Dream Builder Names

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11:28am Jul 25 2015 (last edited on 8:14pm Jul 25 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 179
I was editing my wishlist and checking with my saved dream builder avatar just now. I am so annoyed 
because I don't know what some of the items are even called. I spent ages trying to work out most of the 
stuff, but I still have three items I don't have a name for.  Is there a way of finding them out? It's quite 
annoying you know. So is it possible? Plz let me know. And if it isn't possible, please can you take it into 
consideration with the new update. 

I am ashamed of myself - I have a dead Iluvu and a Dead Silver Sirleon. I also have no resurrection Potions.

11:42am Jul 25 2015

Normal User

Posts: 179
Hi guys I just found everything I want in the item database, but it took a while to find two of the items. 

I am ashamed of myself - I have a dead Iluvu and a Dead Silver Sirleon. I also have no resurrection Potions.

12:03pm Jul 25 2015


Posts: 3,217
if you hover over the item with your mouse (in the dream builder) 
the name should appear, obviously this isn't possible on tablets and phones though ;n; 


3:29pm Jul 25 2015 (last edited on 3:30pm Jul 25 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 179
Yeah I have  an iPad that's why.

I am ashamed of myself - I have a dead Iluvu and a Dead Silver Sirleon. I also have no resurrection Potions.

12:56pm Jul 26 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,667
Yeah. Holding down on it, clicking 'open in new tab' and looking at the link name works. For one of the items on mine, it's absolutely useless so I'll just have to get my computer in about an hour xD 

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

2:24am Jul 27 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
I understand your concern about this ;o; It can be a pain to do on Mobile devices, I'm afraid.
I don't know if you know, but Res itself isn't very compatible with mobile devices unfortunately 8c We plan to change this in V4 I believe, but nothing to guarantee yet :c

I do believe that Res should be more mobile friendly though! ;v; A lot of users use mobile devices, so it'll be equally convenient for them as it is for PC users~ ^^

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