Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Quests Petition

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8:44pm Dec 20 2008 (last edited on 4:59pm Dec 22 2008)

Normal User

Posts: 103

All doers of the daily quests have had that 'ACK!' feeling when mister rabid bunny asks for a gothic frisbee or Christmas helper squishy, right? Well, now he also wants the retired turkey wishbone AND Food quests are asking for yuletide fruit and reindeer cookie. Wishbone is retired only to be found like gothic frisbee and Christmas helper squishy in the enchanted springs....the other two will be the same. Now, how can that be fair, when the springs may give you one of those items once in a year and the quests can ask for that one item 5 times or more Each Day? Considering that there will be more and more of these added as time goes by, how are we going to make tu on these quests? Less tu made on quests, less tu to spend in merchant shops, less tu for merchants to buy the new extra pets they now get to have. If you agree that limited edition items in the novice quests is a Bad idea, add your name or comment to this petition to let your voice be heard. Remember, we are more than just 'guests' on this site, we're customers and have a right to speak. 

EDIT: You must find the following items: Chocolate Uilus Egg Filled With Caramel and Yule Log: Yeah...two more limited edition items added to the food quests.


EDIT 2: You must find the following items: Baby Uilus Squishy and Tony the Depressed T-Rex: Yep, limited squishy, so that brings the limited total to 4 items on each quest far... 


8:49pm Dec 20 2008

Normal User

Posts: 16
Whooo, yeah, I with 'ya Eeno love!


9:03pm Dec 20 2008

Normal User

Posts: 162
I don't do the quests, but alright. :]


9:21pm Dec 20 2008

Normal User

Posts: 129
I agree ;o


9:22pm Dec 20 2008

Normal User

Posts: 369
I agree, asking for items that can't be bought in shops, or retired/holiday only items is bogus. xP

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

9:26pm Dec 20 2008

Normal User

Posts: 930
Agree >:O


11:05pm Dec 20 2008

Normal User

Posts: 7,187




Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

11:06pm Dec 20 2008

Normal User

Posts: 38
Agreed. If it's that much of a problem, anyways. ^^

Made by Poison. ^^

12:43am Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 3
I agree

12:43am Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 233
I agree


6:13am Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 85
Well...I'll state that those kinda things are a bit unfair, if you're not on the really extreme last two hard ones. But what I will do is click *start a new quest* and do another one, since if I need tu, starting over on one or two quests is nothing compared to all the money I'm going to get after.

"Do you know somewhere he can be free? River, deliver him there." (Play that line to Xena as she gives up Solan and you've got a killer video) [] (Creator Endorsed licenses increase value more than current copyright licenses).

9:54am Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 269

Ok are they seriously trying to aggravate me? I don't understand why they continue to put LE items in the novice quests. If you must add them to the quests then place them in the hard section or just remove them.

Everyone knows that novice stands for normal, right? Well how are we expected to complete "normal" quests when we are asked for items that are't common or easy to find. I'm sorry, but this whole quest thing has put me in an extreamly bad mood. I honestly don't think that its too much to ask to either move these items to the hard section or just remove them completely.

A compromise though... if you must have these items in quests, these LE items, then put them in the novice section during whichever holiday they can be bought on but take them out of the novice section once that holiday is over.

Ok I know this compromise puts more work on you staff members so I think the easiest choice would just be to remove them.

Oh and if no one has figured it out..... I 100% whole heartedly agree with this ^_^ 


11:08am Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 229
I agree :D


11:09am Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 5
i agree

hi hows it going

11:10am Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 3,265

I agree! Is SO annoying!



1:51pm Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 1,731
Uwi is for it.


1:51pm Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 14
I sign this petition in anger.  D<  I was just asked for a reindeer cookie thingy.

5:12pm Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 269
ok Update to my aggravation. I lost out on a total of 9 quests today thanks to these items. 4 in Toy quest and 5 in food quest. Honestly I never had a problem with the food quests before but since all of these christmas food items came out I have indeed gotten many quests that I could not complete.


5:22pm Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 319

Agree :]


Status: Studying the blade

5:26pm Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 319
Yes, lets now do egg quests! *0/*

Status: Studying the blade
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