So, what Lauren10 came up with is that one in 1000 Random Morphing Potions becomes Tainted, or infected. However, you don't know this; but when you use it on a creatu, if it turns into a Wyrae, the Wyrae is like, mutant, with huge fangs and mutated body parts and stuff. As soon as she's uploaded the image she drew of it, I'll put it on here.
Now, what I came up with for this suggestion is that there be a mutant version of every pet species. It isn't on the creatu list, however, so you don't know what it will look like, but if your RMP has become randomly Tainted, then whichever pet the RMP turns your previous pet into, it will be mutant aswell.
I'd just have to change the 1 in 1000 to something like 1 in 100, because 1 in 1000 seems a little too rare for Res community. I mean, they'd be worth about 99999000000000000000000035 tu or something.
So anyone support? :D