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2:19am Dec 7 2016 (last edited on 2:23am Dec 7 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Sorry if this forum doesn't belong in this category wasn't sure where to put it

Secret Santa Art

Hai and welcome to this thread!

So I had this idea for a secret santa sort of thing.
But instead of spending money how about we make some things?!

You don't have to be the most amazing artist in the world to enter this either!
I guarantee any art will be appreciated :)

Okay it can be any art you want it to be.
Traditional, graphic, digital, etc.

Everything is welcome :)

All you have to do is post on this thread and say you would like to enter.

I will then add you to the list and rmail you with who you are making art for.

It would also be helpful to post what you're interested in art wise like what you would like done :)

This will probably end at the end of December just because it is started a little late.

However if we get enough people it will end December 24th just in time for Christmas :)

So when you complete your artwork for your special person PLEASE rmail me the image!

I will have them all collected and will send them all out when this ends. And yes in the end the person will know who made the art :)

[i]Give the gift of art for Resmas! Enter in the [b]Secret Santa Art[/b][/i] [url=http://tinyurl.com/z8y9kkr]


2:19am Dec 7 2016 (last edited on 6:17pm Dec 31 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
1. Kina
2. Syaraa-Completed
3. Zoe(Thorin)-Completed
4. Guzma- Completed
5. Oddessia-Completed
6. zhn- Completed
7. Zen- Completed
8. Jess- Completed
9. Antiarctic-Completed
10. SilverThorn-Completed
11. sitanomoto-Completed
12. Kogenta- Completed
13. TARDIS- Completed
14. Mantine-Completed
15. Sherlocked93-Completed
16. Thor-Completed
17. SongbirdX-Completed
18. Darkerside101
19. Morty-Completed
20. Altair-Completed
21. eenobegeeto-Completed
22. Makana100-Completed
23. Archer-Completed
24. Winterlove
25. Witchy-Completed

P.S-I added myself to the list because I will be giving out art to each one of you anyone can feel free to make me art as well; you can send it to me whenever you'd like just specify that it was made for me<3

Art I'm interested in
Any art of the creatu on my profile would be nice too. (Chewy is one day gonna be a wyrae and Wonderdust shall be a g&s cosmic kioka)
And any other art is fine with me :)


2:23am Dec 7 2016 (last edited on 2:33am Dec 7 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 340
I am in.
I would love any art of my creatus on my profile. It would be awsome if it is my OAK liyure.

2:24am Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Added to the list :)

Glad to have you!


2:27am Dec 7 2016 (last edited on 2:35am Dec 7 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 2,131
aw I'd love to do this!!
I'd love some profile art, whether it's to do with my lovable grumpy dwarves, headache inspired, or (if you know me) something that I like!

EDIT: ALSO I just remembered my old creation Huebert! I would love more art of my baby, seeing as I've lost everything but tle="this" href="http://www.deviantart.com/art/Art-For-Headache-476412297" target="_blank">this piece!

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

2:29am Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Added to the list!

I will send out who gets who once we get a few more people :)


2:43am Dec 7 2016 (last edited on 2:46am Dec 7 2016)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
and I'm broke

I have a l i s t of things ppl can draw me but anyone's free to doodle anything <3

- tle="" target="_blank" class="">DRAMPA. I love Drampa. Cute l'il draggos.
- tle="" target="_blank">Guzma bc I am .... literally guzma istg im him

I'm not good at all drawing humans, so if at all possible I'd like to avoid working for anyone requesting art of one
Don't wanna disappoint on Christmas </3


2:44am Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Adding to the list!

And I will keep note of that when deciding who to pick for you :)


4:44am Dec 7 2016 (last edited on 4:49am Dec 7 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 404
may I enter? ^-^" i'd love any art of a festive chipmunk and/or wolf ( together if possible c: )  ^^ if that's not possible, maybe a leverene and/or a roditore? c:

Dating Darkgrimm since Jan21/16 | Engaged to DarkGrimm since June 4th/23

4:48am Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2
I'd like to enter, I love Aukira and Malal!

great thing to run this event! :)


5:06am Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Added you both to the list!

Thank you for entering :)


5:37am Dec 7 2016


Posts: 3,217
I'd love to enter! 
Dear secret santa, I would love some art of my pet Gaia, 
tle="" target="">Click!
Thank you!


5:44am Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Adding you to the list<3


5:49am Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,009
Howdy! I'd love to enter. c:
I'd love art of maybe of these characters:
Jess my fursona and persona: http://imgur.com/a/jCeQ4
Persona- http://imgur.com/a/dOUT7#59
Stanford Pines/Stanley Pines/Dipper Pines/Mabel Pines/Fiddleford McGucket/Bill Cipher
tbh I'm just a huge GFs nerd. So if you want maybe any of the above or any character interacting with my character Robyn or Jay: 
Jay- https://68.media.tumblr.com/ac97b74d0b19098646ef65ab5dae053d/tumblr_ofqgcxkRwB1ud6jgao1_1280.png or https://68.media.tumblr.com/206fb5cfa031652f8a67afbb1e1a66cb/tumblr_ofqgcxkRwB1ud6jgao2_1280.png
Robyn: ...Trigger warning for blood, the picture is on my art tumblr, netsubo.
Or my Aywas pets:
Human form of Ai: http://i41.tinypic.com/3523yj4.png

;w; Sorry there is so much. I just know people don't like certain things, so I just list a lot for them to pick from, aha. |'D


5:50am Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Adding you to the list!


1:56pm Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 194
I would like to enter.
Maybe my secret Santa could make some art of my Jarha and Zenirix. tle="" target="">Cilick1 tle="" target="_blank">Click2!


2:51pm Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Adding to the list :)


2:56pm Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 264
I would love to enter!
I love animals, especially big cats and birds, mainly parrots/ birds of prey


3:04pm Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 119
I would love to enter! 
I love all things Batman and Robin (Dick Grayson) 
Small/cute/fluffy things
Quelis <3
Ocean life

“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.” ~Sherlock Holmes

please come and discover the wonder of oddities that are BINDIES! you can adopt your own very soon!


3:08pm Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 213
Hey there! I'ld love to enter! If i can i'd like some art of my lovely two Jahra girls. 

Or some art of my fav Undertale skeleton Sans, I am also deeply in love with his fanmade alternate selves Ink and Error though so help a fellow rescreatuion out *wink wink nudge nudge*.
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