Smol suggestions

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11:53pm Apr 5 2016 (last edited on 9:55am Oct 6 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 37
Add Mutant and Natural in Creatu Colors page. Because I have found myself needing those options, I can't be the only one right? Can we also get the option to view all pets with a certain effect? On a separate dropbox, have all effects. When you select Frost Light you can view all NATURAL frost light pets. There, if a person wants to see all colors of a specific frost light specie, they can go to Creatu Directory.

Can we get an option to search pets by birth date? Or at least to view their birth date as an option in Creatu search?

Would it be possible that when you view another user's Showroom and you "View detailed info" of the pet, it shows in which category they are?
(This incase you are browsing a full showroom that a user wants to sell/trade except the pets in X category.) Do you understand where I'm coming from? xD

Is there any way to get all of the recipes you read from books in a single book/place to look at them. So you don't have to re-read the items and risk them breaking. I mean this one is up for debate cause one could just have a notepad with all the recipes written down, but let know what you think.

Can we separate "My bids" in auctions in "Open" and "Closed" auctions? Also, about showing EVERY SINGLE bid you made (even multiples on the same pet/item.) Is that really necessary? :o

Export our current HA into the dream builder, cause I'm too lazy to find all the items and set the layers to the same numbers?

A log where we can see the winners and Honorable mentions of PAB contest? (Idk if this would kill the purpose of the PAB winner book, though it's still a rare item?)

Would it be possible we set different species of eggs in the market in one go? Instead of going back and forth to set each specie? Like check which type of eggs you want to sell, set prices and at the bottom you click "sell eggs" and they all get put up in the market in one go.

Let us see a pet's ID in the Detailed Info.

Wouldn't it be cool if selecting a creatu that has read "How to hatch..." books (only if they have read them all) lowers the chance of an egg to fail? Or maybe the incubation times decrease?

Update(4/11 6:40pm)
Let us browse Squishy Shelf/Clothing Rack/Library/etc by alphabet as well.

How about a "Trash quest" There's a npc that lives in the Trash Isthmus (the lore is open up for imagination lol.) and when you start the quest he asks you to go on a type of scavenger hunt? Options: you can find these items via Random Events across all the planets, or "special items" appear among the trash that you can pick up (without using your daily pick ups, can't pick up items while this quest is active.) or something else, different, not npc shop bought items~ As rewards we can have recycled items and maybe tokens for extra trash pick ups? (That have a limit on how many you can use a day.)

How about: There's a chance that "something special" is given to pets that have been abandoned in the forest. Maybe there's a lost tribe (Atlantida lol) that lives deep in the forest and the pets come back with artifacts or  an effect or something? Or you can send your pet exploring. (Maybe go in the whirlpool too.)

How about the Black Market stocks Rare items at a very low rate? Like cs clothing items, or good bags (whatever items can be stocked is debatable of course.) The stock rate would be like one item every two weeks/a month. (Add to this that once you get kicked out.) Also Malcolm should stock a variety of shady items, I mean he runs the BLACK MARKET after all. Maybe this could be a lore suggestion when introducing a range of items in the future?

Have a Toy chest, much like the Squishy Shelf or the Library. Were there's a leaderboard and we can stuff all types of items, including npc shop toys, snowglobes, wind-up toys, balloons? etc.

The driftwood slingshot should be an alert item that shoots smooth rounded pebbles. 
The easero feather sword should be an alert item that tickles the user's nose to make them sneeze.

Update(9/19 2:07pm)

Trivia Random Events that ask you questions on the content of Book Bargains (not event) books, kind of like a Trivia? There's prizes for getting the correct answer. This might encourage users to read the stories on the books. 

disclaimer: Smol Mudkips to lure a wild Cless. (lol)


2:38pm Apr 11 2016

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
I agree with... all of these, actually. I kinda wonder what having the pet's ID in the detailed info would help though?


2:46pm Apr 11 2016

Normal User

Posts: 37
Well, me personally, had to use a link to pluck my easero's feathers cause I couldn't find the button. (I had to replace the ID for each different easero, which was only found in my profile.) I can't come up with any other specific scenario where it would be needed, but it could be useful eventually? Maybe? haha
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