Hi, I'm a newbie.

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11:47am Feb 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 8
Apart from feeding my pets, what else can I do? For example- I went to the Library where it says 'click on the book to read it to your rescreatu', but nothing happens. I'm a bit confused, and it doesn't help much the fact that my mother language isn't english. Any help/advice?

(Also, how's it that everyone has such quantities of TU? I only managed to collect like 20000 in a couple of days).

Dragon spirit.

5:09pm Feb 2 2013


Posts: 3,217
Hello and welcome to Rescreatu 
just in case you haven't already, please have a look through the rescreatu rules in the link below

There's alot more to be done on Res than just feeding your pets,
Have a go an some of the games, these games will also earn you TU. 

just click on "Games" in the blue bar at the top of the page and have a look around. 
 There you will see the Stocks ( under the Skill category) 
for alot of users playing with the Stocks is their main income.
There are alot of user made guides to help you with stocks in the "Rescreatu Discussion" of the forums, or you can always ask. 

You can also collect eggs for hatching, browse the forums  join a fan club, buy and sell pets and items and if your old enough chat on the SB with others.

To use the reading option in the Library you must have a pet selected and also at lest one book in there. Books don't  automatically go in to your library, when you get them they will go in to your "Inventory", you can get to there by clicking the treasure chest icon ( next to the apple) in the blue bar at the top of the page. 
You can read the book to your pet from there as well, but to move it to your library click the "Library" option (while in your inventory)  
from there click "Add Books" and select the books that you want moved to your library, then click 
"Move selected Books" 

It can take some time and effort getting a large amount of TU but once you get the hang of it its easy. 

This FAQ page in the link below will also help answer alot of questions you may have 
but don't be afraid to ask if you need help. Every one is very friendly here :) 

and ahh if you don't mind me asking what if your first language? ^o^ 
you seem beautifully fluent in English 
(  even more fluent than alot of people whose first language is English xD )


4:26pm Feb 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 8
Hi dear savior,
it's spanish what I'm fluent in. And I already had read all the faq and moved the books into the library AND have the pet selected. That's why it's weird- I can't read anything to them(?)
And I'm already getting a grip on the game. As I guessed, it's quite nice to my liking ^^

Thanks for lending a hand, and if you think I might be comitting any mistake, I'd be glad if you made me notice. My apologies and thankfulness,


Dragon spirit.

8:34pm Feb 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Hey, welcome you Res! Always good to see a new user that likes it here.

There is currently a glitch with the library, allowing you to only read them from your inventory. It is either that, or the browser you are using. IE is notorious for problems, so I would seriously recommend switching to Firefox, but Google Chrome is better too.

Another great way to make money is to sell pets you hatch, or, if you are a merchant, to use your merchant shop. As a rancher, you can hatch three pets a day, and as a merchant you can only hatch one, but merchants get a discount at shops. I believe by your gloves that you are a rancher, so here is a little advice. If you ever need tu, and you are a rancher, and you hatch a pet that is colored black or higher, you can sell it for 100k+, especially binos and achros. Even if you aren't a rancher, you can make great money selling pets.

Rmail me if you have any questions, and feel free to add me as a Respal. I have a link on my profile that allows to add me, if you so desire that.


8:56am Feb 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 8
So you can read them from your inventory?
Thank you so much for the support xx

Dragon spirit.

4:09pm Feb 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Yes, you can read them from your inventory, just not your library c: You select your pet, and then use the book on them. Occasionally books will break though, so be aware of that ^-^

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