It's pretty ridiculous at the moment - Healing water costs as much as, if not MORE than, the resurrection potions, due to people sniping the shops. Wouldn't it be better to make it so there is an alternative, albeit difficult in order to keep the rarity there?
Something which gives every player a chance to get one without having to save a fortune for the ridiculous amounts (last I checked the cheapest one was 2,000,000 Tu - Cheapest Resurrection Potion was 1,340,000). Even if it's a rare event that results from a dip in the Enchanted Springs (Hey, until I did some digging, I though that WAS how you got it, explaining the prices in the market)
If this has been suggested and turned down for whatever reason already, sorry. The lack of a search bar here makes it a bit trickier, and google brought up nothing