I want some art for my profile. I would like a picture of Mitich(veram), LiLMissCoco(ahea), SilverStarGhost(Zenirix), or LovieDovey(Uilus).
- I want it drawn by hand or computer.
- You can have as many creatu in the picture.
- The more creatu in the creatu in the picture, more chances of you winning.
- Would like background.
- Only four entries.
I don't know when the deadline is yet, may be Feb. 20. If you win, you also win an egg. For the eggs you have a choice of Intes, Meragon, Veram, Tesuri, Draqua Creatu Egg.
1st 100k & first choice of egg
2nd 80k & second choice of egg
3rd 60k & thrid choice of egg
4th 40k & fourth choice of egg
5th 20k & whatevers left
The tu prize may increase when getting to deadline.
If any winners don't anwer in four days for what egg they want when I ask them, the next person will get a choice before you. You will not get a turn to pick until it comes back to you. which mean if you got first and don't anwer in time, 2nd place gets first pick, then 3rd, 4th, 5th, and most likely you'll end up with whatevers left.