~Art Contest! You could win 7mil..or more!~

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10:39pm Sep 4 2011 (last edited on 12:33pm Nov 24 2011)

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Posts: 555

Art Contest! 

Hello everyone! I am wolfspirit37 and this is my very first ever art contest! I was thinking about how much people love tu, and drawing so I just decided to turn this into something fun for everyone!

I hope to make this as fun as possible and I will try to have a few prizes, instead of just one! These prizes will include a variety of things. Things from tu, to DK's, to CS pets, or more! You'll just have to wait and see! :3

To also make it a little more fun, I will have more than 1 thing to choose from that you can draw so if you're not good at drawing one thing, hey, you may be good at the other! :D

Anyways, now I know that you are all probably sitting wondering, can we just get to the contest now, right? xD Well, here it is!

Oh! And this will end around the end of november! :D

***Note: Please read everything!****


~What am I drawing?~

For this contest, I would like a drawing of either my beloved Black Jahra PerfectBeastly, my amazing Kioka AlexRPettyfer, or my wonderful fursona! <3(may add more, so stay tunned!)

Here are the choices..







An example of my fursona can be found on my profile



My fursona was drawn my the amazingly talented Mugiwara! <3



~What kind of drawing?~

This desicion is completely up to you!

You can make your drawing traditional, digital, a simple sketch, etc.!

When drawing, I will alow you to have the freedom to choose however you desire to create your work of art. <3


~How many entries can I submit?~

You have the opportunity to submit as many entries as you like! The more the better! :D



Jahra-You may draw PerfectBeastly in any stage and in any pose that you wish. I am not picky on these sorts on things. However, I would like her name to be somewhere in the picture, whether its at the top, bottom, side, etc. You can make the name whichever design you desire. Also, if you would like to add any extra details in the picture, you may, but it is not required(ex:collar, etc.). She has to be black!

Kioka-You have the choice to draw AlexRPettyfer in any pose and at any stage that you wish. However, I would like the name to be added somewhere in the picture(again, I do not care where in the picture, as long as it is in there). He can only be natti, please do not make him trance, G&S, etc. Lastly, I would prefer not to have any other details(ex:collar, jewelry, etc.) on him, but if looks amazing, I will accept it, so you may if you like.

Fursona-I would like my fursona to be as creative as you can make it! It can be a baby wolf, middle staged wolf, or fully grown, whichever is fine. I prefer the color to be a blue, gray and white, or gray and brown. I would also like it to look somewhat like the spirit of a wolf, whether its the spirit, or its coming of of the sky as a spirit, or surrounded by fog. Please do not copy what Mugiwara designed for me! If you do, I will not accept it. Please be carefull. Please be creative with this! Let your heart and your imagination pour into your work! :3

Liyure- You may draw Independent in any stage and in any pose that you wish.  Please include the name somewhere within the picture. The name can be in any design, font, etc.  Independent MUST be natti and I prefer for the liyure not to have any accessories(collar,etc.)




PerfectBeastly is loving, creative, and can sometimes be a little shy, but she's not afraid to show it. She loves everyone and is the type of creatu who will always be there for you. She loves playing with other creatu and loves to help others as well. She is very playful and is very itelligent. She absolutly loves reading! She also loves creating a variety of artwork, from pictures, to models, and just about anything she can think of! She is not afraid to be herself. She is very loyal to anyone she loves, especially her owner. <3



AlexRPettyferr is very stong, athletic, and protective. He loves working up his strength and trys to every minute he has a chance. He is also a very athletic creatu and loves getting outdoors to play with his other creatu family. Alex also is very protective. He is protective of his owner as well as his creatu family. If anyone comes along to try and hurt any of us, he is always there beside us doing whatever he can to keep us safe. Alex is a very loyal Kioka and will do anything to show his love for his family and owner and he will always be there for them.



My fursona is a very great, beautiful, wise wolf. She is always surrounded by the most beautiful ring of spirit/mist which leaves an amazing trail of light. She loves running, which makes the spirit, and herself look even more stunning and wise. She is not only beautiful and wise, but she is also one of the most loyal pets that you can ever have and she will always be there for you. When she comes out of the sky as a spirit, she lights up the whole sky with bright colors and is somewhat large when this happens. It is an absolutly beautiful site to experience


Independent is very loving, adventurous, and of course independent. He absolutly loves exploring. No matter where it is, if he's interested, he'll go.  He's not afraid to do anything.  He is also very independent. He's brave and he will do whatever he wants, no matter what anyone tells him. Independent is a very loyal and loving Liyure, and will always be there for you to help you.


