4:02pm May 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 670
So I was thinking...since Res has quite a following...maybe Res could have t-shirts or stuffed animals or keychains or something of the sort? Like, for users to actually wear and snuggle with and etc. I think it would be pretty cool to go around with a t-shirt like that. It could bring in good revenue for the site, as well as additional users. I'm not sure if this has been suggested before (if it has, it was quite a while ago), but I personally think it'd be a great idea.
8:19pm May 24 2011 (last edited on 8:29pm May 24 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 33
Personally, I would love a shirt that said "My zenirix ate your otachie" or "My other home is Relcore"
8:27pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 4,893
I support.. As long as they have both the money and resources to expend for these merchandises. I wouldn't reinforce it too much if they don't. It would help with site development and might possibly lower the prices of CS stuff once they have a lot of expenses. Isn't that how it works? If the revenue turns out better than expected, they might have a sale. I don't know. I'm thinking way too much about this and my mind is tired. xD I'm probably wrong, so no use with arguing what I said.
i’m such a gamer uwu
8:31pm May 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 670
Well from what I know, t-shirts are fairly inexpensive to make. Especially if we get staff/members to hand-make them. :3 Stuffed animals and keychains and other things, I have no clue. Actually, the first batch of t-shirts/whatnot would really be the only out-of-pocket expenses, after that, they would be funded by the profits from previous t-shirt sales, etc. Or maybe, there could be a preorder, and once you send in the monehs, you'd get your t-shirt. It would make it a bit more efficient. I was also thinking, maybe custom t-shirts? Like, one with your username on it, or your dream pet, or something else? More expensive, of course, but IMO a good source of profit.
12:24pm May 25 2011
Posts: 910
I support as long as they have the funds to do the kick off ^^ This would also be a perfect advertising oppurtunity for Res, us walking around having cute t-shirts on and having friends over and them seeing an adorable Omni stuft animal! They're bound to ask " oh what is that?" and you tell them how cool Res is! Ara's idea is perfect! This would provide excellent expansion for the site as well as more funds! From us buying at the CS and buying the merchandise!
11:42am May 27 2011
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Posts: 2,148
Patrick has suggested a few times that he was interested in making plushies, he even had a poll up at one point in the past to see which ones he should make. I'm not sure what's gone on with that... You guys should really bother him about it. Seeing users actively go out of their way and show interest directly to him about this sort of thing may be just the nudge he needs to get on it fast. :D
3:42pm May 27 2011
Posts: 910
I'm so gonna do that right now!
4:06pm May 27 2011
In Training 
Posts: 355
I think the Support forum is a good way to show interest in merch, that way everything is collected in one place. :} We do want to offer physical items, what are some other things people would be interested in? Stickers, metal charms, paper note pads? For plushies what pets would players most like to see?
5:29pm May 27 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 458
I want an Ivik and an Omni plushie o..o Would the plushies come in all of the colors that it is avaliable on the site ?
5:47pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 1,003
I would want/use a res note book or zenirix squishy, I think otachys would also be good squishys
7:09pm May 27 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 458
What if there was a custom feature to the note books? There would be the normal ones with the creatu on the front with a pattern or whichever design and then there could be a custom order that had two select creatu on the front. They would cost more, but yay for customizations! lol
8:07pm May 27 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 670
I would assume CS, Kir, and seasonal pets would be in high demand in terms of plushies. I would also love to see backpacks, even though I'm out of school as of tomorrow. Maybe things like wallets and those plastic wristbands and other things. I'm hoping eventually to have maybe one of each color of each pet for plushies. And maybe special releases on things for holidays and whatnot. Oh, and gift cards. :3
8:09pm May 27 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 4,893
I want every kind of plushie, every creatu in every possible color. They will be the next beanie babies. o_o
i’m such a gamer uwu
8:42pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 670
...Beanie plushies. And bath toys. xD
4:15am May 28 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 595
i want retired pet squishys. they should all be babys though.
Current kir quest - blonde leverene
5:08am May 28 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 437
Ivik Plushie would be so cute^^
8:47am May 28 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
It'd be amusing to have retired Creatu squishies that look like old men. xD
9:31am May 28 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,326
I would love a cyid soap ouo Or a cyid rubber duckie. That isn't really a duck but um... more like a Cyid? XD
Wyrae soap would be epic. OuO Yes, definately.
4:30pm May 28 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 498
I think there should be a bit of an Experiment. Like all of the Creatu made in all colors as babies, but then take a select few and try them in a certain color/colors as Adults/Teens and then decide if making those ones would be good too, and I tend to wear rings and necklaces, so maybe have like the paw prints of some Creatu with the species of the Creatu under it, or maybe have a picture of any Creatu and any color with the name under it. I would actually like an Evil Rubber duckie, like the one they have on here in the toy shop.
Enter smart/witty signature here!
4:37pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 2,148
Ivik would be cute. I had a cat plushie that had dangly legs like the Iviks do. LOL. I loved that thing.