Dat Raffle :3

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11:24am Feb 27 2014 (last edited on 10:05am Feb 28 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 176

ENTRIES ARE NOW CLOSED ~Check 2nd post for winners





The Rules

This Raffle doesn't require tu to enter. All you have to do is post your favourite name of a player. Personally I like Smuh's name best because its sounds funny ;)

You don't have to add a reason why you like it best but it would be preferable.


Only 1 submission per player. You may post as many names/reasons as you want, but you will only be entered in to the raffle once.


I don't know when i'll draw the raffle, so for now the date is TBD




Everyone loves prizes, and in fact, most of you probably scrolled down to this section before even reading the rules ;D Don't worry, I don't blame you ;)


The first player to be drawn will receive:



A Cyid Egg




The second player to be drawn will receive:

click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2646513);" href="http://www.rescreatu.com/inventory/#">

An Albino Kurrabi




And lastly, the third player to be picked will receive:



click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2565736);" href="http://www.rescreatu.com/inventory/#">

An Albino Ebilia





Good luck!





1. Ylvalaric

2. KrissyBearRawr

3. Tiberius

4. Meggie4584

5. Coolgirl99

6. Titanium

7. FluzzMe

8. Daisuki

9. WillfulCole

10. Ratchet

11. Sasafras

12. Dustfeather

13. Watershell56

14. Pegasus

15. Ducksrule101


17. Souda

18. ZebraSan

19. Symonya

20. SkittyGirl

21. Rupee

22. Witchy

23. MissHalloween

24. Sonador

25. Shao

26. Alyanabilla

27. Firehop

28. Redrock

29. Aniwolf

30. Wolf

31. Headache

32. GLaDOS

33. Silvervolken

34. Erisedmoonstone65


11:25am Feb 27 2014 (last edited on 10:15am Feb 28 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 176

Now for the winners!!!

These have been chosen using random.org.





Firstly, the winner of the Cyid egg:

#6 - Titanium!



Secondly, the winner of the Albino Kurrabi:

#24 - Sonador!



Lastly, the winner of the Albino Ebilia:

#22 - Witchy!




Congrats to all the winners, your prizes will be with you shortly :)



11:28am Feb 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
I like SkittyGirl's username. I think it's adorable ouo


11:34am Feb 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 11
I've gotta say my favorite username is probably my boyfriends, Inlovewithkrissyftw. Because c'mon. That's cute 

12:00pm Feb 27 2014 (last edited on 12:01pm Feb 27 2014)


Posts: 541
My favorite username? Bunny. It's cute, and much better than her old one. xD


12:00pm Feb 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 89

Moe - Name of 1 of the 3 stooges

Tiberius - Always punting me with gifts

Ally - Just overall amazing!

Wolves killed by humans > Humans killed by wolves. STOP IT. Put this in you signature if you love wolves. This can make a difference.

12:02pm Feb 27 2014 (last edited on 12:05pm Feb 27 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 115
my favourite username is Tiberius because people call her tibbie and I like that name it just reminds me of teddie and it is really cute :3

time flys when your having fun

12:04pm Feb 27 2014 (last edited on 12:04pm Feb 27 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 460
I like quite a few usernames xD
For example Life is a totally cool username o_o I mean its Life... ya know?
Also Light, Llama, Zen, Blue, Bunny, Tiberius, Thumpar etc 
I like all these usernames because you can pronounce them easily :O
I could literally list like most of res xD 
Also did you know theres a user called Tumblr :o

Roditore Queen, Always

12:12pm Feb 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Tiberius - Honestly, Tibby, this is why I first started talking to you xD It's always been a name I love. It just sounds cool. Seriously. Just say it.