****This may help you come up with an idea of what they are like and it may help you decide what they look like in the drawing of your choice*****



Best overall


(Maybe something extra :3)












Honorable Mentions

Everyone will recieve a prize for entering :3


*These may be subject to change a little*



If you have any questions, please feel free to rmail me!

I will resond much faster to rmail, so I'd prefer questions to be sent through rmail please. :3

However, please do not ask me things about what would make your art better, or what would make it win, etc. because I will not tell you. xD You are supposed to be creative! :3 If it's anything else like other characteristics, etc. that you would like to incoperate, but aren't sure whether I'll alow it or not, feel free to drop an rmail! :3



1. Please be nice and polite to everyone who comments on this thread.

2. Please do not make any rude/negative comments towards me or anyone. This includes to anyone's artwork.

3. Do NOT steal any one's artwork on this forum! I will disqualify you and report you if you are found stealing anyone's artwork and using is as if it was your own.

4. I do have the right to use any of these drawings, so please keep that in mind.

5. All res rules apply.



Now, to make sure that you all have read all of this, you must include the words peanutbutter, sparkly, and raccoons in your sentence. :D

Note:Keep an eye on this, as this is subject to change several times to see if you have read everything xD





ipod2259-all of them




11:24pm Sep 4 2011 (last edited on 5:46pm Sep 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 555
**It won't let me edit the first post so here are the entries ^^**




                               ~~Not Sure Yet xD~~


12:44am Sep 5 2011 (last edited on 12:46am Sep 5 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 700
I'mma join and draw dat cute little fursona of yers, Wolfy. <3
Sparkly raccoons certainly do like peanut butter omg 


12:51am Sep 5 2011 (last edited on 12:51am Sep 5 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 555
kk lol awesome and nice sentence :D


12:10pm Sep 5 2011

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Posts: 555


12:31pm Sep 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 778
Ill enter for all of them /shot.
I was walking down the street when I saw a few peanut butter, sparkly, raccoons.  

"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave

12:55pm Sep 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 555

Awesome :)

Nice sentence :D


1:46pm Sep 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 272
I want to enter!


1:53pm Sep 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 555
Alex: awesome! Remember to read the very bottom under entering xD


2:34pm Sep 5 2011 (last edited on 1:20pm Sep 6 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 379

Homg I want some peanut butter .... I shall go see the sparkly raccoon for eet 8D

 Ta da xD

Totally entering. Will edit this with entry when done :D


I'll do it for the Fursona, btw ;o


5:45pm Sep 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 555


10:14pm Sep 5 2011

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Posts: 555


8:47am Sep 6 2011


Posts: 3,217

i hate it when sparkly raccoons eat my peanutbutter. 

 ill try entering for AlexRPettyfer. 


11:30pm Sep 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 555
lol all right ^^


6:15pm Sep 7 2011

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Posts: 555


10:39pm Sep 8 2011

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Posts: 555


9:47am Sep 9 2011 (last edited on 9:56am Sep 9 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,194

I just finished sketching your Kioka.
I'm scanning it right now, to show it to you before I digitalize it.
If you want any changes made to it, please tell me! c:

Ps. Peanut Butter, Sparkly, Raccoon! :D

*Will edit this post with the drawing*


Of course, in the final version, it'll all be cleaned up! c:

tle="Click for a larger view" alt="" src="http://oi53.tinypic.com/2qnp2rs.jpg" width="654" height="885" jQuery1315576318014="2">



10:04am Sep 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 921

"Where there is peanut butter in a sparkly new jar, there the Raccoons shall also be."

I'm going to try all of them and probably post whichever comes out best...



3:47pm Sep 9 2011 (last edited on 10:14am Sep 10 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 634
i'd luv to enter, i shall probably opt for one of the creatu :)

Sparkly Raccoons guard their peanutbutter well... (sorry about my HA, V3 won't let me put clothes on :( )


4:00pm Sep 9 2011 (last edited on 4:00pm Sep 9 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,131
(I'm not entering I just wanted to write the sentence)

Sparkly Peanut Butter noms on Racoons.

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
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