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8:04pm Feb 4 2013 (last edited on 4:37pm Feb 5 2013)

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Posts: 4,754
Did my title draw you in? No? Darn.
Welcome to derp. The place where Meg derps, talks about her feelings, and holds a contest for whoever feels like helping her sort them out.
*confetti cannon explodes and streamers fly with little noisemakers in the background making a huge roar*


Basically, Meg wants to ask this guy out, and she's as shy as they come when she's around him, she never, ever flirts with him, and she isn't even sure if he even likes her.
Hopeless situation much? /sighs/

I will not do anything hopelessly romantic, or something that costs me money. I'm broke and not romantic /derps/
If you want more information on past events/occurrences and how well we know each other, click this link: LINKY

I will likely take a boy's suggestion if there are any, because boys know how they want to be asked out, and girls are just romantic lunatics :I /shot
Here is some information about us/him/me:

*I'm freakishly shy around him
*I really love his eyes. They are the prettiest things EVER

*I haven't flirted with him, because I would die of embarrassment.
*I have this one idea, which I will explain later, and I'd like some opinions on it

*We are both thirteen
*I never, ever see him outside of a school event

*Going somewhere isn't an option, since I can't drive, so it has to be at school
*Nothing in public. Gosh no.

*I don't have his phone number or email address, and he doesn't have mine
*I have told no one I like him, though some people may have suspicions.
*I will not have my friends do it for me, because if they do at my school something like that is considered a joke.
*I used to be his best friend, but we got a lot of unwanted attention because people are immature and thought we liked each other, so we drifted apart into acquaintanceship.
*He shares 4 classes with me on Wednesdays, Mondays, and Fridays, and 5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All of the classes are in a row too, so it's about a 3-4 hour time period you have to work with.

*I will tell you ANY information about him/me except what he looks like and what his name is.

So what are you waiting for? Help meeee. If not for Meg, do it for the prize 8I


8:04pm Feb 4 2013 (last edited on 4:37pm Feb 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Prizes will be done a little weird for this contest. If I ask him out and he says yes, you all get wonderful prizes.
If I ask him out and he says no, I'll likely be all upset and not give out as good of prizes.
If I don't get enough good entries that I feel comfortable asking him out, then you all get meh prizes. Better than number two, not as good as number one.
Therefore, it is kind of hard for me to announce prizes, since I can't read his mind.
I can tell you, however, that if he says yes, I will give out ultra wonderful prizes to all of you wonderful people. Just some extra initiative to have you guys give me good ideas c:


8:04pm Feb 4 2013 (last edited on 4:38pm Feb 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
~Suggestions and My Idea~
Just so you know, I am not apposed to elaborate schemes that keep my identity hidden. In fact, those are my favorite kind of ideas :D
~My Idea:
Okay, so I have this really, really elaborate idea that keeps my identity hidden. What I would do, is I would write this note that says this, "Hey, I like you and want to ask you out, but I'm afraid you don't like me back. So, put this note on the desk of the girl you like tomorrow morning. No one but me will know who the note is from, so you have no worries about choosing the wrong person or anything. Oh, and if you are a girl, reading this message, I think you can pick up from the previous words what this whole thing is about."
My idea protects my identity, so if he likes me, I'll know, and if he doesn't, he won't even know who I am, and no one else will.


4:16pm Feb 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
LAWL meg! *pokes* I'll try and help here.
Read everything you put up so-far.
Sence,you don't know much about him,
and is too shy to talk to him.How about doin this.
#1(suggestion)..How about.. you wait till hes at his locker..
and walk past him,behind him.. and pretend to drop all
your books or maybe just a pencil.When he help you pick it up..
start up a quick and short conversation. Or maybe introduce
yourself,again..or maybe say 'Hey arent you in my class?..or
somthing like that. If he dosent help you pick up what you
dropped,then maybe he isent right to get involved with..
cause that would be rude,not helpin ya.
I see you have alot of limits,but maybe... i donno,
ask HIS friends about what he likes,or if he play
sports after school,or somthing. or maybe ONE of his
closest friends,not all of them. a guy friend.
girls would just gossip.
maybe then he'll tell his friend (the guy you like) that you
were asking about him.
MK.. (good suggestion) #2.
Alot of boys love candy.I used to share candy at school,
alot.made alot of good buds that way.
Maybe bring a piece of candy to school,and eat it near him,
when he glances at you,say 'oh,I'm sorry you want some?'
then maybe ask him what candy he likes,so you
can share with him. then two will have
a 3 min window of opertunity.. to talk about one tiny thing
at a time.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

7:35pm Feb 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
Do you have a cell phone? 
I think one of the best ways, nowadays anyways, is to get their number and text them about things. I mean, it's easy to make that kind of thing VERY nonchalant. 

