Ever Dreamed of Your Own Video Game?

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10:30pm Sep 22 2012 (last edited on 12:25pm Oct 14 2012)

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Posts: 3,426
A bit ago, I got my hands on a software called RPG Maker VX. Basically the point of the program is that you can make video games like an old gameboy version of Final Fantasy without having to have knowledge of pogramming or making graphics. All the basics you need (including things like a standard battle system and item/move databa[injection]se) are all included in the software in a format so easy "a child could do it."

If you're familiar the games Ao Oni, To the Moon, or Ib, those are all examples of RPG Maker games (although they use their own graphics and pobably have programming added in that they've made).

I'd like to learn more how to use the software, and although I'm coming up with my own game ideas, I'm not sure how well they'll work out. I typically have issues coming up with full plots.

So in order to actually work on and complete a game, I'm going to let one (maybe even more) write the story of the game and I will make it for you in RPG Maker.

However, I'm not just going to accept any story thrown at me. So I do have requirements and rights. If you do not read and follow them, your idea will be disqualified.

Write a concept in your entry, not a full plot. A basic outline of the setting, story, and characters are all I need. A few paragraphs should suffice for this. I want a general feel for your idea without having to read a bunch of details. Don't worry, you'll get the opportunity to really sell your game later.
Begin planning your full game immediately. At the time you submit your concept, you do not have to have a full idea. But it's easier to get a head start on your idea for stage two.
Be available and keep in contact. I shouldn't have to wait more than a day or two for a response to a quick question, and we should be able to find time for longer discussions within a week or two, even three. Also if anything comes up that will make you unable to contact or keep you very busy, please let me know.
Understand the software limitations. Although RPG Maker tries to give you a variety and gives you everything you need for a basic RPG, it does have limitations. There are some things you just might not be able to do or change. And you're stuck with a basic "character builder" (which is probably slightly more customizable than some doll builders online) so specific details such as markings or scars on your character or specific clothing won't happen.
Respect my choices. The winner will be chosen ba[injection]sed on my interests and opinions. I will not work on a game I won't be interested in, no matter how much "better" that game might be.

Be impatient. I'm making a game for you for free. It is not the priority of my life.
Suggest a game ba[injection]sed on a preexisting concept. I will not make a fan game or use a third person's world or characters. I don't care if you have permission to use them or not, I will not do it.
Try to go into detail about battle systems and game mechanics or scene and design. I'm not doing any programming or graphics, so what the software gives is what you get. I do know there is a way to add specific attack names and change damages, etc. But attack graphics are another story. You can also assign specific character "classes" to each character to unlock specific skill types and attacks.
Pitch me a mature game. It needs to be allowed to be posted on Res with no to light warnings. (It's "rating" should match the ESRB as T or lower.)
Worry about the length of your game. Whether it's a few hours gameplay, or something that could span the length of several games, if I like it, length doesn't matter.

My Rights:
I can post or distribute the game however I see fit. I will most likely share it on Res, and might post it on my future portfolio or show it to colleges and teachers. You will be given credit for the plot.
If necessary, I might suggest changes to your idea. They won't be major changes, just maybe a plot hole fix or two. This is a collaboration, so if there's something I really don't like, I will bring it up.
If I choose to, I can make other media besides the game. I might make spin-off stories or comics using either your world or characters. I might even choose to make another game depending on how your plot goes. I will again give credit for original concept, and maybe let you know these things exist if I believe they'll interest you, but I'm not required to.
I can drop the project if I choose. Something could happen to make me unable or unwilling to continue the game. I don't expect this to happen, but I am not chained to this project.
Any idea submitted to this contest is mine to use, even if it wasn't the winning idea. I might like your concept, but hate your idea. If that's the case, I can still use your concept even bits and pieces of your idea in my own way for a future project. If the ideas are specific, I will give original concept credit. I might notify you of the usage, but I'm also not required to.
I can choose multiple winners or none at all. Two or three ideas might completely captivate me, or I might be unable to get into any of them. If I choose more than one, I might order them or work on them all in intervals depending on my mood and interest.
I can add and modify these rules and guidelines as I see fit until the end of the contest. Any changes after that will be passed by you and any disagreements will be addressed.

