More options on pet pages

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8:57pm Mar 29 2015 (last edited on 9:01pm Mar 29 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 159
I don't know if something similar has been suggested already, but I'd really like it if there was more we could do with our pets' pet pages. For example, a list of the toys they've played with, books they've read, and foods they've tried! And a customizable section where you could select their favorite food, beverage, squishy, book, etc. Maybe they could even "friend" up to a certain number of other pets, either yours or other people's.

I feel like this would increase the interaction-with-our-pets aspect of the game and give the common creatu more uniqueness and personality, which would be a good complement to the collecting aspect of the game. Right now I feel like the pets are just copies of each other and their names are basically the only things that make them differ. For some people their personality traits could even be a factor in selling/trading. Pet pages could be directly viewable from anywhere, including showroom and auctions, instead of just profile pages. What do you guys think?
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