Updates for library

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12:03pm Nov 14 2024

Normal User

Posts: 371
Since the previous suggestions pinned thread hasn't been updated in some time, I'm not sure if these have already been suggested.

I love the library feature, however I feel it could use a few updates:

- Ability to sort library by "Read" versus "Unread" books based on selected pet

- Ability to search within library (This one was listed on the pinned thread, but I thought I would reiterate)

- Maintain same page after reading a book; currently the library kicks you back to page 1 after reading a book regardless of what page you were on

As someone who has 30+ pages of books I think these changes would be helpful and very user friendly! Let me know what you guys think.


8:37am Jan 5 2025

Normal User

Posts: 558
Id also love the possibility on the masterlist of sorting the books we dont have yet from the ones we have (ideally with link to the item dadabase so we can see what we stil, need and if someone is selling a lot easier)

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