List of Suggested Ideas [So people don't repeat already suggested ideas]

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1:33am Jul 24 2011 (last edited on 5:24am Aug 20 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 756

Here is a list of Suggested Ideas and their outcomes, so that users do not make the mistake of bringing up the same ideas again. Users can also post any already suggested ideas that I have missed out. c:

I would appreciate it greatly if this thread is stickied, so that users can skim through the already suggested ideas whenever they want to. Staff can also edit this post.

NOTE! Newest suggestions will be posted in RED.

Officially approved posts (By Patrick/CM Team) will be in GREEN.

Implemented suggestions will be in BLUE.


Creatu Types:

- Alligator

- Spider > YES and implemented. Drachid.

- Gecko

- Phoenix

- Peacock

- Komodo Dragon

- Crocodile

- Shark

- Penguin > YES and implemented. Divuin

- Manta Ray > YES and implemented. Galta.

- Jellyfish

- Velociraptor > YES

- Chimera > Maybe

- Eel > YES and implemented. Guilbyss.

- Cow

- Sheep

- Starfish

- Snake > YES and implemented. Noctis.

- Beaver

- Buffalo

- Deer-Dragon hybrid > YES and implemented. Viarindi.

- Axolotl

- Otter

- Baleen Whale

- Orca

- Dolphin

- Camel [1 hump]

- Cyborg

- Kangaroo

- Dugong

- Manatee

- Mermaid

- Horseshoe Crab

- Turkey

- Frilled Lizard

- Platypus > YES and implemented. Mutant Divuin

- Hyena

- Scorpion

- Chameleon

- Elephant > Implemented. Eleodon

- Duck

- Swan

- Flamingo

- Giraffe

- Squirrel

- Lemur

- Hamster

- Dragonfly

- Boar/Wild pig

- Plant

- Beluga Whale

- Moose

- Blue Dragon Sea Slug

- Armadillo

- Golden Pheasant

- Flying Pig

- Butterfly

- Griffin > YES and implemented. Feiron.

- Moth

- Flower

- Tapir

- Quetzalcoatl 

- Ferret

- Sugarglider

-Hermit Crab

- Sea lion

- Walrus 

- Mammoth > Implemented. Eleodon

- Tucan

- Sea slug

- Raccoon

- Chameleon

- Coral


Creatu Suggestions:

- "Painted" Creatu that hatch from painted eggs > NO

- New Creatu for every new holiday > NO. Holidays variate across the world.

- Bringing back retired Creatu from banned accounts and holding a small raffle > NO

- Morphing potions just for CS pets > NO

- 'Beastly' Creatu > Implemented. Mutant Creatu.

- Ability to dress-up/put accessories on Creatu

- Ability to wash/groom Creatu

- St. Patrick's Day Creatu

- Rescreatu Houses/furniture

- Accessories for pets

- Creatu finding being more differentiated (night/day), only found in one area etc.

- Relationship/mate-pairing for Creatu > NO

- Interaction function between owner and Creatu

- Special creatu abilities that affect REs (for finding food, items, eggs, TU etc.)


Creatu Colours & Effects:

- Dalmation [Spotted] > NO. Some calico pets are already spotted [Gondra]

- Brindled > Already implemented in a way. [Some Calico pets were brindled-inspired]

- Bronze

- Variated pattern > YES and implemented [Calico]

- Monochrome [Black and white] > YES and implemented. [Achromatic]

- Siamese

- Semi-See-through

- Elemental

- Squishy

- Normal dyes for retired CS Creatu [e.g Magenta, Lime, Lemon etc.]

- Rainbow

- Galaxy > YES and implemented. Cosmic/Stardust effect. Approved by Xeeroh.

