1:29am Mar 6 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 989
If you're an old user, you'll remember when the Atqueen Forest was an abyss. Endlessly stacked with pets both worthless and worth a fortune, no search function to tell you what might be in there, just you and your safari hat and machete (so to speak). Then one day, I believe it was through accidental action on the part of some staff member, the entire forest was cleared.
While it's never going to be like it was, and maybe that's for the best, I think it'd be cool if it had a little of its old draw.
What if the forest was 'closed down' for a while? Just a couple months. Some cute explanation could be tacked on like a rare flower thought to be extinct was found in the forest and it's closed until the area can be fully researched. That would allow pets to pile up in the forest. Perhaps a user-run movement to buy up cheap pets and forest them would start up. Which brings me to my next point.
Foresting compensation should be increased. There's not nearly enough incentive to forest pets, especially with the shifting economy. It would be great if a system similar to the pet quest systems could be implemented, where high colored pets could fetch more tu from a foresting than natural ones. Not as much as their sale value, perhaps, but more than spare change. Maybe even a foresting quest complete with points and rewards someday; Addison's Jane Goodall brother or something.
We just need some kind of plan to jump start the forest and make it more enticing.

1:33am Mar 6 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,062
I fully support this, and not just because I'm your best friend. xD
1:34am Mar 6 2013 (last edited on 1:35am Mar 6 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 30
Very interesting! I'd love to see this happen. It would be awesome!=^D
7:58am Mar 6 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 2,200
The "old days" sound so great! I remember when the forest was cleared but, I don't think I really saw the forest at it's best. I was new when it was cleared and when ever a good pet does go in it's taken within that day. I strongly support this idea.
7:58am Mar 6 2013 (last edited on 7:58am Mar 6 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,200
Sorry double post:(
7:31am Mar 7 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
Oooh, support. I joined in summer of '12, and I never had a chance to see a full forest. I'm lucky if I find anything now, and I don't really bother using my explores anymore, it's just a pointless waste of my time. I think it would be wonderful if the forest would become lively again.
12:06pm Mar 7 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,937
Oh man, I remember how people would just automatically go to forest only to find some junk-pets for trade. ; I Yet there were some "HOLYCARP" surprises sometimes when you DID found a pet worth a bunch. Yes, please bring some of the old ways back. It was pretty cool. And why not put some sort of limit (I thought this'd be good for Trash Isthmus too) that one can only adopt pets if they have donated pets as well? Yes/No? Bad for newbies, though, but at least /something/ like it so it wouldnt always be so empty? :' I
...aaand my point being YES I support the idea of making Atqueen Forest more interesting.
12:16am Mar 9 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,250
Even though I wasn't here during the "old" days, I TOTALLY support this, sounds interesting!
4:05pm Mar 9 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,786
I support this. o3o <3
I would also like to suggest that perhaps creatu that have 'wandered off' can be found unnamed in the forest as well. c:
[ The 'wandered off' thing being a creatu that has been in the hatchery for 15 days and then disappears. I mean, the creatu have to go somewhere, so why not the forest?]
4:52pm Mar 9 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,274
Ah I remember the old forest. I think I found a liyure in there once. o _o" But I support fully. The closing the forest down part would be great, but you'd still be able to do the botanist quest, right? ^^
8:37pm Mar 9 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 989
That's a great idea, Vin! It'd be an easy way to keep the forest full. I'm not sure if everyone would take to the unnamed thing though, as it could be seen as an easy way to get something similar to more hatches. It would have to be discussed I guess. I'm for it!
And I don't see why not, Flor! The flowers and the pet searching are different aspects after all.
8:49pm Mar 9 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 73
Support. I remember the Old Days too. Found an albino in there once. I was floored.
7:43am Mar 12 2013
Posts: 2,155
I'm all up for new suggestions for the forest, but not suggestions that want a repeat of what used to be. The reason I say this is because all those unwanted pets that used to keep the forest full, they were only a small portion of the unwanted pets, the rest were in rancher shops keeping the economy down. It's a good thing that the forest isn't full of unwanted pets anymore! Means we are going in the right direction. Shutting the forest down for a few months wouldn't do much of anything, btw - the forest was shut down for several months at the beginning of these changes, remember?