Smuh - It does sound so weird/cool omg

Llama - I still prefer your old username, but whatever. Llamas are considered the "crazy" animal, or whatever, so it's p cool yo

Ylvalaric - dude I can't tell you how long it takes me to spell your name //still it's awesome <3

Pettirosso - Honestly it seems like you just jumbled a bunch of letters together and made a pretty cool sounding username. xD

Sonador - Even though I don't like Spanish as a language, it's one of my favorite words. Ell bella sonador, remember? <3 also when I was really young I went around the house singing the words "beautiful dreamer" like a 50 year old want-to-be opera singer lD

Vin - dude your name is Vin that's just cool no explanation necessary

FearaLovesYou - It's always nice to be loved by Feara~ <3

Riot - Honestly no idea who has this username (never met 'em before) but it's one awesome word. One of my favorites, actually.


2:13pm Feb 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 709
Life- because it's cool and I can make puns out of it. XD


2:23pm Feb 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 28
Ratchet  so wicked COOL haha,
nah they're just so nice & I just 
find their username funny :P

OrphanBlack  I dont even know this user >//<

Hummingbird I just love his username &  
I love hummingbirds v classic


2:26pm Feb 27 2014 (last edited on 6:02pm Feb 27 2014)


Posts: 2,161
Okay, here goes. xD

Tiberius- Because it's a really cool name. ;w;

FluzzMe- Because I misread it as 'Fuzzy' all the time and sometimes I picture her as a fuzzy kitten because of it.

CaptainMorgan- Spice things up tonight; captain's orders! 8D

Aniwolf- Because it sounds adorable. ^^

Daisuki- Also sounds adorable.

Wheeljack- This user has been inactive for a very long time, but their usernamesake happens to be the best friend to mine. So. Yeah. Character reference! :D

CaptinBubblz- He's the captain. Of bubbles. Who wouldn't want that ti

Symonya- Because it's fun to pronounce and I can call her Symlove. <3

Llama- Maybe she has a hat. o-o

Judge- Is an epic username. It just is. 

Life- Also epic.

Fizzeh- Because it's fun to say.

Avedori- She's been inactive for a while but it's fun to pronounce.

Patrick- Is this the Krusty Krab? .-.

Bunny- Because Bunnies are cute. owo

Ghost- Oooooooo~

ElmerJFudd- Shhh. Be vewy vewy quiet; I'm hunting wabbits. 

octopusbaby- Baby octopus. Nuff said.

Carcass- Is a really cool one.

TILLALLAREONE- She's been inactive for a while but it's a Transformers reference. 'Till all are one' is the Autobot rally cry. ;u;

GLaDOS- At the end of the experiment you will be baked. 
And there will be...

SAM- The moose. ;w; 

Dean- My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach and frisky women. And I did not kill anyone. 

Castiel- There is no reason why this name should not be on my list. 

Okay. That's most of them... I think. xD I really like a lot of Res usernames because people are so fun and creative. ;w;

EDIT//OMG forgot GLaDOS. ;-; I had to list her. 

*edits again* almost forgot these three. ;-;


2:58pm Feb 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 286
I like the names Life and, Light.
just cuz. :)

3:22pm Feb 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
I personally like Pettirosso a lot because it sounds like a mixture of feminine/adventurous/foreign. c; Super neat!

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

4:05pm Feb 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 26
hello I like the name GLaDOS and octopusbaby I mean they are great and the names just fight them so much


4:07pm Feb 27 2014


Posts: 1,586
I llike Raychol.. It sounds cool and is original I think :3


4:15pm Feb 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 51

I like the usernames Pegasus and ducks because they are my favorite creature and mythical creature :D :P :) (:


4:16pm Feb 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 304
Ratchet; because when I first met her, the first thing that came to my head was the slang definition of "ratchet"... but now, whenever I hear "ratchet", the first thing that comes to my head is one of my good friends on Rescreatu xD


4:17pm Feb 27 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,133
I reeeealllly like Jess because it's short and to the point.

I also like Blue because hell it's blue and by god if I couldn't have Souda I was gonna go with Blue.


4:19pm Feb 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 19
My favorite would have to be Zen. Because it is short, memorable, and awesome sounding. :)
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