Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

planetary creatu! Look at this thread!

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9:34am Apr 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 127
did i get you attention? well, like some states there is a state bitrd or something. i was thinking maybe that there will be some creatu that you can only get if you are the citizen of... well, they are sellable. rarity 0.0 to some users and 0.5 to those lucky citezens. those creatu would have the planet "element" like pheonix on reiflem and gryphon on scria. I would hope that they would be simaler to comon mythology.  but also unique like all of the creatu in rescreatu. i wasnt thinking to put pictures, so anyone who thinks this is a good idea, you can post pictures if you like. or maybe there should only be for aquati since it has no holiday creatu and not many creatu animal citizens. if this doesnt work, put it with a common excuse: credit shop. but then it would be just more creatu wouldnt it? then more people will be just saving up to buy one interplanetary (common like, on all planets) than having a creatu that is only on one. it makes the creatu a little more unique. and it makes this website unique. i think. i dont see a flaw. and i hoped we all could help.   

10:17am Apr 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 98

Aristotle coined the idea of the four elements, which the Rescreatu worlds are based off of.

I like this idea because after Aristotle thought of the four elements, people started to question the existence of a fifth element called aether.

The elements are in a natural order by which they descend. Earth is in the ground, water is on the Earth, air is above water, and fire rises. Aether is the element in the heavens, according to the old Greek philosophy.  


11:02am Apr 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 127
oooh. cool info. hey um Balet, I love the leverne pic! how did you make it? i mean where did you go?

3:12am Apr 15 2009

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Posts: 1,775

No griffins, Majidara. We'll be compared to neopets and I don't want that to happen. Res makes up their own animals, only vaguely basing them off real (or mythilogical in this case) ones.

Balet: I think 'aether' is not the fifth element. All 4 of the have oppsites (fire and water, air and earth). There should be a hellish one and 'aether' is biased towards religeous people. This 'aether' thing is not well thought out. Your only reasoning is in which things ascend, but fire does not rise without any fuel source (even with, it doesn't exactly rise). If the fuel does not rise, the fire does not.


Feel the love man D:<


8:10am Apr 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 127
wha? any way the grifin and stuff was a starter. we could choose different creatures to base it off of. but isnt the uilus based of of a grifin? speeking of wich, maybe someone should mix animals and do a new creatu, instead of most of them be like normal animals with wings horns and a few markings. kiyoka doesnt count. it has ribbons for tails !Laughingtle="Laughing" />Innocenttle="Innocent" />

4:22pm Apr 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 98
[quote]oooh. cool info. hey um Balet, I love the leverne pic! how did you make it? i mean where did you go?[/quote]

I did it with Adobe Illustrator.

[quote]Balet: I think 'aether' is not the fifth element. All 4 of the have oppsites (fire and water, air and earth). There should be a hellish one and 'aether' is biased towards religeous people. This 'aether' thing is not well thought out. Your only reasoning is in which things ascend, but fire does not rise without any fuel source (even with, it doesn't exactly rise). If the fuel does not rise, the fire does not.[/quote]

I'm telling you is what the ancient Greeks thought. They were the ones who called aether the fifth element.


4:33am Apr 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 399

Perhaps 'Aether' could be the name of a new creatu...or a new planet altogether?

Besides, the leverene was based on a rabbit, the gondra on a dragon, the zenirix on a husky/wolf, the otachie on a  mountain lion, and the easero on a griffin. So what can I say?

yeah i dont know either.


8:30am Apr 28 2009

Normal User

Posts: 127
I am going to start a new thread about Aether planet.

2:05am Apr 29 2009

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Posts: 1,775

I don't see how an easero is anywhere close to a griffin (griffins are normally quadropads and easeros stand on two legs). Just because it's a bird, doesn't mean it's similar to it.

Creating an creatu by mixing other animals together is not a creative way to go. All of the creatu that you guys have mentioned were old ones. The artists nowadays now mildly base things off real life things (MILDLY). If you see the new ones, the animal they are based off are not obvious (Liyure = Tiger, Malal = Goat?). Like I mentioned earlier, all of the ones you guys have mentioned (gondra, zenirix, otachie etc.) are old, therefore they were designed by the artists when they were less skilled and did not think of new, creative ways of designing things. I see no point in going backwards and design like an idiot (mix things together like alot of you have suggested).


Feel the love man D:<


2:23am Apr 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 161
There are already planet citizen only creatu around. For example only Scria citizens can find Intes eggs, and Relcore citizens can only get Leverene and Paor eggs. People just sell the pet or egg to other people, who can't, as they find it. Simple as that.

5:37pm Apr 30 2009 (last edited on 5:39pm Apr 30 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 676
Actually Ping, Easeros have four legs... I just knew this information on the easeros revamp... a lot of people were debating that day about it... =]


12:30am May 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
I did not say they had only 2 legs, I said they stood on 2 legs.


Feel the love man D:<


12:47am May 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 676
ahw... my bad... sorry!!!

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