Your Rights:
You have the right to distribute the game however you see fit. Credit for making the game must be given to me.
You can choose to drop the project at any time. If you lose interest, or truly feel you can not work on the game anymore, I will not keep you chained to this project. I do have the right to continue it and change it without you, however.
You may make other media related to the game, just like me. I won't require you to show it to me, but I would truly like to see it.

What You Can't Do:
Sell the game for any sort of currency, goods, or services. This is stealing from me. (I am also not allowed to make money off the project or any spin-off media I choose to create.)
Modify or have someone else modify my game in any way. If I drop the game and you want to take the idea to another developer, that's fine as it falls under your other media rights. But my work remains mine.
Deny my involvement in the project. Should your idea move on past me and actually become something fantastic or famous, I still have the right to be considered a developer, even if I only made the first draft of the game and had no involvement with or profit from the famous version.

By entering this contest, you agree to the above terms, whether you've really read them or not.
Even if you are only lurking, you may not take someone's ideas and claim them as your own.

Deadline and Contest Information
This contest will be divided into two parts. A first round for concepts, then a second round for the concepts I like to give full ideas.
You will pitch a few paragraph idea to me including setting, characters, and a plot synopsis to give me a general idea for your game.
If you any questions, please Rmail me or post here. If you'd like to submit your concept or idea to me in private, you may Rmail to me. Make sure you mention in the ti[injection]tle it's for this contest.
Deadline extensions can be discussed, although I'll be less likely to give them for the First Round compared to the Second.

First Round Deadline: TBA
Second Round Deadline: TBA

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

10:30pm Sep 22 2012 (last edited on 2:35pm Sep 23 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 3,426

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

12:56pm Sep 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 284
lol Nice software.
And cool idea, Loki.

2:24pm Sep 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Okay, I suppose we can start entering right? If not, I'll edit this (also, the gender of the main character is subject to change, I am just calling her a she):

In the rural farm town of Atrall, a small child was born by miracle. The woman who was to give birth and the baby were both to die, but that was not the fate that was planned for them. A magician from the large city was in town, and seeing the mother in extreme pain and hearing their crisis, the magician used his powers to save both the mother and the baby.

All was right with the world, until twelve years later, when the two parents realized that their child had magical powers, and very strong ones at that. The child was told never to share this secret, but two years later, someone finally found out, and the young magician was in extreme danger because a war was going on and magicians were in extreme need. She was forced into hiding, and after a few months of staying in assorted places while her parents found a place for her to stay, she finally left her small town to go figure out her destiny and try to save her people from the war. She would grow up to become the strongest magician ever, and in the end the friends she met along the way would convince her to fight in the war, and save the human race from extinction.

So, here is a little background thing. The main character lives in a world where there are horrible creatures that attack you whenever you leave civilization, and they became fed up with being tormented, so they started a war against humans, and the humans are losing. Thus the need for all the magicians to band together and fight the war against the beasts. The main character wants no part in the war.

I guess that's all. Sorry it is so derp, it is just the general idea.


2:40pm Sep 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
Yes. :3 The contest started when I posted the thread, so everyone has until the 12th to submit their concepts.

You did everything right, Mega. ^^ Your entry is added to the list.

Also I failed to note that if you want more information on things such as what graphics, character classes, and monsters are available, just ask! I'll be glad to answer any questions as best I can.

I will also let you know if anything in your concept stands out as conflicting with the software limitations so you can have an opportunity to try to get around that instead of just being written off.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

2:57pm Sep 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Oh yeah, can i have some of the monster and character options?


3:13pm Sep 23 2012

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Posts: 3,426
Enemies in order of power are: Slime, Bat, Hornet, Spider, Rate (Rat... Translation fail, lol), Wisp (looks like a bunch of sparkles. I think it's a fire spirit), Large Snake, Scorpion, Jellyfish, Man-Eating Plant, Ghost, Skeleton, Orc, Imp, Gazer (eyeball-tentacle monster, lol), Puppet, Zombie, Cockatrice, Chimera, Mimic (something that pretends to be a chest then attacks when someone gets near it), Werewolf, Sahagin (looks like some aquatic humanoid warrior with one eye and a tail), Ogre, Gargoyle, Lamia (blue rattlesnake naga), Vampire, Succumbus, Demon, Demon King, Demon God.

