Gender Options / Pronouns

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12:33am Nov 3 2014

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Posts: 74

As a member of the MOGAI community (Marginalized Orientations, Gender Identities, and Intersex), otherwise known more popularly as LGBT+ or LGBTQIA+, I highly recommend Rescreatu have more gender options for their players! This will make the Res community more diverse, as well as a more comfortable environment to surround oneself with! Instead of choosing between the social binaries of "male" or "female," Rescreatu could implement, for example:

Gender: Cisgender Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His

Gender: Gender Queer
Pronouns: Xe/Xem/Xir 

This, however, is only a mere example! Of course, Rescreatu would know exactly how to put such a thing into action. Whether it be adding pronouns, or just adding more gender options! (By the way, non-conforming genders are already marginalized, so it would really suck to be put off as "other" in my true opinion!) Whichever way Rescreatu decides to have this option, if at all, it would be a really amazing feature! I truly look forward to seeing where this suggestion goes.


2:10am Nov 3 2014

Normal User

Posts: 540
full support, players being comfortable in the site should be a priority, and not being able to properly express their gender because of lack of representation probably doesn't help much towards that goal.

i'd say allow people to imput their gender through a text box rather than having to pick from a set of given options, same thing with preferred pronouns. as long as it's not abused by writing silly, trivializing stuff like "gender: magical rainbow unicorn".


5:00pm Nov 3 2014

Normal User

Posts: 74
Thank you so much! And also, I think by including more gender options, it will help educate others! Like if someone has never heard of a non-binary person or a gender fluid person, it will encourage them to perhaps Google it and inform themselves!


8:39am Nov 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 611
This is a really interesting idea that I feel could be implemented onto the site if it was given enough attention and thought! I totally agree this would make many users feel more comfortable and also allow others to become more educated on topics like this! I haven't ever seen something like this on another pet site I've played before, so I feel it would make Rescreatu even more diverse and unique which is always a good thing as it'd help to draw in even more members! Full support from me! 


3:06pm Nov 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
This is definitely something that's needed *u* supporrrt


7:18pm Nov 4 2014

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Posts: 104


7:19pm Nov 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 133
Fully support! :D

7:20pm Nov 4 2014 (last edited on 7:25pm Nov 4 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 76
Honestly, as a Transgender Individual I don't see why this is needed. 

I mean for the sake of an imaginary character on a virtual website I can pick a gender. It doesn't mean I have to abide by it on the shout box.

7:22pm Nov 4 2014 (last edited on 7:24pm Nov 4 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 74
Thank you for your input, Hyprus! But in all honestly, as a non-binary individual, I don't like having to pick between the binaries male and female. If someone is a trans man or trans woman, it wouldn't necessarily seem like other options are needed! But, not everyone fits into the male or female category. Not everyone uses strictly he/him or she/her either. 


7:34pm Nov 4 2014 (last edited on 7:35pm Nov 4 2014)

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Posts: 4,093
As much as I 100000% support this, it's been suggested already a couple times before. Upon checking the Suggestions List I see that it wasn't there... So I added it. Hopefully threads are just kept alive instead of making new ones now. xD

But yes, absolute full support! Genderqueer, nonbinary, agendered and transgender folk should have just as many options and acceptance online as cis folk do. ~

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

7:35pm Nov 4 2014 (last edited on 7:38pm Nov 4 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 49
You know, I myself am non-binary. As a person who identifies as niether male or female I have to say I agree with Hyprus. This site is a place where you have the option to make your own character and to explore using an avatar, not yourself.

I am all for the idea of brining the rights of Gender Queer indaviduals to the surface of modern media and this seems a bit much. This is just a place to have fun and I see no reason to drag politics or societal issues into it. I can't understand why it would be an issue to pick a gender for the sake of a game.

As  person who suffers from D.I.D and has male, female, non-binary and trans personalities, I can be male one day and the next wake up as a female. That being said even I see no need to make this an issue. Games are usually this way. Skyrim, fable,  almost every roleplaying game. That is all it is. A game.

I also find the term cisgender to be offencive. Cis refers to comfortable in your skin. There are two issues with this. One, not everyone who is gender is comfortable at all within themselves and two, when used negativly it is basically implying that JUST becaise you like your gender you're bad. 

I really think the system is fine the way it is.

7:37pm Nov 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 74
That's what I was seeing as well, Dustfeather! Thank you so much for adding it on, and I hope it gets implemented! I do plan on keeping this thread alive for as long as I can to see if it gets more supporters!


7:47pm Nov 4 2014 (last edited on 7:53pm Nov 4 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 74
Rusted, I am very glad you've chosen to voice your opinion! Thank you so much. But however there is one thing you have got wrong! Cis does not mean someone who is "comfortable" in their skin! Because if that was the case, then yes it wouldn't be very good of a term to use.

A cisgender person is "someone who identifies with the gender/sex they were assigned at birth." It just means this is how they identify! There is absolutely nothing wrong with cis people at all, either! Even if a cis person isn't comfortable in their body, it only means that they enjoy identifying with what they were given at birth be it male or female binaries. Only people who are immature refer to cisgender people as a bad thing. There is nothing wrong with being cis or not being cis.

 This is why we don't have to add in "Cisgender" to the gender options... Perhaps I wasn't too clear on that part. It was only a mere example! Male and female should still be options, because trans men and women are men and women. But there should be other choices as well, such as "agender" and "gender fluid" "non-binary" etc. 

