4:41pm Sep 3 2011 (last edited on 4:42pm Sep 3 2011)
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Posts: 299
Okay so last night at around midnight I was just cuddling with my kitty when I was like hey, there should be a tye dye color. Yeah, I don't know where the idea came from but let me explain.
The color would be rare, as it'd be hard to obtain. You'd have to buy/earn/credit shop this "machine", if that makes sense, and then you'd have to get one of each dye kit. Then you would combine all of them in the machine, and it'd make maybe 3 (or more) tye dye kits. It would cost a lot, because of the machine and all of the dye kits, but it'd give us users more of a challenge to get a nice pet.
Personally, I'd prefer if the machine wasn't sold in the credit shop, I'd rather it be earned in some sort of quest, but whatever floats your boat. I just liked the idea of a tye dye creatu. c:
Please show your support! o3o
4:44pm Sep 3 2011
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Support. Would give people something to work for.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:51pm Sep 3 2011
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Posts: 405
Interesting, I like :) support
10:10pm Sep 3 2011
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Support. Interesting, although it might take a lot of work for the artists. D;
9:04am Sep 4 2011
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No support, how would the tye dye pattern work? It wouldnt really fit with the creatu's pattern
7:18pm Sep 4 2011
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Posts: 616
Kittykat, neither did calico...
9:38pm Sep 4 2011
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Posts: 299
I agree with username. I'm sure the Res artists are talented enough to make something work. The artists could do it however they wanted. Like some calico creatu are really spotted, other are patchy.
10:16pm Sep 4 2011
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Posts: 1,391
Yea. x3 I kinda imagine like those tie-dye shirts or something, or maybe something similar to gradient. owo
10:49pm Sep 4 2011 (last edited on 10:52pm Sep 4 2011)
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Posts: 340
Support this. I think the machine should be sold in the black market, like the three-chambered measuring device is, since that is where expensive items are usually sold. :)
10:19am Sep 5 2011
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Maybe only two or more DK's, to get a specific color combo? Like, Rose and Lemon. Or Lime, Azure, and Orchid.
Much more work, but more variety as well, I suppose. Kind of almost as if each pet is unique.
Also. GaS and Trance - not fuse-able.
Bad idea is bad. XD Let's just stick with rainbow tyedye.
10:40am Sep 5 2011
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Yeah... GaS and Trance shouldn't be fuse-able. *nodnod* I think that having it only two or more would make it much more affordable, but maybe having three or more would help the economy...? *fails so hard* Anyways... I like what you said, Dodomon, about having it a specific color combo. But Rose and Lemon would make like, this sickly colored greenish-pink color. xD I like the idea of Azure and Orchid though. owo
2:31pm Sep 5 2011
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Posts: 299
Yeah, I was just thinking the "normal" dye kits, not the G&S and Trance. If you chose which combination of dye that'd be a lot more work for the artists... but it would make pets more unique.
Also I agree with Zuleika, I'd like for the machine to be sold in the black market.
5:09pm Sep 5 2011
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Hmm... You're right. I don't wanna overload the artists. D; So how about two or more and then you get the same color each time, no matter what? Or maybe the color could depend on the number of DK's...?
6:31pm Sep 5 2011
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Posts: 299
I still think there should just be one kind of tye dye made from all of the dye kits combined, it'd still make the pet rare, because it'd be so hard to obtain.
11:43pm Sep 5 2011 (last edited on 11:44pm Sep 5 2011)
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Posts: 340
I have thought about two color dye kits before but I never suggested it because it would really be just too much work for the artists. I mean, there are 50 pets, each with 3 stages, so that 150 pictures, times the number of dye kit combinations which is like 30 something which would equal up to 4500 recolors overall. Really, I don't think that would ever happen. And making it more than two dye kits would result in even more possible combitantions! Since, for example, having azure as the first color in a 3 color combo ends up with 20 combinations, and there are 7 other dyes as well. No, the only way that sort of thing could really work is if two certain dye kits could only be mixed with each other and none others. Probabaly similar colors would go together best, such as Lemon and Lime, Magenta and Orchid, Azure and Indigo and Rose and Amber. So you would end up with 4 different types of mixed dye kit. However, this still equals up to 600 recolors for the artists to do. :/ I still support the idea of one new tye dye color made from mixing the 8 normal dye kits together using a special expensive machine. It would be nicely expensive and special, it could kinda go with trance, and it would only take 150 recolors. :)
11:52am Sep 7 2011
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c: Thanks for the support. You make really good points, Zu!
5:44pm Sep 7 2011
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I agree with the 8 dye kits in one :D
7:28pm Sep 7 2011
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I don't really like this idea. Just sounds like a trance dye kit without the black in it. o 3o
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7:38pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 299
It wouldn't be anything like the trance color. It'd be probably an offwhite base with tye dye like colors and markings. It'd be completely different. Trance glows and is mainly black and has a specific feel that not much else could come close to.
8:16pm Sep 7 2011
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Well, just think of it as Trance without the black, glow and a couple more colours with it, and it's like a gradient thing with rainbow.
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