☼The Rescreatu Wishing Well☼

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12:32pm Nov 10 2012 (last edited on 1:10pm Nov 18 2012)

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Posts: 116

This thread has nothing to do with The Factory.
Currently looking for writers  for the TRWW Newsletter!
Rmail gardenias or sohpie82 to apply!

Welcome to the Rescreatu Wishing Well!

I'm gardenias, but call me Nias for short. I'm the founder of this wishing well, to help boost moods of the users on rescreatu. The purpose of this wishing well is to help users achieve their dreams, and make their wishes come true. Sadly, we won't be able to grant every wish given to us, but we promise we will make an effort to try. Since we are running on donations, without donations the Wishing Well won't be able to grant any wishes. But, before we continue, I'd like to make some rules clear. Keep in mind I've modified some of the rules so the old ones are not accurate.

Manager/Founder: gardenias
Co-Manager: sophie82
Tresurer: tsukihikaru
Mod(s): kewlgurl, Headache
Writers: N.A


1. We will no longer grant wishes for tu. It must be an item or a pet.
2. Now we have implemented restrictions. Anything over 50mil tu will not be granted. But we will help with some funds.
3. This wishing well is NOT a free-for-all. With that in mind, remember that if you make a new wish after the other one is granted, the next one might not be granted as quickly.
4. Please be a kind, helpful user on this thread. If you break this rule, you shall be put on the blacklist, unable to make a wish or post on the thread.
5. Please do not ask to be on the staff. We are currently looking for more staff! Rmail if interested.



Here's where all the fanart will be kept and to be used, free of cost!


I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:

12:33pm Nov 10 2012 (last edited on 1:26pm Nov 18 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 116




Here is where all of the current wishes will be recorded.

emilylavery: Kioka
LunarStorm: Wyrae Egg or Creatu
Sheska: Prohibited Creatu Collar or Female Gothic Shirt
Drenn: Adult Achromatic Ardur
Tedious: Calico Veram
Setesh: Black Ezahni
neomaemae: Reiflem Rocker Boots
tsukihikaru: Ezahni Egg
Ram: Albino Malal
sorcerer465: NCJB or Achromatic Myotis
GreenKat: NCJB
Frank1110897: Calico, Achro, or Albino Roditore
Serenity Dream: Albino Skadlyr
Icalasari: Calico Jaaku
Noctre: Black Omni
creativepainter: Achromatic Ebilia
sorcerer465: NCJB
PepsiPepperoni: Calico Iluvu or Mutant Easero
LunarStorm: Drachid Egg or Female Drachid
Westie: Breeze Wig
Wickednew: Calico Otachie
Blackeyes: RMP
Thursdaydarling: Natural Wyrae

Here's all the wishes that have been granted.

A Random Dye Kit for AlloraSilverfield
A Calico Tesuri for Megabyte
A Rose Dye Kit for Dragonstar
A Random Dye Kit for Witch
A Mirabilis Creatu Egg and a Hug <3 for Llama
A Potato Gun and a bunch of potatoes for DawnOfTheDragon
A Trance Potion for MissHalloween
RMP for Ram
Mutant Ebilia for Drenn
Black Ebilia Wings for jumkoyu
NCJB for Saphirra
Gender Pendant for Jenny
Azure DK for Annelise
Natural Ebilia for lanie9050
Mutant Quelis for secretcall71
Calico Valabex for Decker
Magenta DK for HereLiesTheHero
Blonde Malal for fullmoon
Gold Stardust Urn for DawnOfTheDragon
RMP for Westie
Trickster Knight Cape for Drenn
Nattie Ezahni for nyroc128
Calico Roditore for angel123456
Assorted Items for GreenKat
Shattered Glass Heart for jumkoyu
Amber Dye Kit for Katie9916
Patrick Goody Bag 08 for jumkoyu
RMP for EmberSword
Mutant Ardur for Zachrock
RMP for Kate19916
Rose Mutant Otachie for Gasp


I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:

12:33pm Nov 10 2012 (last edited on 5:16pm Nov 14 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 116



Here's where our pet storage is.

Natural Roditore
Natural Iluvu
Sepia Mirabilis
Sepia Ahea
Black Ahea
Orchid Berrok
Natural Uilus
Sepia Vogar
Natural Uilus
Orchid Malal
Lime Sirleon
Calico Iluvu
Mutant aukira
Silver Iluvu
Achro Malal
Nattie Quelis
Undead Cream Ahea
Mutant Zenerix
Undead Drindian
Undead Tesuri


And here are our pet donors!

Megabyte donated a Natural Roditore
AlloraSilverfield donated a Natural Aerix
Iridescent donated Gengi, Tyral, Nial, and Leaster
Kinera donated Eaxeun, Inoc, Anorami, and Brunosh
Shadow donated a Stardusted Sepia Vogar
Charmens donated Klawzie and Allection
Mandolady donated random pets [Vague for a reason. Thanks!]
Katie9916 donated a Natural Quelis.
Noctre Donated an Undead Drindian and an Undead Tesuri!
Creativepainter donated a mutant zenerix!

If you donated, and aren't on this list, please rmail one of the staff to notify us!

I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:

12:33pm Nov 10 2012 (last edited on 1:44pm Nov 12 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 116


Here's our current bank account.

On Hand: Roughly 80mil?

