Human Avatars - your wishlist

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5:20pm Jan 2 2020


Posts: 394
Hi Everyone!

I'll be the first to admit - the Human Avatar system is a bit outdated, clunky, and cumbersome. As such, at some point I would like to improve it :)

I have a ton of ideas myself, but I know HAs are a popular feature. Something tells me many of you have a lot of opinions and suggestions surrounding the feature. I'd love to hear from you all what you don't like about it, what features you wish we had, etc. This is a pretty open conversation. Let's try not to focus too much on general UI / quality of life issues because those are all a given of course. I'm more interested in your thoughts regarding the actual functionality of the feature.

Looking forward to the conversation.

5:26pm Jan 2 2020


Posts: 2,155
I wish we had the option to choose and swap genders at will. Definitely more hair choices. And 3-4 body types for each gender would be great as well!

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5:36pm Jan 2 2020

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
I can't even make a statement without saying how broken the system is. Layers disappear, items don't have a way to see what drawer they would go in beyond common sense (and even then, it's things like Accessories vs Add-Ons vs Clothing Accessories. They're not clearly named and there's really no differential between the three.), and it's just a pain in the butt to do anything with the base body features like skin tone.

Also, generally not a big fan of skin tones being named after foods after a certain shade.

Ideally I'd love to see the drawers split up and more functional -- we could do it like Aywas and let us organize and name drawers, or like Subeta and just name them after the body part they go on, with some items being in more than one category (which is another huge issue I have with Res' organizational system). If we could sort them by color -- and start giving artist's hex codes to use with bases so that every lemon item doesn't clash with each other -- then that would be nice too.


5:36pm Jan 2 2020

Normal User

Posts: 910
I would love the idea of having more body type variation but I know the time and money that would have to be sunk into that.

Tbh I would settle for an HA feature where you can choose a non-gendered person so it's not got boobs or the heavily V shape of the male body.

For other things I wish to god the colours matched on more of the items?  It makes it really hard putting together an outfit because the blues aren't the same shade or tones so you end up with slightly green blues that look awful with something else labeled as blue?? 

Last thing I can think of that drives me a little up the wall is that there isn't any proper structure to some of the clothing items and they don't follow the same line down the front of the avatar so you put on an open jacket and then its off to one side and the neckline is way over on the other?


6:10pm Jan 2 2020 (last edited on 6:19pm Jan 2 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 13
It's hard to think of things that aren't to do with the clunky AI.

Are we still going to be getting the option to have one of our pets sit at our HA's side, as is implied in the pet directory (like the NPC's have)?

A couple of variations for certain item poses would be nice. Like, what if I am left handed and I wanted to hold my sword in my left hand instead? Though I understand limitations there because of art.

Being able to move your HA around the space to place them in different areas of the background, same thing with a pet and other items that sit beside you.

Being able to favourite items in your wardrobe, and a favourites category.

Having more slots for items on your HA would be great but I understand if that would be a bit overboard and make them too messy.

It would be nice if you had save slots where you could save multiple dream builds. Maybe even be able to see them all at once to compare.

And now some UI-ish stuff.

I would like the ability to pick your hair or eye colour first and then be able to scroll through the eye or hair shapes, or even a drop down box. This would save a lot of clicking the next arrow so much for those features.

I think the clothing categories, especially in the dream builder, are a bit big at the moment, making it difficult to find things. I think it needs more categories or even sub categories. For example, in the jewellery category, could split it up into necklaces, earrings and bracelets. But it would be particularly helpful for some of the more unwieldy categories, like Add Ons, which could have sub categories for wings, ears, tails, eyes, auras/backgrounds, etc. Another example, I think jackets and capes could be separated.

Renaming some categories or adding a descr-iption to them might help a bit, I know I often get confused as to what counts as an accessory, and add-on, or a clothing accessory. Also rather than having the categories in alphabetical order, how about an order that makes more sense like, starting from pants, tops and shoes, and having things like accessories and jewellery down the bottom, so dressing up the avatar flows more naturally. Also why does it auto default to the jewellery category?

