I think we all should be able to hatch up to six eggs a day, because It would be better and it would nicer that we could hatch more creatu, then just 3. Post here to support! *Or for any more ideas*
and patrick has already said that the number of hatches won't go up... the economy would go *poof* and we'd be stuck here with millions of horribly named nattys b/c all the names would be taken and albinos would be as common as sepias or creams. yeah being able to hatch more creatu might be ok... but for the most part it would kill rescreatu and that is not a good thing!!
Not tryin' to be mean, just saying, it would be the end of Rescreatu! Atquati would catch on fire! Scria would crash into Relcore and suffocate and crush anyone living there! Reiflim would become so hot that it MELTED! It would be the apocalypse! D8
username has a point... it would become chaotic... more creatu, more populated, and before you know it, another overcrowded site, like neopets... no more good names... not good