Justice Court anyone?

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6:41pm Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 161

It's last updats was about two years ago. People ask why other users were banned, and the Justice Court tells why in a quick and general statement.

�Said user was banned for so long because they broke this rule.

I understand there is a crazy ratio of support to regular members. Keeping up with updates could be hard. It wouldn't have to be everyday, maybe weekly, bi weekly or even monthly. Hiring more support staff could be another option. But if it's not going to be used, then either vanquish it, or have something else in its place. People are maturally curious about why. Even myself, I've wondered why some of my friends that I've reffered to on Res have been banned. I resist to ask because talking about banned users is looked down upon strongly.

So, just some quick thoughts. Post your opinions and why and all that jazz.


9:14pm Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

Good idea, some people who don't know why they've been banned never know why. Friends should be informed why that person is banned. However, if people think the banning is unfair, they will complain to the staff, right? This will give the right for some unfairly banned members to have some sort of way to be un-banned (which is good). But some immature people will not accept the banning (of a friend) and question the staff and will never stop annoying the staff because their spammer friend got banned.

Many people do get banned and it will be difficult to keep updated. Several members only make an accountto simply become banned. Sothis may cause a problem.


Feel the love man D:<

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