Interactions with Creatu

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12:06pm Nov 20 2017

Normal User

Posts: 7
I honestly, since I've joined, have not been able to feel any sort of attachment towards my creatu. After checking to see if the specific interaction ideas I had in mind had been suggested, I decided to suggest some below. This game is about raising creatu from eggs and collecting rare ones, and yet, there seems to be little to do with the creatu beside selling them once they've hatched...

I think we should have an easy way to access each creatu's page. That way other users can see others creatu pages easily, and we can write them easily. Maybe instead of just a blank canvas, there could be separate sections such as; Biography, Appearance, Preferences. This might even add a more roleplay aspect to the game, which will make it more involved.

Currently we can play and feed our creatu, but there should be some other things we can do with them. We could be able to send baby and adol creatu to a nursery, or school, in which some of their stats could improve after spending real life time there. It might cost money. Maybe there are supplies you can get to boost points earnt, and decrease time taken?

That brings me to Stats. We should have some way to utilize our creatu's stats. We could have a battling system similar to pokemon, or have them perform tasks that will be easier to complete if their stats are higher. Tasks could include collecting food and supplies, delivering letters, cooking food, baby sitting, working at a store and more.

Maybe we could have a little message each time we feed, or give our creatu a toy, describing how much they enjoyed it, this doesn't have to be coded to match every item. Below are some examples, using the name Pablo as the creatu name;

"Pablo thought that meal was delicious!"
"Pablo slurped the drink away in seconds!"
"Pablo didn't seem to like that at all..."
"After playing with that toy, Pablo couldn't be happier!"
"Pablo still seems bored... Maybe another toy?"

Just by adding these simple messages, it could add a lot more character to creatu's and make them a lot more personal. You could even code it so that the creatu has its favourite foods and toys displayed in its profile, and its worst liked too, or it could be random every time! Either way, it would definitely give users a bit more interest in their creates personalities.

That brings me onto personalities. Each creatu could have it's own personality, that it's born with. Creatus that already exist could be given random personalities. We could have a way to purchase something that changes their personality, or maybe certain activities and foods could influence change in their personalities? Some personalities are below;


Just with a simple personality in their profile, they can already seem a lot more developed! If you wanted to go the extra mile, you could make their personalities effect their performance in certain tasks, and their reactions to food. Below are some examples;

Snobby creatu could dislike Cheaper food (Food under 5,000 TU)
Timid creatu could dislike Noisy toys
Cuddly creatu could gain more mood boosts from Plushies
Active creatu could do better in physical jobs, and earn more TU from them
Greedy creatu could have a slight better chance of getting higher quality apples

This is about all I have to suggest. ^-^

Maybe the wolf is in love with the moon, and each month he cries for a love he will never touch.

6:51pm Nov 20 2017

Normal User

Posts: 3,009
There is a thread like this,already.

And yeah everyone agrees with having,,
More to do with your creatu.

Maybe in the new V4..we can haves,
More interaction.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!
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