Devamp Potion

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5:34pm Jul 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 536
Its simple. A potion that makes your creatu become devamped. For example: Heres a before and after devamp potion-



Maybe it could be called the Nostalgia potion. I dunno. I like the idea and think Patrick could make some money off it in the Credit Shop.

5:36pm Jul 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,645
That's pretty awesome!

 photo ._zpshjgx8mo4.gif

5:37pm Jul 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
Sorry, no support here. The main reasons being that Rescreatu has a specific style, and some of the old graphics have been lost, in addition to being extremely poor quality to the point that having them on the site would be a bad reflection on the development that goes on here. 

Consistency in art is key, and doing this would, I suppose, take away from the hard work that the artists have put into the revamps. 


6:11pm Jul 3 2012 (last edited on 6:12pm Jul 3 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,044
i think this is in topics not up for debate... 

also no support.

Work in progress

2:35pm Jul 5 2012

In Training

Posts: 355

Topics not open for debate:

Potions or anything else to "de-vamp" site art.
A certain style is required by the site to keep the art current - this just is not going to happen.

Consistency is a very important part of Rescreatu's Development. We work hard to produce Art that meets a certain style and quality standards and replace graphics that do not meet these standards. We do not wish to continue use of graphics we had reasons to replace!
An additional reason we will not offer old graphics as a creatu verity is that we don't have enough of any old graphics to release in a consistent way.

Alternately we might be able to make an official gallery of old creatu graphics if that is something players are really interested in. I think otherwise it makes good Fan-site fodder ;D

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