4:05pm Feb 6 2015
Normal User 
Posts: 273
Hello there Res. I thought I might not be the only one frustrated by the Springs, am I? Well, you see, it's annoying losing your 100+ days streak just because, let's say, you've had a power shortage and couldn't get on the site to go to the Springs. So I'm suggesting that maybe there could be something implemented to freeze the day you're on? Also another thing regarding the springs, I believe we should be able to see our Spring Logs since there's absolutely no reason why they should be hidden from us. :D
 \r\nAwesome.tastic siggy by Mindii. <3
4:06pm Feb 6 2015
Normal User 
Posts: 380
100% yes
4:40pm Feb 6 2015
Normal User 
Posts: 1,477
Supports both of those ideas! *u*
1:04am Feb 7 2015
Posts: 2,155
Absolutely! Access to logs would clear up a lot of misconceptions as well. I also think it should be a detailed log history, like what you got that day, or lost, if you got a color change, what pet was it, etc. And if you didn't visit, not just the LACK of a log entry but a message indicating. Something like "oh no! you forgot to swim =("
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
6:00pm Feb 9 2015
Normal User 
Posts: 3,011
yes! please. much support!
In 38 colors, and a thousand black Gondras later... I rise over my Army as the Gondra Queen!
2:39pm Feb 14 2015
Normal User 
Posts: 1,100
I'm not sure what you mean by 'freeze', but I totally agree with the springs log idea.
2:43pm Feb 14 2015
Normal User 
Posts: 380
Like not reset if you miss a day
4:32am Feb 15 2015
Normal User 
Posts: 1,100
Oh, OK. Well, the purpose of the springs is to visit everyday. It would be better if, say, you missed a day and a few turns were deducted, instead of everything staying the same.
9:22pm Feb 18 2015 (last edited on 9:24pm Feb 18 2015)
Normal User 
Posts: 858
The thing with this idea is, there's nothing to stop users from abusing it. You could theoretically log in every day, swim in the springs, then freeze the springs just in case you forget to log in tomorrow, then log out and repeat the same thing the next day. It would make the Springs streak obsolete. I can't support this because you may as well just remove the tiers completely.
The point of the Springs streak is to encourage players to log in daily. Sometimes real life does get in the way of logging in, and while that stinks, it's not going to kill you to wait 16 days before you can possibly get color changes again. (Over 16 days the number no longer matters with the current system. It doesn't matter if you're at 17 or 250 days, it's the same possibility and type of reward)
I think we could make the Springs better though, by increasing the rewards even more for people who log in everyday for say, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, etc. Maybe make the chance of getting color changes slightly greater, or larger stat increases/decreases (+5/-5 or +10/-10, rahter than +1/-1). But I still wouldn't support freezing it, because the point is to encourage people to log in daily. Being able to freeze our streak makes all the effort kinda pointless.
A Spring log would be cool, though you could always just write down your results. I'd like to see some more pressing fixes happen before this one.
4:19am Apr 10 2015
Normal User 
Posts: 756
I support the Springs log being open for all users to see.
The Springs freeze option has been suggested before, and I will support it only if it is implemented in such a way that users will not be able to abuse it. The first two tiers are relatively okay and insignificant compared to Tier 3 where you start receiving Colour changes. This is the Tier people want to preserve mainly.
I would suggest adding on to this foundation idea:
The option is timed and has a time limit of (estimate, let's say) 20 days also taking to account users going on holiday and is only available for Tier 3 (and above if newer tiers are added in the future) and has a cooldown use period of 1 month.
4:51pm Apr 14 2015
Posts: 2,155
Exactly what Wolf said. We do think ahead about these things when implementing new ideas, we don't want to enable them to be abused and give an unfair advantage, we want them to enhance gameplay and bring something more to it.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
8:56pm Apr 14 2015
Normal User 
Posts: 156
Counter-proposal: Remove the springs. Make a daily-use button that dispenses 100k when pressed.
Seriously, tu is already easy incredibly to earn. Two weeks is an incredibly insignificant amount of time. How far do you go before the springs basically turns into a 100k dispensing button after having an account for two weeks? (I'll answer: by implementing a springs freeze.) In fact, if I didn't think it would be less than a band-aid solution for the economy, I would argue there should be more time between the tiers, or more tiers leading up to the final tier there is now.
11:37pm Apr 14 2015
Normal User 
Posts: 2,057
I support all of what wolf and broken have said. the freeze would be nice if users could not abuse it. I also think that there should be logs for it.