- Lilac

- Tattoo

- Camo

- Bio-luminescent

- Toxic/radioactive

- Chrome (Metallic blue, silver)

- Reiflem-obtained fire effect for Creatu

- Watercolour effect

- Sleepy effect

- Time effect

- Tiny/Giant Effect

- Angelic Effect

- Flowery effect

- Checkered/Plaid

- Tropical-coloured pets

- Tie-dye

- Porcelain

- Glass

- Crystal

- Aqua/water effect

- Void (pitch-black silhouette w/ glowing eyes and mouth)

- Ghost effect

- Steampunk effect

- Robot effect


Forum Suggestions:

- Edit thread ti'tle option

- Ability to delete posts > Implemented in a way. Forum thread "Cleaning Forums" was set up to accommodate this. 

- View your posts option

- Option to auto-format posts

- Fanart Board/Gallery > NO from Patrick.

- Giveaway Board

- 'Report' a thread as Inappropriate

- New User Quiz > Maybe

- Moderators able to move threads from one board to another when threads are posted in the wrong board. > Implemented

- Moderators able to edit/delete posts when deemed inappropriate or against the rules. > Implemented

- Staff having the same coloured usernames on the forum as they do on the shoutbox. This will help users to notice the staff more and identify who is staff, and who is not. > Implemented in V3

- Maybe have a post count and post rankings [exclusive for moderators and staff] to encourage people to post more on the forums and participate actively in discussions. > Implemented in V3

- Attaching polls to threads

- Saving unfinished posts as drafts

- Make own posts not count in subbing alerts

- Thread views

- Help forum category for all users > Implemented

- Different obtainable forum ranks for users eg. 'Creatu hoarder', 'Millionaire'

- 'I support this' & 'I don't support this' buttons for threads in Suggestions forum


Human Avatar Suggestions:

- Wearable Flowers > YES and implemented

- Ability to see the name of the item HA is wearing when you roll-over it

- Option to let your HA "try out" the clothing before you buy > Implemented in a way. 'Dream builder' Function.

- Cat tail/accessories for HA

- Change "ginger" hair colour to "redhead".

- Ability to have pets beside HA like NPC shop characters

- Wearable weapons

- Hair dyes

- Kilts

- More variety for HA; body shapes/eyebrow shapes

- Planet-specific perks for HAs

- Clothing; series of musical notes going up from shoulder area

- Hats not having hair stuck out when worn

- Wearable weapons and balloons

- Option to change underwear

- Pets beside HA 

- Wearable Pirate Hat(s)

- Body Feature selection list to dropdown list.

- Victorian style dress/hats

- Hoodies

- Tattoos > YES and implemented.

- More hand-helds (guitar, trumpet, violin, umbrella, bottle, pen, etc.)

- Creatu Onsies

- Hijabs

- Body Paint

- Freckles

- Mustaches


Account Suggestions:

- Ability to change username > YES and implemented. Forged Birth Certificate.

- Prevent sending to banned accounts

- Design your own user avatars > NO

- Delete your account > NO

- Chatting on Rescreatu 1x1 - Had been implemented in V3, failed.

- E-mail updates on Rescreatu - Has been implemented in V3

- Profile songs on profile > Implemented in V3

- Online/Offline option

- Feeding your friend's pets > Can be done by sending food via Food Pen

- Bulk sending of pets

- Closet For Clothing > YES and implemented

Alert that the food pen is empty

- Moving of 'Rules' tab to 'Blogs' tab

- Award for hatching the first/second/third Creatu/Creatu of a certain colour

- Option to have a part of the profile set aside for stories the user has written

- Creatu wishlist (Creatu version of item wishlist)

- Alert when a pet dies

- Ability to upload own forum avatars

- 'Preview' button for forum signatures

- "Block user" option for the shoutbox

- Alert for bidding for your own auction and how high the bid is currently

-Add more gender and pronoun options for users to choose

- Delete own Creatu from site

- 'Silent' declines for Respal requests

- Block feature for Respals

- 'Rmail user' button on user profile > Implemented

- Emojis for Rmail

- Ability to delete Creatu from graveyard


Quest Ideas:

