User-Made Clothing Packs

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3:23pm Mar 15 2016

Normal User

Posts: 292
Well, I don't mean to brag, but I don't see how this hasn't come up before.

So I thought, some users work so hard on here to earn enough TU for their own dream avatar, but eventually old looks get boring or people change their style.

An 'Empty Clothing Pack' should be purchaseable at Fashion Galore, for users to fill with their choice of clothing. The user must pre-own the clothing items, or they could be priced at the avarage merchant sale.

Maybe a whole new shop should be added called 'Costume Frenzy'. In this shop, users can sell their packs and buy new empty ones.

Just an idea.


6:57am Apr 1 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,100
Great idea. Support! :)

5:48pm Apr 3 2016 (last edited on 5:49pm Apr 3 2016)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Nah, no support. It has been brought up before and iirc the reason its not instated is too keep the aesthetic of the site, staff artists are actually paid money, and its very hard to mediate what goes through with so few staff on hand and even fewer that are trained to look for bad things

Edit: its a long day and im tired. Support

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