This is your chance to get an idea implemented into the battle system. We are currently seeking suggestions from our pla[injection]yers regarding creatu abilities, weapons, armor & utility items.
Creatu Abilities:
Abilities are moves that can be taught to creatu to use in a battle. Each creatu species will have 3 default abilities that it learns through evolving. Abilities can be assigned "effects" (see below). Abilities require energy to use. Creatu begin with 100 energy each battle, abilities consume X amount of energy. Abilities are assigned a corresponding "element", aka Relcore, Reiflem, Atquati and Scria (Earth, Fire, Water, Air).
Water (Atquati) > Fire (Reiflem) > Earth (Relcore) > Air (Scria) > Water (Atquati)
Fire is neutral with Air. Water is neutral with Earth.
Some items and abilities will have various special effects attributed to them. Each effect will have a $P percent chance to be applied on hit. This number is different for each item and ability the effect is given to. Each effect also has a base damage statistic, which for now will we call "Ability base Damage". Listed below are the different effects and how they function.
Item1 has 50% chance to apply a poison that deals 10 true damage each turn for 5 turns.
Ability1 has 75% chance to confuse your opponent.
Deals $TD amount of true damage (damage that cannot be blocked) per $T amount of turns.
Each turn you have an $P percent chance to lose your confusion.
If you don’t lose your confusion, your next attack damages yourself for $P percent of your pets total health.
Confusion can only last for 4 turns max.
You can still use utility items while confused.
Prevents you from attacking for $T amount of turns.
Lowers your agility to 0 while immobilized.
You can still use utility items while immobilized.
Debuffs lower a particular pet stat by $P percentage or $X points.
Can Debuff the following: Agility, Power, Defense, Ability Power, Ability Defense
Debuffs only last until the battle is finished.
Buffs raise a particular pet stat by $P percentage or $X points.
Can Buff the following: Agility, Power, Defense, Ability Power, Ability Defense
Buffs only last until the battle is finished.
How to suggest an ability:
When suggesting abilities, please use the following format:
Ability Name
Ability Element (planet)
Ability Base Damage
Energy Required (out of 100)
Intellect Required
Effect (optional. If using, provide all associated variables. See "effects" in the section above)
Default? (if so, for which creatu and what growth stage)
Weapons are self explanatory. Choose a weapon item that already exists on Rescreatu. When suggesting weapons, please include the following:
Weapon Name
Weapon Base Damage
Weapon Effect (optional. If using, provide all associated variables. See "effects" in the section above)
Intellect Required
Armor are self explanatory. Choose a armor item that already exists on Rescreatu. When suggesting armor, please include the following:
Armor Name
Armor base ability defense (blocks ability damage)
Armor base physical defense (blocks physical damage - weapons & normal attacks)
Intellect Required
Utility Items
These are items that are not weapons or armor but can be brought into battle with you. These items are used for utility purposes. These items can restore life, energy, and can remove debuffs. They can also be applied with the buff effect. When suggesting a utility item, please choose an item on rescreatu that does not currently have a use (lots of potions, etc) and assign it the following information:
Item Name
Amount of life restored
Amount of energy restored (out of 100)
Does it remove debuffs?
Does it apply a buff? If so what stat and by how much.
Please make every effort to make your suggestions BALANCED. We do not need weapons that are too strong. Also keep in mind the rarity of the item you are using. This should effect your ideas for it.