Let's Start Something. [Preservation of pet worth!]

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6:10am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,036

Do you remember.
When this pet:

Was worth millions?
And do you wish.
That this pet:



Was worth more than 4 mil pure after using your hard achieved albino hatch?

This is a suggestions thread for those who want to help Rescreatu and it's slowly downward spiralling economy for pets.

We encourage you to do the following:

  • Use less hatches.
  • Release pets that you KNOW are becoming worthless before you hatch!
  • Support ideas for making pets rarer and improving economy.

    The economy needs your help, members of Rescreatu.
    Maybe it isn't your job.
    Maybe you think things should be done without you having to.
    Maybe you're right.

    But still.
    Every little contribution helps!
    Anything that you do DOES make a difference, because it's one step closer, one pet less, to making pets all over Res more valuable and thus increasing the fun of the game.

    Let's make getting an albino pet a real challenge.
    Let's make it so you have to work to have coloured seasonals.

    Let's start something.

    Please! If you have any ideas that I could add to this post, throw them in! We'll be showing our support for suggestion threads in the near future, so if you find any worthwhile, Rmail them to me or post them here and I'll edit them into this first post under a loverly banner. ^o^

    If anyone would like to make us some graphics, that would be fantastic. Come on Res, let's do something about this!



6:13am Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 6:17am Feb 20 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 259

 SugarDiamonds: I remember when cream Ebilias were 5mil to buy. :/ What happened?

lutinofeather: I remember when sepias were worth 12mil. 



Help save the Rescreatu pet economy!

Over time, the pets on Rescreatu have been decreasing drastically in value. *With the exception of Kioka, Omni & Liyures, natrually* We have to work together if this is going to make it have a boom effect. 

1) If you hatch a pet you're going to chuck in the forest, please don't name it. Just hit the 'release' option. remember, it takes less work to simply release it unamed than to name it then forest it.

2)  Don't sell pets for ridiculously low prices. Even avoid 'ranch sales', & certainly  don't do it on a normal basis.

3) Don't hatch! That's right. If you're willing to take the plunge, don't hatch any creatu at all. I myself am willing to sacrifice this luxury to maintain a stable creatu value.

4) Convince your respals to do the same, tell them not to give pets pointless names & stock them for 1tu.

5) Spread the word. This is going to take a team effort to be anything worth doing, help save the Rescreatu pet economy today!



T'sall I have to say. :c 

Bloody Tiara Armada: 242

6:15am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 32
During Seasonal Egg Hunt, makes it harder to find, and equal when finding. I seem to realise that some people find more eggs than others in the same period of time. Also, we can...make it that lesser Seasonal Eggs can be found. This, would probably...fix the problem of the Colored Seasonal Creatu.

The longing, the yearning, when can it be fulfilled?
The sadness, the loneliness, when can it ebb away?
The anger, the fire, when can it be quenched?
The happiness, the blissfulness, when can I be touched?
When can I be washed clean, and start afresh again?

6:18am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
Great idea, Stae! All these will be going up on our first post. 8D
Lovely list there, Sugar. I'll be sure to put that up there with credit.
It's nice to see we have members who are up and ready for this.

I'll ask the ResCharity members about this and see if they'd like to be a part of it...


6:19am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 259
I'll see if my party would like to participate as well. o3o

Bloody Tiara Armada: 242

7:21am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 458

I'm all in for this! ^.^

Personally I'm getting very sick and tired of having to hatch an Albino just to make a decent amount of tu, so I'll try and help anyway that I can to raise the value of my pets. :}


7:45am Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 7:47am Feb 20 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 159

1. Make seasonal eggs a lot more hard to find. We've got so many members now, it's no surprise there's a surplus of seasonal eggs, and a highger supply means a lower price.

2. This idea came to me a couple days ago. Retire the most common pets. There's probably thousands upon thousands of the eggs in existence. The values of the pets will continue to drop ever lower as more members join and collect them. Alternatively, I guess the rarities could just be raised for the same reasons as mentioned above.

3. If we could get ranchers to buy up a lot of the underpriced pets and sell them at their previous values, that might help, but it would take so much time and tu I can't really see it happening.


By the way, this thread is pretty much what the party Res Economists has been about. 


7:52am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 520
-Make seasonals rotate every couple of years. One year you can get Ebilias, Iluvus and Easeros. The Next year you can get Uilus and Jaakus. It would be all random of course, and although not reversing the problem, people won't take seasonals for granted and it would certainly slow it down.