"Hey ____! I had a question about last night's homework, and I went to talk to you about it, and I realized that I didn't even have your number! Do you mind me having it, just in case I ever need help again?" :)

... Super casual, no? And it gives NO implication that you're hardcore crushing. ;o

I would definitely not recommend asking the boy out if you don't talk to him. If you do get rejected, it'll make the hurt... well, it'll just plain hurt, and if he DOES say yes, well, what do you have in common? Do you read the same books, are interested in the same thing, watch sports or no? 

I mean, how well do you really like someone if you don't even know what they're like? ;o

SO! My final advice?

Don't ask him out right away, get to know the boy better. Awkward relationships can be worse than none. ;o 

AND, get to know him! I mean, you two USED to be best friends... but, people change! That's the thing. He has probably changed since then. Get back to knowing him before you make any large decisions! And, eventually, it will be OBVIOUS if he likes you or not. ^^


9:46pm Feb 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Thanks for the advice Vin! I'd absolutely love, love, LOVE to be all nonchalant like that, but unfortunately Meg isn't the type of person who asks for help on homework. She's the hundred-on-every-test smarty pants who people text and ask for help on THEIR homework.
I would love to use that simple solution to it, but it's just not possible that he'd believe me XD

Candy O.O I know he loves candy, I brought my old Halloween candy to school once and he practically stole the bag from me xD

Also, Meg is very good at observing, especially when I like someone. He has a sister one grade younger than us, loves to sing, is shy about his singing, is great friends with his sister, likes Christian music, and likes fantasy books. I know his best friend (pretty well actually), and I know how he is super shy when in class and around people he isn't comfortable around but he is a ball of energy around people he is.

I actually know the personalities, crushes, friends, etc. about people I don't even like. I will need to get to know him better though c:


4:57pm Feb 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 638
  Do you guys do anything in any of classes:D ThatT it is just the two youhn


6:50pm Feb 10 2013 (last edited on 6:51pm Feb 10 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
Hows all our advice going along?

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

7:16pm Feb 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Decent. I feel comfortable enough to ask him out now, I just don't know when. I could do it tomorrow, and get it over with, or I could do it on Valentines Day, which is not only Valentines Day, but we are going on a school trip to Dallas that day and I have a good opportunity to get him alone, which would be preferable. So I don't know :I


8:04pm Feb 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
thats great! glad we could help!

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

6:44pm Feb 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
I think you know him pretty well but, I have to agree that you could know him better.I'm kind of in the same situation right now and I came up with a great idea a while ago science all boys love candy go up to him and give him his favorite kind. Then tell him you got full and knew he liked it and couldn't see it wasted. Have a message about if he likes you or someone else on the floor. Then drop the bag and pick it up with the message and give it to him. When he finds the message he can't be sure it was you. and he will probably tell you if he likes you back because he'll have a suspicion it WAS you.   

Hope it helps! Good luck! :)

2:54am Feb 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 895
[[Boy here, lol.]]

Anyway, I think it's sad that people couldn't accept your friendship. I'm twelve, almost thirteen just saying that we might have the same mindset. Also, no offense, but I personally don't like your idea. Most guys like if they know who the girl is. Doing anything with candy is good. EVERYONE LOVES CANDY. *Ahem* You do this on a Tuesday or Thursday. Get to class early if you can. Put a piece of candy in his desk. Do it in every class. If you have the courage to ask him out or tell him how you feel, at the end of the day or something. He'd love that. I think you have a great chance with him. ;D

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7:17am Feb 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Awesome. By now I had trashed my idea, so that was just more confirmation of that.

Thanks for all the encouragement and ideas guys! I'm doing it Thursday, when we have a three day long school trip and I can be sure to get him alone. Plus, it's Valentines day c:


3:42pm Feb 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 895
Ah, can't wait to here what happens! ;D

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7:31pm Feb 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,189
good for you meg :D
having the guts to ask him out

//continues to watch while i am forever alone c:


7:49pm Feb 12 2013 (last edited on 8:02pm Feb 12 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Thanks c: Though I wouldn't call when going near a guy and being so scared you'll do something stupid you feel like you are going to have a panic attack for 1 year good for me, but it certainly was good incentive to ask him out finally, at least I can stop freaking out XD

I was wondering how I was going to do something with candy, until my best friend handed me a bag filled with about ten to fifteen pieces of chocolate today. I was totally freaked out because we had nary a candy at our house, and when she came up to me before first period and plopped a bag of cookies and cream chocolates in my locker, I nearly cried with relief ^-^


7:56pm Feb 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
I agree with you!

9:22pm Feb 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
SWEET! Yay,like the candy fairy came to your rescue!

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

8:20pm Feb 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
I was seriously going to do it, but my friends (including guys at my school) all think girls shouldn't ask guys out because it means a girl is desperate. I think it's totally unfair and legitimately wrong, but I don't want everyone to think poorly of me because I did it. I'm closing this up, and everyone who participated gets a prize.


8:41pm Feb 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
yay! you go girl!!

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!
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