Character Classes are: Soldier, Monk, Paladin, Spellblade, Samurai, Archer, Thief, Priestess (I don't think this is locked to females only), Witch, and Sage.
You can probably guess which are magic and which are melee/ranged. I haven't looked into exact specifics.

Character Appearances give you the option to change things like hair color, eye color, and skin color. Hair and eye color give the basics as well as some fantasy-colors. Skin ranges from pale to dark. You can edit the face shape, eyebrow style, nose style, eye style (most of them look really weird, though xD), mouth style, and hair style gives you generous options for both the hair style in the back and bangs. You can change the eye level (which sets the eyes either high or low or medium on the face to give the appearance of older or younger). You can also have facial hair and add animal ears/tails. The clothes can be a little hard to see on the small sprites, but there's a lot of them. You can also add cloaks, wings (angel, demon, pixie), glasses, "tattoos" which basically are a couple markings or a scar over their left eye or a third eye on their forehead. There's also some accessories like earrings, headbands/bows, masks/helmets, and even goggles (at least for the guy, I'm quickly looking and I'm not seeing it on the girl).

Lots of blahblahblah info there. xD

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

3:34pm Sep 23 2012 (last edited on 3:59pm Sep 23 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Thanks. Is mine, like, even a consideration for something that you would want to play? Oh, and can we start stage two, or do we have to wait for stage one to be over?


4:42pm Sep 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
One about you and me.

And our love life together. 

But give a lot of options for like hitting each other and doing horrible things so you can express your hate.

Great way to blow off steam bruh.

hello my name is elder price

5:14pm Sep 24 2012


Posts: 3,217
how many entries can we uh, enter? XD 


5:18pm Sep 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
I didn't really think about that. xD; I guess if you have multiple ideas that are very different, you can go ahead and submit them as separate entries, but too many concepts and it will kinda seem like you're just throwing every concept possible at me and not really putting a lot of effort into each concept.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

9:09pm Sep 24 2012 (last edited on 9:09pm Sep 24 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 815
I think I subscribed correctly to this thread. o_o

Love the idea.

If you want more ideas I'll post some when I get a free moment. =)


9:25pm Sep 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1

I hope that maybe i can submit an idea? if i can then please keep reading. if not, then ignore.

I was thinking that in a sort of futuristic world would be the setting, at some sort of highschool or collage. There were the SSG(super special group) and the NSG(no specialty group..or something that divides the school by ability or so). The SSG had some sort of special magical ability, or increased strength, intelect, speed,etc.The NSG  were the students that had no ability or special power. The main charicter( male or female, refering to as "They" or "It" for post) has no special ability, so it is put into the NSG and takes regular classes, like the kinds we have at our schools nowadays. however, something bad or tramatic happens to the school, and it awakes "it's" powers. the powers can vary between your wants and needs gravyardfox, but im hoping the powers listed bellow:

thunder,water,fire, the ability to change the gravity on anything(so it can levetate and stuff),to create life from just a picture(like if a picture of a bird was drawn, "it" can make it a living bird. applys to inatimate objects as well(wepons, flamethrower, cannon, train, etc))

you dont have to use them, just a basic idea :P hope this helps?


11:33am Oct 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,704
I think I might do 1. :D

elle x x x

12:01pm Oct 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Are you extending the deadline, or is it over?


12:07pm Oct 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,704
Actually yeah is it still on?

elle x x x

12:24pm Oct 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
I was pretty certain this contest had just died from lack of interest.
I can leave this up for anyone who wishes to enter, but I won't set another deadline just yet as I have a ton of school projects I need to work on and I don't have much time to try to take on another one, even if this still seems fun to me.
So I guess I'll leave the deadline for some time after I get some free time. xD

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

10:24pm Nov 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Bump? I really hope this didn't die, I thought a video game would be cool, even if I don't win.

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