Reset Forest Pet Names?

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1:09am Oct 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 197
Say if we found a rare pet in the forest like a seasonal, and it had the name yjgsnjcgvkv? I think when a pet is realeased into the forest, the name would be reset, and this would also make it easier for people to get the name. I don't know, I mean, i may get comments like, "But then some pets would be worthless like it wouldn't be a rwn anymore?" Still, this system could still work for junkies and such. But really think about it, say an albino pet(yes, there are albinos in the forest, i checked the pet search) with a dumb name like 734823587? Wouldn't you really feel as if you wanted the pet, but the name was just too suckish? You would have to buy a name tag just to fix it, I know, I know, this could make the Name Tag worthless, but come on? Think of all the other useful things the nametage could come in handy with? If you disagree, please have a reason ready.


7:46am Oct 10 2009 (last edited on 7:49am Oct 10 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 437

I am against this. I actually like finding random names in the forest. There is always the possibility that I find an awesome name, like my Zachariah for example. Actually it is much more frequent that I find good names than that I find colours in the forest, so afterall you would lose on this business. Most of the time all you would find were unnamed natties. And if you're lucky enough to find an albino, I think it isn't such a big deal to get a name tag and tag it, most albinos worth more than a name tag anyways.

But if that reason wouldn't be enough, my other reason is, that it would make name tags worthless in more ways than you think. Name tags wouldn't be necessary for the forest pets, that's just one thing. But also lets say you own the dream name "White" on a nattie pet, and you want to put it on an albino. You hatch 3000+++ eggs and manage to hatch an albino. In the current system, you would use a name tag to rename the nattie, and name your newly hatched baby the dream name. But if the forest would clear names just like that all you have to do is forest the nattie, and the name is free, no name tag needed. Also now you need two nametags to rename a pet, with the forest name clearing, you would only need one. So name tags would indeed become much less looked for.


10:05am Oct 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 197
Yes, but what about if you had a choice? Ii don't know, like it said, This pet's name in Chocolate. Would you like to keep the name, or rename it?


11:03am Oct 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 540
I would say that, after some time in the forest, if no one adopts them, the names could be reset. Say, 15 days, as in the graveyard?


11:09am Oct 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 437
Normally if you find a pet in the forest, and choose not to adopt it, the pet gets deleted. This function doesn't work now, but will be fixed sooner or later, and I think this is enough. As for the name deletion after 15 days, I disagree, as maybe the pet wasn't adopted only because noone has found it within 15 days. There are so many pets in the forest that it tooks months or even years for some of them to surface again.


2:05pm Oct 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 540
Yeah, you right, Yaiz. Ok, then we'll need to wait until that function is enabled again ^^


8:06pm Oct 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 120
I agree with Yaiz.  nothing needs to be done to clear the names in the forest except for the feature of deleting when players choose to not adopt.

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