How do I post images of Creatu?

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8:37am Jul 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 276
I have seen loads of Creatu images posted for raffles and I am thinking of doing a little one myself. But I have no idea how to post the image. 
I have a cream Draqua and a mutant Draqua. I want to post the images in the forum so that the viewers don't have to look in my SR. How exactly do I do that? Thank you :) 


4:36pm Jul 7 2013 (last edited on 4:37pm Jul 7 2013)


Posts: 3,217

click this little picture then copy/ past the creatu images url in to the box that will appear,

to get a url code: 
most computers will give you the option to copy the url code when you right click on the image 

D: sorry I stretched the page


12:48pm Jul 8 2013 (last edited on 1:50pm Jul 8 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 276
Yay! I use a iPad though. It doesn't work. Thank you SO much anyway. :) 


12:26am Jul 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 276
Will this work? I pasted the image in notes and took the code from there


10:13am Jul 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
It works. ^^
You could always type out the code by hand, in this case it would be:

<img src="yourimagelinkhere">

Incase you can't use the little picture button thingymajigger. c:

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