Just my 2 cents

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10:13pm Aug 25 2019

Normal User

Posts: 5
for a new player, it goes like this: 3 egg hatches for the whole day do not last well. with the percentage they can get rare crdatures yes but there is mostly natties and even fails. after that, play the kini games that last less than 3 minutes each. quest cant be done since the items are extremely overpriced and newbies cant get any items for quest. all in all over the whole time ive been here ive completed all the activities within 30 minutes to an hour. it doesnt hold enough attention to keep a nee player interested. and with the name system it makes it discouraging when pets cant have the names you want to get them because its taken. HOWEVER, the game has many many MANY good things that cary alot of potential.  the morphs, the events, the customization and the wonderful community (you guys!) i really really love this site and everything about it. and i honestly wish i could  see more players here because this site truly deserves it

10:16pm Aug 25 2019

Normal User

Posts: 369
I agree with your idea, but what about if to find the percentage of rare eggs quicker?

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10:41pm Aug 25 2019

Normal User

Posts: 5
ok so when it comes to egg hatching, that can be a bit tricky. normal fresh eggs have a 85% chance of hatching. meaning out of 100, if you land on a number anything above 25 your egg will hatch.
61/85% of hatches is a percentage is a creatu with a morph (from sepia to achromatic)
so theres about 60/100 chance your creatu will gain a  unique color, with 40% being it a failed hatch or a natural hatch.
you would think 60/100 is a good thing, but due to this, the rarity... isnt rare. it is a high percentage that your creatu will have a unique color.
so thunk of it like this:
sepia has 20% hatch rate, sepia isnt very sought after but is still unique. lets call it an 'uncommon' morph. if we add cream (15%) to the mix then here is what you get:
75% of hatches are going to be either a failed, natural, sepia or cream.
this is not including black (10%) which would make it 85%
the other morphs are so little in percentage that it causes the prices to be so incredibly high and over inflated. if there is an issue with too many creatu than this is one of the reasons why. the percentages need to be adjusted.
i understand that the % arent fully accurate due to the achro but thats only 2% that is balanced out to the rest of the 100 percent which is only a +.003% chance difference.

my suggestion: adjust the percentages into rarities and events.
common morphs: natural 
uncommon morphs: sepia/ cream
rare morphs: black/ginger
very rare morphs: silver/blond
Hidden morphs: calico/Albino
that is 5 groups.
common= 35%
rare= 15%
very rare=10%
achro hatches can be implimented by monthly events where the percentage will REPLACE the fail attempt bit by bit. i suggest an item that can be charged by active play (3 levels). each level replaces 3.3% of the 10% fail chance by how much you play. example: level 1 achro incubator (?) raises achro chance by 3.3% and lessens the fail chance by 3.3%. this will cause players to play more and strive to get more percentege to reach their goal to get an achro hatch.

10:46pm Aug 25 2019

Normal User

Posts: 369
no, i didn't mean egg hatching percentage, ok, do you know whenever you find the eggs in the explore tab and couldn't find any rare ones? that is the part where I am stuck and can't find any rare eggs, so if there was a percentage of if you get close to the rare egg or not, it would be helpful. 

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10:48pm Aug 25 2019

Normal User

Posts: 5
ah i see! let me do some research on that

11:09pm Aug 25 2019 (last edited on 11:14pm Aug 25 2019)


Posts: 2,165
This is an interesting idea :o here's some of my own feedback:

There is a way to earn one more free hatch per day via daily rewards. It does take a while but all you need to do is hatches/springs/forest/quests/etc to get to 100% per day. The rewards are a way to encourage more people to play consistently. As for the name system, I know it can seem discouraging, but the unique names contribute to the site's economy and there would be no way we could remove that feature without upsetting a large portion of the userbase. Albino was recently increased from 1% to 2% to make it technically the same rarity as calico/blonde/achro (but people still charge the same prices for binos). I'd also argue that sepia pets are very sought after because when using a natural colored jelly bean, the least rare colour a pet can change to is sepia, so most people try to bean sepia pets. Their common hatch rate makes them inexpensive but their use for beaning makes them desirable. 

Another thing to note is that searching for and selling eggs is a great way to make tu when you're just starting out. The egg market would be your best bet for tu making right off the bat, and then when you have tu for the items, quests are another step up from that. Pets aren't the most reliable source of income on this site, (which is interesting given how much of the site is based around the pets lol), but you can also bulk buy from the NPC shops and then resell those items to make a profit in your merchant shop. 

Hatching also isn't the only way to get a rarer creatu colour-- the enchanted springs have a random chance to change your pet's colour (dye kit or hatch colour excluding trance, gold, and achromatic) after visiting it for 16 consecutive days, and natural colored jelly beans have a random chance to change a creatu's colour to anything but natural/the colour it already was. 

Calling calico/albino "hidden" is a little strange to me because it implies that they're harder to obtain than they actually are. Achromatic isn't a super sought after colour because one of the main things that makes pets valuable isn't just the rarity of the colour it is, it's whether or not it can be handed into kir's quest. Kir doesn't take achromatic pets, (I really wish he would, especially since we have a skip token now), so the only use people have for them is collecting, which really only goes so far. 

(I don't mean to sound discouraging at all btw! I like your adjustment idea c:)


6:30am Aug 26 2019

Normal User

Posts: 5
its tottaly fine! of course it needs some help haha but its just what im seeing as a new player. i understand that the name thing is supposed to be unique but its going to get to anpoint where no name is unique and every creatu is just going to be "dkwbfjsjdbdj" some people might be upset but more new players arent going to be interested because they cant even name theur creatu
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