So, I was thinking the other day about how the Omni and Kioka are retired. Leaves the Liyure all by it's lonesome. So, I was randomly drawing one day and I thought about this.
Seasonal Credit Shop pets. I mean literally seasonal, and to give something for those who are residents of the specific planets another bit of speciality(that came after). So, there would be one for Relcore, Atquati, Reiflem and Scria. The seasons would work as such:
So during the first day of said season, the residents would recieve three, free eggs of that pet, no more, maybe less? until next year. Everyone else would have the option to buy one/more but they would be exspensive, maybe more than the Liyure? Anyway, They could come in the usual Credit Shop colours and such. Residents can wait to trade other eggs to get all the Season Pets, or save up alot of Tu/Credits to get an egg. The pets could be named as such as a suggestion:
Relcore: Ugada, Atquati: Arolap, Reiflem: Eorto, Scria: Anyol
See the resemblence? X3 Anyway, people seemed interested and I have a few ideas as to what these pets could look like. That is if I get them past the idea part though.