- Phaeda Bio Scan pet quest log 

- Apple Drive Counter for Phaeda and users

- Apple Drive log

- Apple Drive leaderboard

- Kir asking for dyed Creatu

- Creatu for Botanist Quest

- Option to 'skip' a Quest on Kir's Quest > YES and will be implemented - Pat

- Kir asking for mutant pets

- Kir asking for Quelis

- Kir asking for Achros

- Bulk submit option for Quests (non-Kir)

- Quest that focuses on bulk-clearing common-coloured Creatu

- Botanist Quest leaderboard

- Markers on Quest page for items you already have (non-Kir)


Bank Ideas:

- Bank Interest > NO

- Bank History > YES. It has been implemented in V3 (Transfer Log)

Extended bank log


Trades Ideas:

- Ability to trade for certain pets like for trading of items > Not needed. V3 will allow users to send pets like an item

- Have an alert to inform people that eggs can spoil

- Add a 'report' feature

Time limit on Trades (30 days or so) where the items will get sent back to the owner if the trade is not successful before the time limit, because we currently have 2658 pages of trades with the earliest trade going back to May 28 2009.

- Ability to see others' trade offers


Item Ideas:

- Poking stick to poke people with

- Derp in a can

- Mouldy cheese to increase the chance of getting a mutant Creatu
- Squishy Shelf > YES and implemented.

- Natural Dye Kit > YES and implemented. All Natural Potion.

- Change 'You lucky dog' (Valentines card content) to something else

- Dye extractors

- Fish tank for fish 

- Toybox for Toys

- History of Rescreatu book

- Robotic spices that break down and rust over time

- Creatu-inspired items(eg. Zaphao fangs, Ardur spikes etc.)

- New throwing/interactive item batch

- Apple Slingshot/launcher

- Chicken, bacon, & ranch pizza

- Ability to use ageless extract on Mutants

- Wyrae hatching squishy

- Eleodon stocking; Eleodon scarf, Egg Bauble, Winter Eleodon Squishy

- Divuin stocking; Divuin scarf, Egg Bauble; Swimming Divuin wind-up toy

- Genetic destabilizer; causes selected pet to become mutant > YES and implemented. Mutation potion

- Make new items for advents every year & put old advent items in stockings 

- CS item: Allows you to change status on Users Online page

- CS item: Regain Springs level if one day was missed


Shop Ideas:


- Ability to view the current amount of items you already have for a particular item. Example: "You currently have __ of these in your inventory."

- If an item is needed for a quest, a notification/side note would appear beside  the item in the shop when it is in stock.

- "Make your own beanie" store

- TU-only egg shop where exclusive eggs can only be found/bought there. [gold sink idea]


- Ability to make bulk purchases > Maybe

- Autopricer function; prices items 1 TU cheaper than the cheapest


- Add 'purchase' button to pet search list

- Alert when a pet in rancher shop is sold

- Add more details to Rancher shop log (species & colour)


Shoutbox Ideas:

- Add /me function? [Enables user to do, when you type in /me, i.e Dragwolf is bored ]

- Text colors for Users on the shoutbox. > NO

- Highlight post when user's name is mentioned on the shoutbox. This makes it easier for people to see when their full usernames are mentioned, instead of scrolling and over-looking the post. > NO. Has been implemented before but failed.


Games Ideas:

- Trophy for people who make the high score board for flash games

- Item search game (similar to seasonal egg hunt layout)


Auctions Ideas:



- Alert when auction ends

- Gauge which tells you if you are winning or not, like in item auctions. 

- Separate tab for auctions that have ended, and ongoing auctions. 

- Notification to tell/link you to a particular auction that you have been outbidded in 

- Make Close Auction button not invisible(?)

- Anti-snipe function


General Rescreatu Site Ideas:

- Night and Day on Rescreatu

- Multi-Pla.yer Games

- Doodling board for drawing

- Updating Of Help/FAQ Page To Fit V3 > Yes and implemented

- Time Event To Raise Creatu Value > Yes and implemented. Kir-leaving event.

