Item uses?

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10:51pm Jan 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 385

There are a whole lot of items on Res, but a lot of them are useless aside from being put in collections. Sure, you feed your pets food, toys (are supposed to) make them happier, books make them smarter and there's a few useful items like Blessed Flowers and potions and so on. But what about the clothes? The weapons? The makeup? The other flowers? The water bottles? They do nothing.

So I was thinking, shouldn't at least some of them have uses? I though of some things that certain items could do.

Clothes and makeup could make your creatu happier, 'cause they feel pretty. Perhaps, (if possible,) some pets enjoy being dressed up, and some don't. It could be a hidden value, chosen randomly when they're hatched, that decides if they get happier or less happy from clothes and makeup.

As for the weapons and armour, maybe they could be training aids? They could either automatically give your pet x number of power/defence/agility points, or make them less suseptible to injury for x amount of time, or mean that their training gives them more points than normal for x amount of time.This could be a tricky one though.

The flowers are a tricky one, but maybe if you had a certain (large) amount of a certain flowers, you could turn them into a necklace or something. Then it would be treated like the clothes.

 So. Thoughts? Comments? Something I've completely missed? I know it would be difficult for the staff to change so many items, but with there being whole shops that don't sell anything with a purpose, it'd be nice to see some new uses for current items.

I've had to go on a unplanned hiatus and will not be able to get on much, if at all. I apologise for any inconvenience this causes you! If you really need to contact me, I may respond to rmails.

11:00pm Jan 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
I'm far too tired to make legitimate comments on the things I'm not sure about, but I will make comments on the stuff I know. There's been hints for months that clothes will have a use in the future. We aren't sure what that is yet, but I'm sure the staff have some idea. The armor and weapons were for battling in V1. Currently the battle system is being revamped but when it comes out they will have a use again, so those don't need to have anything done with them. The makeup might go with whatever use the clothees will have. The flowers I dunno (maybe something to make sure you don't always get Blessed Flowers and that Blessed Flowers retain some value?) and the water bottles and such I dunno.


7:21am Jan 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,148
Rest *censored*ured that almost all items will have a use in the future other than just collections. We used to have a battle feature but that was taken down and will be revamped to function similarily like the site (only with less glitches.)


7:11pm Jan 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,962
I love the idea of make up and clothes having that effect on your Creatu.  I suppose there's not much to say, seeing as both a senior member and a staff member have posted here, but I'd like to give my opinion on the flowers idea, as I actually have an idea for it.  x3  Maybe, once you get enough flowers of a certain type, you could convert them into a bouquet?  They could be worht more than the individual flowers themselves, and could possible act as a toy for Creatu.  :P  Well, that's my two cents worth.

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
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