It would also be nice if within the categories, rather than having items in alphabetical order, so all the black things end up together for example, it would be nicer if it could be ordered by the type of item, say, all the colours of puffer jackets sit together, and all the Uilus cloaks sit together, so you can see all the colours one item comes in together rather than it being so mixed up as it is.

The z-index stuff is clunky but I don't know any way of fixing that which wont limit creativity, and I would never want to do that. Maybe a little explanation to new users of how to change the layers as it can be a little tricky to figure out at first. Also an explanation to the difference between the wardrobe, closet and clothing rack at the top of each for newcomers. 

Also the little window that pops up when you click an item, why does it show pose 1 and 2 before the whole item preview? Shouldn't it be whole preview first, then the layers? Its also easy to miss the horizontal scroll bar that shows you the different layers of the item, maybe make the window bigger to see at least 2 layers at once (if an item has 2 layers). Or rather than a scroll bar, a big arrow? 


12:20am Jan 3 2020

Normal User

Posts: 105
I'd like more hair, eyes, and mouth variety

Fix the la
yer disappearing issue

Add more customizable layers? It's nice being able to use the top part of the Jaaku horns and hide the bottom portion

Definitely more IRL clothing "genres" like hipster stuff, goth stuff, punk stuff, sports fan items, nerdy stuff and weeb stuff

2:08am Jan 3 2020

Normal User

Posts: 369
Well, I would love it when our HA's have more options as to make-up of some sorts or more mouth choice because i was trying to show my in real life ex
pression but i can't find a frowning mouth on here when i do the Dream Builder

this signature is dedicatedrn

7:40am Jan 4 2020 (last edited on 7:41am Jan 4 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 21
More customisation options
ie. Body type, chest size / shape, poses, gender neutral options.

Eyes / Hair better shapes+styles, colour, expressions (mouth, too!)

FIX THE LAYERS omg. A better system is needed so stuff doesn't vanish, delete parts on a whim, etc.

More slots! Maybe buy slots with tu once you fill the initial allotted slots we already have?
Specific slot for backdrops?

More clothing styles for sure. I neeeeed punk and goth stuff.

Can we also have an option to remove the whole, undergarment thing if we have a item like the bony chestplate like I do? The undergarment just ruins the whole aesthetic :(

12:07am Jan 5 2020

Normal User

Posts: 105
Actually. I have had something in mind for ages

The ability to draw and create custom clothing, submit it and have it accepted and usable. Ofc it would need to match site art style, and be done for both body types.

But for instance, say I'm wanting an open front black button up. I draw up the art for both bodies and the inventory piece, send it in however and get it approved, and coders simply code it in like a site artist drew it.

Either they could be sold in the cash shop for TU,  or Fashion galore would stock em at a decent price. 

Maybe it's an item that could be sold for TU in the CS, that you can "use" to submit the clothing.
This way, we can create clothing (Or pay other users/artists to create it) that fits exactly what we need.

I know lots of people like to match their HA to their name, I'm one of them. I'd actually grab a FBC and change it rn if I could get a outfit that fits the anime character I'm trying to go for

9:41am Jan 7 2020 (last edited on 9:41am Jan 7 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 347
The only thing i have an issue with are the Layers

This is by far the one that annoys me the most. After the first save, when you come back to edit your HA  - some parts just disappear. And you'd have to go all over again adding the clothes in order just to re-save along with the edit. 

The second issue i have which is a smaller concern - is the Accessories compartment. Most of the stuff in the accessories compartment can actually be put under other categories such as add ons/head so im not sure why it exists. 