Alphabetically list users on Users Online List

- Ability to hatch lime Creatu during month of St. Patrick's

- 'Login' button where 'Logout' button is for when users are not logged in

- Style Switchers > YES and will be implemented -Pat

- Animation for 'hunting' of eggs [Human Avatars roaming around planet(s)]

- NPCs having different dialogue the more money you spend in shops

- Bring back morphing potions for a short period of time/event

- Bring back interactive items > Implemented

- Make clock on-site display in real-time and not show just the time when one refreshes

- Planet event that arrives once a month for a few days, requires user to explore for a minimum amount of time each day till all tiers/everything is unlocked

- Birthday item/pet, optional announcement of user birthdays

- Creatu with effects count towards Unique Creatu

- Filter function for storage

-  Avatar/clothing tutorial

- Rescreatu shoutbox subchats - 'Sales', 'General', 'Roleplay'

- Open the Relcore fishing hole to all users

- Add areas exclusive to worlds similar to the Relcore fishing hole


General Graphics Ideas:




Commercial Ideas:

- Rescreatu application for Ipad/Itouch/Ipod/androids/symbian

- CashCards to buy credits with real money for people in countries other than America

- Rescreatu plushies and figurines


Additional Features:

- Egg Counter; lets us know how many eggs we can pick up before reaching the 100 egg count limit

- Hatch probability data for colours > YES and implemented - Pat.

- Another column for Mutants in Creatu Log


Staff-related Ideas:

- Concept Artist > NO


Hatchery Ideas:

- Egg Sorter for Hatchery

- Failed hatches not counting as a 'hatch'

- Information about CS creatu hatch chances

- Hatching animation/au
dio for Creatu

- More design features for Hatchery to make it look like a Hatchery

- Ability to obtain twins from eggs


General Search Ideas:

- Advanced Creatu Search to find more than one colour

- Creatu username search function; search for pets under a certain username

- Creatu Name Search > NO

- Graveyard Search

- Users Online Search

- Search bar for rmail

- Pet Search function ON the auctions page

- Search for effects

- Search function for squishy shelf

- Search function for library

- User Merchant Shop Search function


Inventory Ideas:

- A "Read all books" option > NO

- Ability to view the number of hunger points a food item, or the amount of intellect a book gives


Food Pen Ideas:

- Ability to take food out of food pen


Showroom Ideas:

- Category Designs

- Adding more functions for the showroom

- Ability to move/remove whole categories 


Credit Shop Ideas:

- CS Egg Value Pack [Get 1 retired CS pet egg for every 1000 credits] > Implemented w/ Retired CS Egg Promo

Sell CS Clothing Pack avatars separately


Enchanted Springs/Forest Ideas:

- Don't delete pets in the forest > NO

- Forest ban for scanned pets

- 'Freezing' of pet stage/age when Tier 100 is reached

- Dropping down by a certain number of levels each time you miss a day instead of resetting completely

- Remove Petrified wood and Waterlogged book from Tier 3

- More items from the Springs/More tiers


Egg Market Ideas:

- Egg Market Log

- Ability to see if egg is incubated > YES and implemented.

- Ability to view the age of eggs



- Stumble across more than one egg while exploring

- Monetary reward/incentive for completing a collection

- Separate tabs for collections that have not been started yet,finished and unfinished collections

- Ability to look for Creatu via first letter of name

- Natural Creatu added to Creatu Colors list

- Color Collector Board

- Egg storage room (Will not affect egg aging. Just separate storage from hatchery)

- Change in system for Collector Board: Number of colours adding to points. Rank by points

- Size reference and Creatu scaled to size, possibly on the side of their information page

- Contest idea; Create-a-Creatu design contest, winner gets their Creatu art to become real on-site

- Petpages showing list of books, toys and food Creatu has used.

