My Ideas :D

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3:43am Nov 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 312

I posted these before.. but yeah...

  • RMAILING OPTIONS: I was thinking that on peoples profiles there could be an Rmail them option like that you don't have to remember their names/ copy them --> click Rmail --> compose. I think this would REALLY help because I have this habit of clicking on peoples usernames when I need to Rmail them xD but I think it would help all users even if you don't do that. Like if for example you are viewing a users profile and they mention they are selling something on their profile and you are interested, it would help if you could just click an Rmail [User] button.
  • READING: I was thinking that in the library, the books should have underneath the picture "Read" or "Unread" in regards to whether your selected pet has read that particular book or not, because otherwise you forget which ones each pet has already read and you waste a lot of time rereading books for nothing. 
Please Leave a comment with your opinion no matter whether it is good or bad :)


"Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;) "OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)

4:57am Nov 22 2010 (last edited on 1:11am Dec 1 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 312
  • The memory game ~ You have to match the Creatu's
  • Could be like a weekly Brain Teaser, and whoever gets it wins a prize
I was thinking that when you search for items in user shops it would come in really handy to just have a Buy option next to the price of the item you searched for, like that you don't have to go into the user shop and in some cases go through several pages of items to find the one you actually want. I was also thinking it would be good to have a "search Usershop" option, where you search for an item or key word in one particular user shop, like the search option in the inventory. I realise this could have some setbacks to the merchants as their chances of selling other things that the user wasn't directly searching for are much less likely, although I personally don't look at the other items the user has for sale (use Ctrl+F). However I think these ideas could really help make shopping for items much easier. I was also thinking that when you search for an item, at the very top it should have a link to the Rescreatu shop it sells in, tell you what price it sells for in the Rescreatu shops and tell you the rarity of the item. (If retired, would say it is retired and that it is unavailable in any Rescreatuian shops, or if a special item (such as creatu egg) would say where it is findable (if findable) and when it is findable (if it's seasonal)) I think it would come in really handy to have this information when buying items, especially for newer users who don't know everything as well as the older users may.
 I was thinking that in the portfolio transactions area we could have a last reset's/ last 12hr's value as well as current value as some people are unable to come online every 12 hrs...
I was thinking that maybe other than making the way you discard items more organised, it could tell you how much the trash isthimus is going to give you each time you discard an item BEFORE you actually discard it. For those who are just giving away items it doesn't really matter, but other people discard the items as a quick way of "Selling" the item, so it would be nice to know how much tu you're going to get before you give away your item. 

Please Leave a comment with your opinion no matter whether it is good or bad :) 

"Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;) "OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)

12:30am Nov 24 2010 (last edited on 6:03am Dec 15 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 312
 I was thinking each planet should have a special holiday dedicated to it (Kind of like Australia day or whatever kind of day other countries have XD) and during that holiday maybe there could be special squishies and packs in the CS that only people from that planet can buy and a special seasonal creatu. Reiflem's day could be during summer sometime, Atquati during winter, Scria during Autumn and Relcore during spring OR maybe Relcore during autumn, Atquati during Spring and Scria during Winter... 


But yeah.. Planet Holidays! :D



  1. In the 'My Bids' Section I think their should be an extra column saying who the highest bidder is.
  2. I also think that there should be an option to delete auctions from the 'my bids' section because at the moment they all just stay there, even the ones that are over. Or maybe we could have like a log of previous auctions we participated in like that the ones that have closed don't get in the way of ones we are still bidding on.
  3. I'm not sure if this is just something they are trying to fix but in the 'My Bids' section all the creatu you bid on appear as the natural colour no matter what colour they actually are. I think it should show you what colour it really is.
  4. I think all pet auctions should show all the information about the pet not just name and type of creatu but also the gender and colour and possibly even training stats and intellect as some people may sell/buy the creatu for this reason.
  5. I also think that you should be able to search for something in particular in auctions such as "intellect" or just females etc etc...
  6. In the current Bids Column I believe it should tell you who the last bidder was if there was one at all.
  7. I was also thinking that there should be an option to just watch an item/creatu in which you will receive an alert every time someone bids on that item etc
  8. I also think it should tell you when an auction you are watching/have bid on is almost over or has ended because sometimes you forget about the auctions.


"Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;) "OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)

6:34pm Nov 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,355

RMAILING OPTIONS: ehh... its an alright idea. but there's not much use to it.

READING: its... alright. but there's not much use to it.

  • The memory game: pretty good idea. i like it
  • Weekly Brain Teaser: its a nice idea. i really like it.
  • USERSHOPS: yes, yes, yes! i HATE having to go through the 'hippi's rare items shop'.


    3:26am Nov 25 2010

    Normal User

    Posts: 312

    Rmail and Reading idea are just to make things a lot easier, they would personally make everything much simpler for me.

    Thanks so much for commenting <3 the usershop idea is the most handy in my opinion as well. 

    "Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;) "OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)

    7:45am Nov 25 2010 (last edited on 3:24pm Nov 30 2010)

    Normal User

    Posts: 3,642
    But often it is beneficial to have to go through a shop. It's like how my dad and I can never go to Wal-mart without buying things we didn't actually need. We may have spent a little more, but it makes for fun times. By having to go through the shop's pages, you may catch your eye on something you want on the way to get what you need - so both you and the Merchant benefit.
    The reading one would be pretty nice. You can look on your Creatu's 'books read so far' page, but it can get to be a bit of a ha-ssle if there are multiple books you're not sure you've read. Lots of ctrl+F-ing, all in a row. And if this idea isn't possible, the darn books-read page should at least be alphabetised. o_o That'd be so much easier.


    8:00am Nov 30 2010

    Normal User

    Posts: 312

    "I realise this could have some setbacks to the merchants as their chances of selling other things that the user wasn't directly searching for are much less likely"

    I did mention it ^^ 

    I do realise that the way it is set out now is beneficial for the merchant (Not so much buyer as they may have found something else they decided they wanted but in doing so also spent some tu that they may have not wanted to because they were saving for something else) 

    I still think that it would come in really handy if this idea were to be implemented into the game. It isn't a flawless idea, most ideas do have their ups and downs, but i personally would love this to be implemented. Although, i guess Merchant's would be less inclined into having this idea become reality as it is less beneficial to them.

    I had more to say.. but i have a mental blank atm o_____O so if i remember I will say it later. 

    "Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;) "OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)

    11:17pm Dec 2 2010

    Normal User

    Posts: 312

    "Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;) "OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)
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