Thirdly ( More of a wishful thinking )  - Just like most users, i wish for more Ha items and/or backgrounds. Now im aware that this requires manpower and more strain on the artists but it would be great if we can adopt a concept like Flight Rising - Put up a competition for designing backgrounds/clothing and such (so that users can try their hands at it and artists dont get swamped). The winner gets a free copy of their HA and their design is put up for grabs in fashion galore for say... A week before being retired ? Or if it's lovely enough, the winner gets a free copy of their HA and their work becomes a top 10 leaderboard prize or a leaderboard prize in general. To control the amount of new items being added to the site maybe you can hold such events - twice a year ? Or even just once. This kind of thing could be helpful esp if a leaderboard prize is required for events like Halloween and such but artists are totally swamped. I get that the one big setback is that Res has a certain style of art and this is easier said than done - but it's worth considering. 


4:25pm Jan 11 2020 (last edited on 8:19pm Jan 11 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 443
My #1 complaint is the number of slots!

We have so many great items and only being allowed to choose 15 items is SUCHHHH a bummer. Decided to design a new HA for myself today and there's AT LEAST 6 other items I would love to add to this outfit but just can't.

^ that's 10 slots I used for my head alone....
and honestly I don't even think my HA is all that busy. =P

Also, I know the system has some coding issues, but I feel like this could be implemented pretty easily just by tweaking the 15 item limit (where ever that is defined), extending the table background image and adjusting the page to accommodate the new table.
So (I BEG OF U) maybe this can be implemented soonish??
I'd honestly drop money on CP to have more slots soon lol.

Ideally I'd love to have like 35 items as a limit, but I'd settle for 25. X)

As for more body 'types/shapes' - I think this would take a ridiculous amount of work and money to achieve. Thousands of overlay images would need to be produced just to have overlays for all items currently on site, and I'm guessing that many PSD files are not available anymore, considering so much HA art is 10 years old at this point. I don't think this is a reasonable goal and would take so much away from the production of new content/items.

The disappearing la
yer issue seems to only happen to me in the REGULAR wardrobe builder, by the way. The dream builder does not suffer from this disappearing la
yer business. At least mine never does, and I use both features frequently (and manipulate A & B layers every time I use it). So perhaps comparing the two could help solve this issue.
I hope we always have the ability to move layers around, it's the #1 redeeming quality in this system! Of course I don't think many users understand how the z-index system works so something more clear/user-friendly might be nice.


3:09am Jan 12 2020

Normal User

Posts: 3,007
I'd like more slots as Ori said.
Maybe 5 more slots would be nice.

I'd love different body builds.
Like.. curvy,pixy,muscle,chunky.
And maybe different positions.
Like the way our arms are posed,
Or legs.

But, i also like the idea,
Or letting our selected pet,
Be able to have it's own
Thing as well. 
I mean, it's beside us on
A blank screen.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

9:39am Jan 14 2020


Posts: 2,155
A search feature would be nice, to find which section an item is in. For example I can't find the new tea item to enable it on my HA.

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8:10pm Jan 15 2020

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
The update posted reminded me -- please for the love of the holy god, stop making backdrops leaderboard or event only oh my god it's so frustrating

The really nice, basic skies we got (night, day, sunset) would have been FINE in the clothes shop. The fancier ones, sure, but events are already frustrating beyond belief just... Let us have backgrounds without spending 100-500mil buying them off of people who only may want to sell or spending just as much -- bad internet notwithstanding -- to get on the leaderboard.


8:37pm Jan 15 2020

Normal User

Posts: 443
This also reminds me that I would actually use backdrop items if I had a good deal more slots. :') With only 15 slots to work with and many backdrops being two+ items to set up (sky backdrop item + ground backdrop item), there's just no way I'm forfeiting clothing/etc for a background. Which makes me sad because I own a few really pretty ones. :')

And I agree with search function & more backdrops that aren't leaderboard items.



5:58pm Mar 7 2020

Normal User

Posts: 195
We should have avatar options like Gacha Life!


4:34am Mar 10 2020

Normal User

Posts: 48
  • My wishlist would be

  • More slots
Using layers on mobile to work
Easier hair change
Maybe items you can position yourself

for the hair change i would suggest a labeled picture of each example then just two selection categories: Style and Color

Why bother with a signature.
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