Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Trades - Time limit and 'marked' items

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6:58pm Mar 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 24

I was just looking at some alphabet squishy trades, and I realized that many were over a year old.  I considered offering on some of them, but figured that probably either the trades were out of date (maybe the user already had the some of squishies on their list) or maybe the user would be inactive by now.  I'd like to suggest a time limit on trades, possibly for V2.  Maybe the user could choose how long the trade would last (I'd suggest about a month, tops).  Once the time is up, the trade is automatically removed.  If the user still wants the trade up, they can put it back up.  This would also help keep the no-longer-needed trades from stacking up, possibly making it easier on the database since it wouldn't be full of hundreds (thousands?) of trades that wouldn't be completed.

Also, items put into a trade, or offered on a trade, don't seem to be removed from the inventory or anything.  It would be nice if an item up for trade was somehow marked as such, so we could offer items, or store them, and stuff like that without having to worry about messing up a trade.

Who cares if it is not anthro? Creatu RPers, check this out, please!
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