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1:26pm Mar 13 2014 (last edited on 12:01am Jun 6 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
'Ello lovies~ A few of us were talking about H/A items on the SB, and we realized we really need a few more things such as;

Tattoos - I know we already have the one Henna tattoo, but I think we need a few more. Examples include chest, arm, shoulder, neck, and leg tattoos. These would, of course either be in a set or of different designs, like phoenix, tribal, or even words, much like RL tattoos. alSO music notes and hip tattoos.

Piercings - Yes, we have ear piercings, but shouldn't we get others, such as lip, nose, cartilage, eyebrow, and belly-button? These can range from large to small, and of course, have different colors/designs.

Shirts - Most of the T-shirts we have aren't very fashionable (in my opinion, at least), so I think we should maybe come out with more shirts such as the Oversized C@ T-Shirt. Or, at least, ones that aren't skin tight. A lot of the people in this world (including myself) aren't going to be flashing their bodies, especially if they're not in mint condition. And, as it's impractical to re-draw all of the clothes to fit different body sizes, this is the most logical course of action.

Handhelds - As some have suggested, we should implement more handhelds into the Human Avatar set up. It would be nice to have things like weapons, musical/hobby (drums, guitar, trumpet, etc).

Headphones - This is a bit of a narrow topic, but I would love to see headphones worth their way into out closets. c:

Hair - I know we just got new hairstyles, and that's amazing, but why don't we expand on this a bit more? Something like bedhead, windblown, or things like that? We also need more, better, long hair styles. The one we have is rather flat, so I'd love to see some with more volume. Also need better fringes, please and thank you.

Body - This has already been suggested, but I would love to see different, abstract colors of body paint. Perhaps some with designs, or simply a color (pink, blue, grey, whatever). Also things like red or purple eyes could be cool, though it doesn't fit perfectly in this category. uwu

Feedback suggestions -

Variations - Things that would be on a normal human; freckles, pimples, scars, etc. Suggested by tle="Dustfeather" target="_blank">Dustfeather.

Facial - More expressions, such as angry eyebrows, a frown, etc.  Suggested by tle="Pretzel" target="_blank">Pretzel.

Hoodies - HOODIES HOODIES HOODIES WHY DO WE NOT HAVE THESE OMG Suggested by tle="Daisuki" target="_blank">Diasuki.

Pants - Bermuda shorts and mid-calf leggings would be great! c: Suggested by tle="RainOfStars" target="_blank">RainOfStars.

OAK - Just like with creatu, but for outfits. Suggested by Pretzel.

Shorts - Baggier ones, like basketball shorts. Suggested by tle="Souda" target="_blank">Souda.

Makeup - Eyeliner, eyelashes, eyeshadow, more blush, lipstick, etc. We could also make colored contacts, in the stead of having them as body features. Suggested by Souda.

Creatu Onsies - Just like a bunny onsie or something, but creatu-themed. 8D Suggested by tle="Zen" target="_blank">Zen.

Floral Print - Dresses, scarfs, shoes, jackets. What more need I say? Suggested by myself whoot.

Wigs - Unlike normal hairstyles, these are harder to come by. You can dye them outrageous colors and they come in all different kinds. From punk to Victorian, they'd be totally rad. Suggested buy tle="Smuh" target="_blank">Smuh

Purses - Also falling in line with handbags and backpacks, why not? These could be simply fashionable or creatu themed. Suggested by RainOfStars.

Stripes - Just like floral print, but stripes. I don't think we have a single striped piece of clothing??? With summer coming up, this will totally be in. Things like dresses and totes would be nice with this. Suggested by myself.

Sandals - We don't have a particularly good selection, and it'd be nice to get more. Suggested by xXStormyXx, who I am too lazy to link to rn.

KneES - these suck. please fix them. just do it they're awful bye (just my opinion oops)

Facial hair - Beards, goatees, mustaches, groucho, etc. Collaborative suggestion of Stormy and myself.

Plaid - Floral, stripes, plaid. We need plaid shirt pockets, plaid jackets, plaid scarfs. I don't care, we just need it. 
Stormy and myself.

