Holiday Prizes

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11:27pm Mar 26 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,326

Instead of spawning adorable but virtually useless items that barely anyone wants;
how about the distribution of stat increasers? eg. Increase power by just 1 or something?
They'll have some value to them because of usage effects.

And then when battle is released eventually someday, they'll be even more valuable.
There won't be a shortage or sudden BAM release of battle related things all at once.

Or not just stat increasers really, maybe throw some hella rad weapons in too.


11:55am Mar 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 460
This is a pretty good idea.

Roditore Queen, Always

12:35am Mar 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 749
Semi-support...some people may not really consider the stat increase to be of any use (somehow I think it'll be a loooooong time before battles come out) but we really need these holiday items to have some sort of use.

I mean it could give an avatar when you play with these things, be a wearble, etc. The halloween masterpiece price was my favourite so far as it had a function.


8:48pm Mar 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,326

Art based items are nice but we already get a lot of these from participation as it is.
They still depend heavily on appeal because users don't like how it looks or find that
it's not something they need for their avatar eg. frosted branch antlers
they just don't do the tunnel quest at all. Same goes for avatars really.

On the topic of HA items though, I think making art for old clothes is a better idea.
We've got Strap On Mirabilis Wings, Kindreds Double Set Wings, tle="" target="">Jesters Cap etc

I liked the Halloween Masterpiece too but it's essentially a stat increaser?
There was no content inside from what I remember.
So just intel points plus stuff in library.

Books would be nice though, books with content.
But we still only have one writer lol so idk if spawning quality stories every few months
will be possible.

Although ye I do agree with you on that it'll be an extremely painful wait for battle.
However assured usefulness in the long run still feels better than purely collectable item.

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