Option to Delete Your Account

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12:29pm Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,256

OK, I hope this isn't something that is not open to debate, or that has been suggested before.

I'm not sure why anyone would want to, but what if you wanted to start afresh without cheating? You seriously don't want your old account any more, but if you started again it would be multi-accounting!
So, how about (maybe in Preferences), you can delete your account, OR restart it - same username and password, that's it. It will ask you, like, twice, before the database actually deletes it.

Opinions, please? Or anything to add?

Albino Uilus 24/120

2:45am Jun 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 12,384
First, why would you even want to delete your old account? Having a new account would be practically the same as having your old account. Minus whatever pets/items you had. o.O Second, if someone chose the exact same username as the one you had, wouldn't it get confusing? Because people would be all "Hi *Enterusernamehere*!" Thinking it was you when it was really someone else.


3:12am Jun 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756

If banned accounts have been left on rescreatu for a very long time, I think it would be best if there was a "delete your account" setting. This would give othes an opportunity to snitch names that have been left on accounts for a very long time as well.I think mods should also be able to delete banned accounts so as to give other people a chance too. 

For example, my old account on Rescreatu was left for 4 years, untouched. If there was a "delete your account" option on the website 4 years ago, I would surely have deleted it and allowed other users to grab those names that I had from way back then. This way, there would not be supposed multi-accounting cases

 Ashdog has a point there, but I don't think that's much of a problem, as my old username was dragonz,and there was another username called Dragonzi. That was confusing enough, but we got over it.


4:31pm Jun 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
We are clearing banned accounts of names as you type. :) No need for a delete option, I agree with ash.

5:37pm Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 46
I support. Many people having "Leaving Sales" where they abandon all their pets, and these people know they are not coming back. So clearly there are many people who want to delete their account. Giving them the option would make such a thing simple.

11:09pm Jul 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 829
i hope there's some inactive for-gazibilion-years swipe in near future.
it's close to the closing account idea (multi-account would be on rise,
trollers who trolled could make a new identity and continue,)
so dont much support this :c


#13, The Key of Destiny
Event Horizon & Magic Hour

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