Had an idea.
Holiday dye kits!
Dye kits that are only found or
Earned ON a holiday, that has
Special holiday colors.
Let me explain.
Halloween event.
Halloween dye kit- will dye your pet
Orange,black,and green.
Can be found by explore, or pet
Explore or a prize after handing
In so many eggs at random
In sister shops.
Christmas event.
Christmas dye kit- will dye your pet
Red,green, and white.
Also.. found by following
Conditions.. such as halloween..
Valentines event.
Valentines dye kit- will dye your pet
Pastel pink,neon red,and white.
Found like other events above.
Easter event.
Easter dye kit- will dye your pet
Pastel blue,pastel pink, and pastel yellow.
Found like the others.
Each one will only be found
On their holiday at a 1% chance
Out on explore.
Or 20% chance with every 10
Eggs handed in.
A mixture of 3 colors..
Not each color separate,
Like.. red,green and white.
Will.. let's say... color a wyrae
All 3 colors.
Like, it's belly will be green,
And it's skin and be red and white.
I think.. this will excite ever user
Into exploring more, and
Handing in more eggs,
Making holiday creatu not
So commonly hatched.. And
Maybe not so worthless.
What y'all think?