I'd also like to give some credit to our donors:

AlloraSilverfield donated 500k
sophie82 donated primarily 5.8mil
kewlgurl donated 2.4 million
Kaleria  donated 10 million
nyroc128 donated 200k
Jane2011 donated 100k
Athez donated 2mil
Ermahgerd, jumkoyu, donated 250 mil.
Westie donated 500k!

If you donated, and aren't on this list, please rmail one of the staff to notify us!

I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:

12:33pm Nov 10 2012 (last edited on 1:01pm Nov 18 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 116


Here's our item storage, where these items will be saved for later wishes.
To make it easier and to make the post less long, click on the links to take you to a user's gallery where they have items for TRWW.
tle="" href="http://www.rescreatu.com/itemgallery/viewshop.php?id=128768" target="">~kewlgurl~



Here are all the donors!

Megabyte donated Celestial Cookies, a Gold Pearl, Healing Water, a Potato Gun, Silver Fabric, Super Healing Potions, and a Value Voucher!
sophie82 donated a Malal Box Car, Mirabilis Gingerbread Cookie, Murren Box Car, Silver Stardust, and a Zenirix Gingerbread Cookie!
nyroc128 donated an Uldavi Crystal Ball and a Magic Parrot!
Iridescent donated an Egg Painting Kit, Gold Stardust and the Cyid, Lucky Recipes, a Pile of Silver Stadust, a Pile of Gold Stardust, a Super Healing Potion, a Potato Gun, and a Drop of Synthetic Magic!
MissHalloween donated Wild Grape Jelly Beans!
mandolady donated a Candy Cutlass, a Dead Fly, Gold Shimmering Flecks, a Green Klaws Co. Hat, a Heart Cooking Pot, Heart Soars Cards, a I Luv U Card, Love Bug Cards, a Petrified Wood, a Pink Pearl, Potato Bashers, Purple Marti Gras Beads, a Refleim Snow Globe, a Relcore Snow Globe, a Shed Spider Skin, a Silver Easero Cupcake, a Wrong Type Card, a Yellow Glass Bauble, and a You Are Cute Card!
Jumkoyu donated a whole bunch of things!
kewlgurl has donated so many items, that it'd take forever to name!

I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:

12:33pm Nov 10 2012 (last edited on 1:15pm Nov 10 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 116

This is our honourable users page.
This is for all the users that helped change TRWW!

Honourable Staff:

Co-Manager: sophie82
Treasurer: tsukihikaru
Editor/Organizer: Megabyte
Moderator: kewlgurl
Moderator: Headache

Honourable Tu Donators:
[Though all donators are amazing, we will put the current top 3 donators here]


Congratulations! I'd really like to thank him for helping TRWW thrive. TRWW probably wouldn't be as great as it is today without you. Way to go! :D You will automatically be entered in our Honour Raffle!


Congrazzles! :) Thank you so much for deciding to donate 10 million tu to our program! Your tu is going to be used well.


Congrats! Not only are you my lovely Co-Manager, you have also donated tu. Though you've done so much more, I'd like to put your name up here for one of the Honourable Tu Donators.

Honourable Raffle

Your probably wondering what this is, but I will explain. This is a new thing I've decided to do, and this is for all donators. Each month, we will enter all of our donators in a raffle. Since this is the first one, I will put in all donators for our October raffle. [Even though it's past October.] Each user will win some sort of prize, but three lucky users will win a prize!

Participants: (October)


If you've donated before today, and are not featured on this list, rmail me before Wednesday, November 14!


I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:

12:41pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 749
Oh this is brilliant. Will we still use the old thread?

12:42pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 116

Hmm. I don't think so. But I will be incorporating most of the info from there. But I was thinking of having a separate contest thread, but I don't think I'd be the right person to run it. x3

I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:

1:07pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 749
I could?

1:09pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 116
Sure, that'd be great! :)

I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:

1:09pm Nov 10 2012 (last edited on 1:09pm Nov 10 2012)

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Posts: 116
/double post

I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:

1:24pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 749
My computer's acting really stupid when it comes to the dream HA thing. I'll try to get it to you another time.

1:26pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 116

Okay, that's fine. :)

I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:

1:30pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,058
subs, I have 11mil for this, if you need tu from me simply ask, alot of it is in stocks(not the 11mil)
\r\n \r\n

6:13am Nov 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 749
So, should I set up the contest thread now?

12:29pm Nov 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 116

Sure sophie82, that'd be great. C:

I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:

12:48pm Nov 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 749
I'll get right on it.

12:50pm Nov 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,058
I kind of want this to be more then just pets and items. Do you think you can add a page for simple graphics, coding and art? Once I figure out how to use anchor text we can also have a page to teach codes
\r\n \r\n

1:07pm Nov 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 116

I like the idea, but I think we should stick with pets and items. We could make a thread in the art commissions for services, but not actually incorporate that into our program.

I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:

1:09pm Nov 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Guys, no offense to anyone, but if TRWW is moving to this thread, I'm quitting staff. I loved being the editor, and it was the really fun thing about TRWW to me. I'll send all the tu and items to tsuki, delete that old thread, but you just came in and kicked me out of a job I was doing very, very well. TRWW would have died if I hadn't thought of putting it in contests. We wouldn't even have jumkoyu. I realize you are manager gardenias, but, well, staff should have a say in stuff too, and you didn't even rmail us about it. Sorry, but this is a little too much for me. I'll send everything to tsuki after granting that last wish that I just got a reply from because I rmailed everyone about their wishes and because I helped manage TRWW while you were gone. Bye.

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