I completely understand that this is a game, but it's not just a game where you can compare it to Skyrim, Fable, etc... It's also a social site where you make friends, meet people, and learn about others too! You have to think not only of your comfort zone but the comforts of others as well. Many people don't like having to pick between just "male" and "female" even if you are okay with such!

The gender/pronoun options don't have to have anything to do with the avatar itself, either. What I meant was, the options for the profile of the individual player themselves. 

This suggestion was for the comfort and diversity of every single player who comes across Rescreatu. And by implementing more gender options, it will encourage others to educate themselves about all kinds of people.


7:54pm Nov 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 49
I think that was why I said I agreed with Hyprus.

Just because your avatar is male or female has nothing to do with how you identify in the shoitbox or on the forum. If that were the case them this website and indeed most websites around the web would be very uncomfortable for my other sides. All that I'm saying is that you can pick an avatar to dress up and still identify as whatever you like in the social aspects.

I do believe that like aywas we should be able to put female clothing on the male avatats to create some more diversity.

We're going to have to agree to disagree on this point.

8:00pm Nov 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 74
I'm not trying to have any disagreements but what I really mean is that the avatar has nothing to do with what I'm trying to say here. Anyone can pick an avatar of male or female and dress them however they like since, after all, it's just a character on a virtual pet site. It doesn't have to be the individual at all. I see where you're coming from.

All I was representing was the gender posted on an individuals profile. When someone visits the page, they see it. So while the avatar doesn't really represent the person, I just thought it would be decent to have more options for the profile. 

Thank you so much for helping me out with this! I should have been more specific with what I meant. But if you think we should agree to disagree, then that's okay too! Have a nice day/night!


8:30pm Nov 4 2014 (last edited on 8:31pm Nov 4 2014)

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Posts: 4,093
"This is just a place to have fun and I see no reason to drag politics or societal issues into it. I can't understand why it would be an issue to pick a gender for the sake of a game."

But see, it shouldn't be a political issue. The fact that it constantly gets erasure and not included anywhere is the reason it's so controversial. By just going "nah it's too complicated", we're doing nothing but perpetuating that exact issue. :C
Besides, I'm sure some people would have much more fun if they could have their gender identity and pronouns accurately displayed instead of thinking someone might automatically assume that they're male or female based on their profile. :C It would help to make people realize not to just assume what people identify as, even in real life! 

and omg yeah Cisgender literally just means you identify with what gender you were designated at birth. At birth I was pronounced a girl; I identify with that just fine, so I'm cisgender. A trans or nonbinary person can be perfectly comfortable in their skin, but might not identify with the gender that they were assigned at birth. I meant no offence D:

"Just because your avatar is male or female has nothing to do with how you identify in the shoitbox or on the forum."

Absolutely, but having to say "no actually, i'm not a girl" or "actually i don't identify with a gender so please don't use those pronouns" can probably get tiring for some people. Even if your profile and identity don't have to necessarily match, it would be a lovely addition for the people who want to avoid others constantly misgendering them just because they didn't have enough options. I think people get enough of that irl. ;c

Anyway that's my two cents. I see no reason that this is a bad idea since the only harm it could ever do would come from bigoted or closed-minded people who want to butt into others' gender identity. ovo In any case it's an opportunity to educate those people as well. Coding-wise I'm sure it's not very complicated to just add more options to a list that already exists to choose from.
Other than that, it just offers more potential comfort for those who want it. Even if you are nonbinary or trans or agendered you don't have to use it, but it would be available for those who would find solace in it.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

8:40pm Nov 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 74
Thank you so much, DustFeather! Genders of all types deserve to be represented and by having Res potentially implement this it could do so much good!


9:23pm Nov 4 2014 (last edited on 9:27pm Nov 4 2014)

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Posts: 777
 Now I am one of those people who tries to be open minded but for example when I log onto Aywas and see all the gender options listed, I actually find it a little out of my depth looking at the entire list of genders available to choose from: Male, Female, Hemaphrodite, Androgynous, Agender, Bigender, Genderqueer, Neutrois, Pangender, Non-binary, Intersex and Other. I would go as far as to say sometimes as much as I would like to understand the difference between them all, it can be very awkward to bring it up in a conversation without accidentally causing offence because there have been times where I have got some of these terms mixed up. So while I have no problems with something like this being implemented, I feel it would be beneficial to also have an explination for each one for example if were to have one pop up if we hovered over the gender listed on a user profile or even a link to a separate page.


9:40pm Nov 4 2014

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Posts: 4,093
That's a valid point! Since gender is a social construct, there are infinite gender identities out there and it's impossible to encompass each and every one. We could have a fairly inclusive list (including "genderqueer" which can sometimes encompass many things) and then an "Other" option.

Or we could abolish gender entirely and just have a list of pronouns to choose from. I think as long as whatever we have is mostly inclusive it'll work great.

Though having small, simplistic definitions for each one would be really great I think! Nothing complicated since there are children on this site, but things like "Bigender: I identify as two genders!" or "Non-binary: I don't identify as male or female, but as another gender!" or "Cisgender: I identify with the gender I was assigned at birth!". Doesn't take much and would educate tons, as well as widen the minds of young people. c;

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:58pm Nov 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 74
I love your idea DustFeather, even listing pronouns would be really awesome! But I love the idea of a small caption as well. Now that is something that I think is really beneficial as far as education- and not to mention really cool and unique!

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