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7:07am Jul 17 2009 (last edited on 7:10am Jul 17 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 24

OK. For one, there used to be a search in the trades, where you can search for the item you are looking for. That needs to be put back up. Also, A HUGE problem with trades is that there are way too many. And even worse, way too many ridiculous ones, (Sorry for the new people) But 1 million for 3 20k messengers??

I believe if these people are going to clog up the trades with useless trades, that someone needs to put a cap on it. Instead of one user with 4 pages of trades that have one egg in each trade (zenirix, gondra, zaphao O__O) People need to have a limit on the number of trades thay can have open at any given time. Maybe this will make people stop putting up 15-20 useless trades, and never cancelling them.

For example: Pages 210 - 213 is one user (Aelaer), from May 28, with 4 pages of trades and one egg in each trade. OF those trades - 4 of thme are empty, because obviously the user has already used the item, that was in the trade. :: Empty trades >( :: SO that one user has 14 trades open, with 4 of them being empty. WASTE of space on the site. And memory etc.. for the Server.

There needs to be a Limit on trades open at any time for any user, and Perhaps they should be deleted after a certain amount of time (Say 30 days) Since these people refuse to cancel any of their trades.


10:58am Jul 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 183
I AGREE! but that also can ve fixed with a limit of time for the trade to be valid: ex: set a trade/two weeks valid, if not canceled or anything it will be deleted, of course returning the objects to the hatchery/inventory.


7:23pm Jul 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Support fully.


8:11pm Jul 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 75
Yeah, if players get banned the trades they had should be deleted, i've offered on heaps of those!

8:20pm Jul 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 120
excellent proposals here, 100% agree! xD


2:13pm Jan 13 2012 (last edited on 4:54pm Jan 13 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 2
Agreement on everything.

Why in the name of frogs did they remove the search trades bar?! That made the problem 100 times worse!

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