Daily Rewards

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3:50pm Mar 13 2021 (last edited on 8:14am Mar 14 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 678
It seems near impossible to get anywhere near completing daily rewards without the sale/purchase of merchant shop items. I have been trying on and off all day in between school work by sending creatus to explore every possible moment, hatching pets, doing my allotted 25 food quest turns, and a few other dailies like forest finding. In all, I'd estimate actively being on Res for a good hour or two, which seems like a lot to me but I know may be minimal to others. 

I'm still not even halfway to the second reward. 

To my understanding daily rewards should actually be rewarding those that are spending time on Res, and that shouldn't matter if it is through item sales or purchases. If 5 tu barter tokens were being abused, that should be removed as an option instead. 

If the items being offered are seen as too rewarding for the amount of work people are putting in (which is still time and effort by the way, I have never ever gotten to my third reward and not for a lack of trying), perhaps changing that reward should be warranted instead of changing the entire system. Like offering tu or relking coins only instead of items if that is a worry.

Some suggestions: (pulling these off from the comments on the update)
-Remove barter tokens as a sellable item in merchant shops (it seems this was what was being abused most of all)
-Have purchase and sale count less if it's that easy, but don't get rid of it entirely. 
-Have other activities fill the bar more to compensate on losing out on this.

-allow more activities to count towards filling the reward bar (apple picking, exploring)

Please feel free to put more comments down below, I know I made this kind of rushed and not formatted at all. This doesn't really feel fair or a step in the right direction to me, and was done without any prior notice or communication. 

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11:31am Mar 14 2021


Posts: 910
Def support! I think dailies are too difficult to get considering the reward. I played actively for 3+ hours the day merchant sales were removed from counting and I didn’t even make it to the second reward. I’d love to see more things count towards dailies (and a full list of what they are) and maybe reintroduce merchant shop sales/buying but have it count less!

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