Egg Giveaway :)

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7:56am Mar 21 2016 (last edited on 9:55am Mar 24 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 1
Hello, to all who took the time to read this little blog post here. You see, I find myself in a predicament as I spend far too much time on Res, just stalking the planets. I really don't do much else actually. And as such I find rare/uncommon eggs quite often. I never pick up so many eggs that I hit the 100 limit but they do accumulate.
 All of these eggs that I will be giving away are fresh and I will dispose of (unless someone wants for some reason) the undress ones. I will never give away spoiled eggs. Most of the creatu you will see are from Scria as my favorite creatu are Zaphao. In my time searching for them I happen along many, many Scrian eggs. I currently have a good number of eggs to give away and that number will grow as I find them. 
Some species I currently have are:
If you have a creatu type in mind that is not listed, drop a comment below and I will do my absolute best! 
Now the reason why I will be doing this giveaway is because I don't like money. Some people find me strange, yes, but I don't like it. Even as this is a game, my ulterior motive is not money and I love bringing happiness to people. If someone getting eggs of their favorite creatu will bring them joy then this is what I will do. 
I will be giving 3-5 of a certain creatu to a user. Either comment or R-Mail me the creatu you wish to have and I will send it over!
Thank you all for your time to read this. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions please post them below I will take the time to read them as you took the time to read this.

9:16am Mar 21 2016

Normal User

Posts: 44
This is really nice of you. If you get any extra leverene eggs I would love to have one (or a few) lol

Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway :)

10:33am Mar 21 2016

Normal User

Posts: 79
could i possibly get some Malal eggs? :)

11:09am Mar 21 2016

Normal User

Posts: 24
Hello there :3 That's really veru nice of you to give away! I don't have a certain Creatu in mind, I'm very new (joined yesterday), so I'll be glad to get any :3

11:10am Mar 21 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2
Hiya :) If you have any Roditore/Veram eggs, I'd appreciate it if you sent them to me. Don't go looking for them if you don't have any, but yeah :) If you have any.

11:32am Mar 21 2016

Normal User

Posts: 570
I would love mirabilis and ardur eggs if you have any :3



1:49pm Mar 21 2016

Normal User

Posts: 16
It would be great if you could spare some mirabilis eggs.

2:21pm Mar 21 2016

Normal User

Posts: 55
This is so nice of you! i would love some intes eggs if you have any :)

7:07pm Mar 21 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
Would love some Mirabilis eggs :)

7:49pm Mar 21 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,995
i dont need any,but my friend GIN really need myotis eggs.
honesty its the only creatu Gin hatches..ever at all.

so,if you find a few,please send Gin myotis.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

10:06pm Mar 21 2016

Normal User

Posts: 215
If you happen to have any extra Meragon and ardur eggs, I'll greatly appreciate getting some. 

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11:15am Mar 22 2016

Normal User

Posts: 55
Thank you! 

12:01pm Mar 22 2016

Normal User

Posts: 14
Erm im very new here two day new so far the best looking creatu to me is the calico goat and i have compleatly forgotten the name of the breed XD

12:03pm Mar 22 2016

Normal User

Posts: 14
Also i spent a lot of time on here yesteday and i get a lot of eggs/ creatu i dont really want and to be honest im not a fan of tu i even started an auction for my mutated indigo pet and instead of people bidding tu they bid hatching coloured pets XD

Any way i can donate pets and eggs to the cause? :3
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