I don't support increasing the TU given for releasing pets into the forest unless an increase of the TU given for releasing a hatch unnamed increases also. We always want it to pay more to release a pet unnamed than to hatch a junk pet and put it into the forest for TU.
What are some other ideas you guys have for the forest? New ideas, new concepts, new storylines, not ones that will bring back the past, because the past wasn't working. ;)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
12:59pm Apr 9 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 354
Sounds great. I wasn't here when the old forest was but it sounds like a good idea and support it.
9:53am Apr 14 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,003
Kind of reminds me of that one old thread where somebody suggested forest points that you get for abandoning creatu, and if memory serves the idea was favored.
But anyway, support
7:38pm Apr 14 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,752
that is an AMAZING IDEA i never got to go to the old forest i joined in 2012.. i sooo SUPPORT THIS!
12:59pm Apr 15 2013 (last edited on 1:06pm Apr 15 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,372
Maybe it could have an Alice and Wonderland motif? And it could have different sections.
In one section there could be an intes (to resemble the caterpillar) and you can talk to him and he'll sputter philosophical gibberish and silly sayings and phrases. Or there could be a little text box in which you ask a question, and he gives you some silly answer that picks up on a key word in your question. It could be like "Seek Wisdom!"
Example: Q: Intes (whatever name?), why are you so silly? Answer: Silly is my favorite color, and it is good for the soul to be silly
Okay that's an awful example but you get the point? He could have a bunch of prewritten phrases or something like that, and fills in certain spaces with keywords. Maybe if you put in a certain keyword he'll give you a special item related to it, either a new item or preexisting one. Like if you say pizza, he'll give you a random pizza item (another lame example). And then the page would say things like "Well...maybe you can make sense of it?"
Or there could be like a word of the day (or couple words of the day).
There could maybe be an otachie that looks like of like the cheshire cat who has riddles, and will give you tu or something if you get it right. To make it easier there could be like..options for answers you can pick (that would make sense), and you have to figure it out on your own.
And another part could be a section with talking flowers! It could replace the random picking of a flower (just an idea). Like you can click on responses and have little conversations and they'll give you flowers. And perhaps a rose garden where you can pick white roses and then use bottles of dye to color them, and put them on your human avatar. And/or there could be like a queen sort of lady who has a quest for certain colored roses and she'll give you a reward if you give her the roses she wants. She could be like an albino iluvu or something xD Or a woman with an iluvu. Or man idk let's not be sexist
There could be some funky awesome art and maybe you just wander around the forest looking for pets (because you could still find pets obvs) but there are different paths you can take and some lead you to different weird things.
1:07pm Apr 15 2013 (last edited on 1:13pm Apr 15 2013)
Posts: 3,217
omg.. just.... support for all of Reqs ideas (so much love for Alice and wonderland) Edit- we could get Ha items for answerig riddles, questions, like mad hatter hats (or the res-equivalent), card suits, and state changing Mushrooms as well as the flowers
ooo and some magic cake...
and i want to see an otachie grinning ;0;
and you can have a tea party with a leverene, a chimby and a crazy npc
and... and.. and. * goes completely over bored in my head*
I dont support closing the forest but I would love to see some forest bases story lines to try and revitalise it :D~
1:14pm Apr 15 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 366
The botanist could be the mad hatter
seasonally there could be tea parties with special things to do the forest could still be there we could have a jabberwocky or well a black dragon type pet named a jabberwocky the jabberwock could possibly give random eggs mostly common but sometimes really rare ones. in the forest when hunting have random things happen. like you suggested the cheshire cat pops up with a random saying the red queen could be the host for the flowers, she could say something like who painted my roses red? and then the list of random flowers in opening htis new forest sell alice in wonderland close at the cash shop
1:16pm Apr 15 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 366
i mean alice in wonderland clothes