Jewelry - Dog tags. Ankle bracelets. Rings. Feathers in your hair. Chopsticks. Who cares?

Clown - We. Need. Clown. Clothes. I can't stress grouchos enough, okay? Okay.

Squishies/stuffed animals - These could be creatu themed, but they'd be handheld. They would be just like the squishies - placed on a shoulder, at your feet, whatever - but they'd be a special H/A version. Something like "Stuffed Rodi" or whatever. You could also combine them and make a Creatu Pile, which could like attack you or something idk.

Etc - The catagory for everything else that's too narrow for it's own.
Waist things - Jackets, sashes, etc. I really love things like that idk.
Better afros??
brAIDS, but like the loose curls. you feel?
like, better boots. cowboy boots and stuff. boots that go over your pants but aren't a mile wide.
Sheer jackets, sheer shirts, etc. Something with a denim pocket, a collar, whatever.


Please let me know your thoughts on this <33

EDIT: wow this actually got quite a bit of attention thank you omg <3


4:49pm Mar 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
We need more hand-helds.
we only have like 12 items we can hold..and thats it.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

2:15am Mar 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 708
more oversized shirts yes pls


11:07pm Mar 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 640
Handheld weapons!


12:01pm Mar 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
I agree with this and everything else stated! Especially weapons!
And man, I would LOVE to see some more options in the Body Features maker-- particularly things like freckles, pimples, maybe even scars.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

3:08pm May 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
I support, and i suggest adding the feedback to your first post.
More facial expressions too. haha I remember Souda who wanted to make their HA look evil/angry?


11:54am May 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

"Shirts - Most of the T-shirts we have aren't very fashionable (in my opinion, at least), so I think we should maybe come out with more shirts such as the Oversized C@ T-Shirt. Or, at least, ones that aren't skin tight."




4:09pm May 20 2014


Posts: 910
WEAPONS AND "IMPERFECTIONS."(freckles, scars, etc.)
You have my full support ^^
I'm loving these ideas!


4:38pm May 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Added suggestions and a few new things to the first post. Feel free to suggest more! <3

also Kathe omg thank you for saying imperfections I was literally looking for that word for half an hour <333


8:14pm May 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 709
I support all these but just to add my two cents maybe hoodies. You know like sweat jackets or something like that. Maybe they same something cool or something like that. I know we have like the oversized sweater but something a lil different from that. 


11:15am May 24 2014 (last edited on 11:17am May 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 858
I would love purses, bags, and backpacks. Also some bermuda shorts and leggings that come down to mid-calf, but do not cover the feet.

I also support all the rest, especially handhelds and looser-fitting clothing.

2:10pm Jun 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 611
Bless this thread




2:13pm Jun 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
Suggestion to change "imperfections" to "body variations' or something hahah
Oak clothing request should be a thing too yo.

Moar leg warmers!


9:38am Jun 2 2014 (last edited on 9:40am Jun 2 2014)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Can we pleaasee have baggier shorts (basketball shorts!) and have bracelets that can go on either hand and idk maybe some makeup like eyeliner. Also coloured contacts yay!

The only thing I vote no on is the OAK clothing - the artists are very much hard at work getting general releases done and right now even the pet OAKs are taking up a lot of time. Maybe in the future, but I can't see it happening right now.


4:51pm Jun 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Alright everyone, suggestions added. And to Dodoburb - Yeah, we understand that. At this point, this thread is mostly just a collection place for a whole jumble of H/A ideas that we'd like so see once you staffers have time. <3 

Thanks ya'll <33


12:13pm Mar 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Not sure if this will thrive, but I'm reviving~


12:15pm Mar 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
I support this lol


2:51am Mar 17 2015


Posts: 3,216
Creatu onsies :U 



8:25pm May 22 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Once again bringing this back! Added things like wigs, different prints, and even bags. 


4:05pm Jul 30 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,667
Maybe more body shapes? As odd as it may sounds...  Plus, I agree with the knees! XD I was just considering the fact that some stuff can look a bit daft on a character, as well as the fact the body shape looks a bit off. Oh, and wigs for all hair types. Most of them are more for straight hair, etcetera. 

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
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