Inactive User Re-Names (Please just have a look)

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3:14pm Jan 9 2016

Normal User

Posts: 292
So it has come to my attention that all of the good names are taken by inactive accounts.

Now I think that this has come up before, but I have a way around that... I think...

So if an account has been inactive for I'd say 5/6 years, and the name is requested again by a Forged Birth Certificate not a new user, then the person who owns the name gets a real life Email, asking if the account will ever be active again. 

Now I know, that accounts cannot be deleted.

So instead of being deleted, the account should be Re-Named 'InnactiveUser' to free up the name.

This way, there will be a lot of that name though.

Now maybe, this is going into a bit of trouble (of course you don't need to email necessarily) but it should still be considered.

If, this is going too far, we could always come up with an alternative.

My alternative is that the inactive account gets renamed to 'Innactive____' take me for example. 

It would be 'InnactiveFlaws' even though I'm planning on playing until my afterlife... Well... Maybe... That's a bit too long...

Anyway, I would like to hear your input on the suggestion. Thank you.



1:37am Jan 10 2016

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Uh, you can use FBCs to get usernames that are on inactive accounts?

When you use the FBC, you just have to type Request(username)

Like I had to do RequestNova


2:37am Jan 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 292
So Nova was an Innactive account?


3:06pm Jan 10 2016

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Yeah, as were all of my previous usernames LOL


10:45am Jan 11 2016

Normal User

Posts: 292
Okay, just out of curiosity, what happened to the user already called Nova?


2:17pm Jan 11 2016

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
I think support changes their usernames to their user ID, or something like Prev(username)

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