This may sound a little silly because I dreamt it. xD
How about "making your own goody bag". Of course this goody bags wont have an specific appereance. Just like a paper bag that says Res 09. Why make your own goody bag because. You can choose the bag color and the letter color. And you can decide what to be inside.
When you are doing your goody bag you can choose 4 from 8-10 items. Between those items are stuff like cookies, a cake, a balloon and why not party hats. Here goes the second part, maybe you wont accept it.
After choosing the filling for the bag, you get to choose a creatu egg [except CS and seasonal eggs]. Its not a common egg. Special eggs. Each creatu can be born with only ONE of the following caracteristics.
1. Will suffer hunger every 2-4 days. It will be automatically be natural can only be beaned or dyed 1 time.
2.Will age only every 2-4 days. The natural possibility is higher than usual. Very very dificult to get a no natural. Or isntead will only get low in 5 than 10.
3.The natural possibility dissapears. There is no chance that this egg will be natural. But the toughest colors are still dificult to get. Most common to get will be sepia and cream.
BUT Theres a catch! You cannot trade or sell these eggs. Either the bags while these are holding them. You can choose wether to open or not your bag. With a special CS you get to take out the egg without entirely open the bag. When the bag doesnt contains the egg anymore you can do whatever you want with them. The eggs wont be able to be traded or selled or given.
But if the fact of being able to give eggs doesnt affect the economy. Then is a possibility. Or maybe that these eggs are random events in the planets. For a very very short period of time. Can only appear if you already have the bag.
Would be something like.[Lets image you are in reiflem] Ramdon event: Special egg [A new character like Santa Klaws can be created] HE has seen you carry a b-day bag and sneaking behind you he places an egg in it, then leaves. The image will be the image of the egg. A veram egg with a blue ribbon.
Or maybe: Ramdon event: Special egg. HE doesnt see you have a b-day bag. Sigh he proclaims. And silently leaves without you noticing. You should go do your bag so this doesnt happens again. And in this the egg with a no mark. And a single person can only get one random event. But two if he looses the first. One person cant get two,
Im fingers hurt...