- Make Atqueen forest search similar to new seasonal egg search function

- 'Resaversary' gift (for every year your account ages)

- Collection for every type of apple

- Chat 'ping' function - @username will alert the user

- Multi-pet sending function

- Active pet interaction (text alert)

- Pick up items other than eggs > Implemented. Random event (RE) alerts

- Scrap rancher & merchant classes altogether

- Blog comment alerts

- Bring back premium accounts

- Allow off-site trading


4:18am Jul 24 2011 (last edited on 8:20am Jun 5 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 756
If anyone else wants me to add their suggestions to the list that have not been added yet, please rmail me or post on this thread.


3:10am Jul 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 622
Bank History, is what I suggested. Patrick said it will be in V3, if you want to put it down.

(-_-) zzZ

1:58am Aug 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756
Thank you. It has been added to the list.


3:34am Aug 5 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
I've gotten quite a bit of support on a Natural Dye Kit, and I have suggested a Graveyard Search if you want to add those. C:


3:36am Aug 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756
Alrighty, added. Thanks for posting~


7:43pm Aug 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,893

There's a lot of support for the New User Quiz for SB/Forums. o3o 

i’m such a gamer uwu

9:43am Aug 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756
Mrawr. Added~ c:


3:05pm Aug 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 923
A refill training energy item. Gunmetal said something like that will be released in V3.


9:18am Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756
Mrawr, okay. Added, thanks~


9:18am Aug 14 2011 (last edited on 9:19am Aug 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 756


12:45pm Aug 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4
I don't know if it's possible, but it would be nice for you to change the word "ginger" into "red" or "redhead". I'm a redhead and the word "ginger" is a derogatory term for redheads. And honestly, when I was creating my avatar and saw "ginger" as a haircolour option, I almost wanted to just quit the game right there. I know most people don't realize this, but it really would be nice for you to change this.

I'm always in my right mind.

12:00am Aug 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756

Phyre: I do not think that this is appropriate to mention/suggest, as the term or word "ginger" only refers to the colour, just like for the colour of the Creatu. Although the term may be used for the hair colour option, I do not think that it will affect many people.

I will add it to the suggestions list, though, and see how it goes.

You might want to make a separate thread about this issue to see the response from the different people in Res, and see if they feel the same way about it as you do.


6:10pm Aug 31 2011 (last edited on 2:52pm Sep 1 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 517

maybe you pay a specific amount every month to become a member, and are opened up to more options

ex. certain games you can earn credits in, certain pet colors or certain pets (not quite Csers, maybe like "member pets" or something) 


9:59pm Sep 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 299
I suggested having a tye dye kit, so you could add it if you like. The threads still up if you wanted to read more about it. c:


9:56am Sep 4 2011 (last edited on 9:58am Sep 4 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 756

Alright, thanks for the suggestions guys. I will be away from Rescreatu for 2 months because of my upcoming GCE 'O' Level examinations, so I will add them as soon as I come back from the extended break. ^^

If you have anymore suggestions that you would like to be in the list, please rmail the Support mods and ask them[nicely] to add it in to the list under the appropriate categories. As stated at the top of the thread, any of the forum moderators may edit the list.


Support mods include:

- 14brokenmirrors

- Kurokayce

- Lathrine

- Horselova


Thank you to the moderators who would be willing to help in the progress of the list. See you people in 2 months~


4:00pm Sep 13 2011


Posts: 3,216
id love to be able to change my user name, i have no idea what i was thinking :( But there should be a price or a limit. As for the- Cards to buy credits with real money for people in other countries- i use paypal :) 
id like to see some items for you pets to ware, like collers or pendents or an otter creatu!!


3:16am Sep 16 2011 (last edited on 3:23am Sep 16 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 756
The idea has been suggested before on another thread, and Pat said that it might be implemented. The suggestion has already been put under "Account options".

I was also thinking about that idea
Skypi, 'cause on another website which i'm on, I can easily change my
username by sending a message to the administrator on there.

Also, please look through the post before suggesting! That's what the thread is for. x)


7:51am Sep 19 2011


Posts: 3,216
mutant jelly beans??


5:13am Sep 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756
Someone suggested that but it a lot of 'No's from a lot of users.

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