Sorry - But I'm getting tired of waiting for anything new to happen.

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8:59am Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 640
So! I've been playing res for some time now! Not many years but since 2011. And I must sadly say... that I had to find new petsites now because Rescreatu is lacking of things to do. I might be the only one feeling this way. But I've been giving loads of new ideas to the site - not even one of them has happened. And I see this with a lot of others aswell. They give suggestions which never gets released. I feel like Rescreatu is stuck in this time loop or something. Yes I know you're working on something big. But seriously, you're loosing a lot of users. Right now you got to have this sick imagination if you want to continue to play Res for many hours. 

Where are the parites you said would come back?
Updates Rules?
Any of the suggestions any player made? 

There was even this big thing the staff said would happen? Where did that go? I waited half a year on it already.

I love Rescreatu, and I don't mean to be 'mean' about this. But I'm getting tired of waiting for anything to happen. Yes there came something small for this valentine... but it's not enough for me to stay away from other petsites and use my money on Rescreatu instead of any other place.

I actually don't want to use real money on Rescreatu now... It's just too boring here. (Sorry to say it).

If ideas for the site is the problem, I'd love to help out either as a staff or just a normal user.

I just... need... something new to keep logging on Rescreatu. 


9:04am Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 178

I must agree with the slow updates and with promising things that never seem to happen. And I definitely agree with user suggestions, many of which are amazing and get plenty of support, but never happen.

At the same time, I know that running this site and making everyone happy simple can't happen. But I agree with the points you've made here, and hope they will figure out a happy medium and make a couple changes soon.


7:09am Feb 28 2014 (last edited on 1:10pm Feb 28 2014)


Posts: 3,216
I think it would help alot of users to get a sneak peek every now and then

^ maybe someone should take over this thread?

as well as the Make your voices heard thread, Res updates and others

but to get everything to a top notch stranded takes time and alot of effort, and with the upcoming new version I bet there's alot to do o-o 


5:21am Mar 3 2014

Normal User

Posts: 749
What I would like is for the staff to just post little sneak peaks of what's going to happen, regardless of whether it actually affects the site or not because right now it feels as though the site's gone on hibernation.

I understand that the staff are working very hard to get stuff out, but the problem is, we, as users, do not know that aside from being told 'it's happening.' And that's where I think the problem lies - the userbase is being kept completely out of the loop.

When I first started Res, I would play for hours each day. I happily threw money at this site. But now...all my goals are complete. There really isn't anything keeping me here. I spent like 10 minutes everyday on this site now? Log in, feed pets, hatch, check stocks, swim in the springs. That's it. There's nothing to do. I've already stocked my food pen to the brim because I'm going to leave after the easter egg hunts and come back in october (because let's face it, like all the previous years, nothing's going to happen between easter - halloween)

I'm sorry if that came across sounding as a rant. Res is an amazing site with a lot of potential, and and it's just sad to see users leaving all the time because they're bored. It doesn't hurt to post updates every now and then - updates on what you're doing, not new content for the site. All you guys have to do is take some screenshots and walk us through what you're doing. It shouldn't take //that// much time. And because we don't even get to see that, we're getting frustrated.


8:40am Mar 3 2014

Normal User

Posts: 640
Couldnt agree more Thowra. Updates on whats happening is so needed...


2:35pm Mar 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 777
The rules are going to be updated :) Its just a case of drafting and redrafting to make sure it covers everything but at the same time is easy to read


11:33am Apr 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 7
It's two months past February and the Valentines event is still up, is Easter ever going to come for this site?

11:03pm May 3 2014

Normal User

Posts: 237
I pretty much agree with everyone else. Lack of updates=boring.
I've pretty much been hanging around Wajas, Aywas and looking for other pet sites to go to. Even playing Facebook games to keep me entertained. 

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