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8:29am Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 8:31am Feb 20 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 256

I have an idea for a way to increase prices. Don't immediatly put it up for sale right after it hatches, take the time to train it and raise its stats so that even a common natty would be more valuable. I know it always peeves me that I'll see a 50 day old pet I find in the forest and it still has its baby stats. I'm not sure about everyone else but if I'm comparing adults and I see one has been trained I'd pay a lot more for it, even if it is a natty.

 I also have a thread going about increasing egg rarity if anyone's interested in looking there. 



8:34am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 540

I think all us ranchers should start rising the prices of the creatu in our shops. And stop undercutting. You know how bad I feel when after weeks of getting only naturals and the eventual sepia I manage to hatch a black or ginger pet, just to realize that it's worth only 100-150k, even with a good name? If everyone raised their prices, then that'd make them a bit harder to buy.

And let me add some suggestions for the site-

 I could also say, put a limit not only to the amount of eggs that we can take in total every day, but also a limit to how many pets of a certain species. That is, you can pick up 100 eggs in total, but you'll only be able to pick 10 eggs of x species and 15 of y species. The amount of eggs you can pick of each can be listed in the Creatu List in the Hatchery, next to the rarity percentage and the time it takes to incubate. That could help with the hoards of seasonal eggs during hunts.

Making usable items out of failed hatches, not only for the seasonal eggs, but also for the common, all-year findable eggs. And those items can be used for collections and quests, to make them valuable, and so people intentionally fail their hatches.

Add another quest in which people can turn in their eggs. It could be... I don't know, a monster that likes to collect creatu eggs, and in return it would give you usable items and tu, the rarest the eggs you turned in the most valuable the things it gives you.

That's all for now, I'll think of more 0:


8:38am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 168
I seriously remember when a nattie male ahea was worth 5k ;c it was awesome monniez

(゚、 。 7
.l、 ~ヽ

8:52am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 159
Makah, we already have an egg quest that gives you tu.


8:56am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 540
Masked- that's why I said 'another'.


9:20am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3

If we refrain of selling coloured creatu when we hatch them, the price for them may rice. It concers to the rancher group, not to sell this kind of Creatu and keep them...

I know that my idea is similar to the one propouse Zada, but I'm agree with her for this point. I only wanted to put here my idea.

Thanks for this, Horselova n.n


10:26am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 159
Oh. I don't see what good two would do, then.


10:36am Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 10:36am Feb 20 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 540
Then, make the prizes for the quest we already have better. Because getting 20k for four items you could sell for over 10k each is not worth it. And add item to the prize, and get a trophy for completing x number of quests. Like, if you complete 50 egg quests you get a bronce trophy, 100 make silver, 200 is gold and 400 is platinum.


11:13am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,036

You're welcome. o 3o
All these ideas are really great guys, though what we don't want to do is start culling pets. Instead of that, just make people more aware of how they should be pricing pets.


Good idea with improving the egg quest, Makah!
When we list enough, I'll be sure to post everything to the staff members any way I can.


11:23am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,447

I'm currently saving for something I very much want, but even so whenever I see a seasonal pet under 100k, I try to buy it just to keep them at some semblance of worth (sometimes I just don't have the tu so they stay there at a low price). I'm not a rancher, but merchants can do it too. Sure we're less likely to resell it for a better price, but still. I also buy up pets that under 50 tu and either release them into the forest (trying to lower the number of pets in circulation somehow), or keep it for myself if it was something I wanted.

Also, I believe it would help if they fixed the forest feature where, if you didn't pick up the pet, it was deleted. It existed in V1, why not return it to V2? Then I would advocate that everyone use every forest search they had and, if you didn't intend to keep the pet for something, just don't pick it up and it'll be deleted. Suddenly there are a lot less pets in the forest. Combine that with picking up unwanted, badly named natties and throwing them in there for more people to delete and we can cut down the number of Creatu substantially (of course, this is paired with not naming the pets you hatch that you don't want or even not hatching in the first place that was suggested earlier).


11:49am Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 540

I'm happy to help ^^

And yeah, it would be great to re-introduce the pets being deleted as wolfspi said.

Btw, I'll be willing to help with the graphics once I get my tablet back ^^~


12:10pm Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 508
I'm collecting Dridians to hopfully lower the popullation to help raise the price. o3o

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