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