Selling Hatches Feature

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6:28pm Jan 28 2021

Normal User

Posts: 34
Selling hatches is pretty common in SB. Sometimes, depending on how many people are awake due to time zones, people jump on the offer, while other times no one takes the offer at all. An idea would be to include a small section in the Hatchery section where you can put your hatches up for sale.

You'd be able to include price (Tu/Items/Eggs), type of eggs accepted (Common/Rare/CS/Seasonal), and Refunds, in case the seller feels like returning payment due to fails/natties. 

The pros of this option would be making it easier to sell hatches, as well as allowing people to set up a hatch sale and being able to leave the site without having to wait. It would also allow for more discrete sales, in case the owner of the eggs doesn't want to communicate in SB.

What do y'all think?

5:44pm Feb 20 2021

Normal User

Posts: 152
i think it's a good idea but how would people know your selling hatches?

Adopts by Kush
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