Everyday Give Away!

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2:04pm May 20 2017 (last edited on 2:15am May 21 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 18
Hello everyone currently reading this! My name is GreyWings and I decided to start a thread where I go and give away an egg everyday. I will try not to do the same pets over and over but there's only so many pets on this game. I want to help people without them expecting to have to repay me, I love to help others and decided that opening this chat was the best way. 

So here is what is going to happen- Everyday, I will find an egg or creatu and put it on the thread. Anyone that comments has a chance to win, so make sure to check in and see what I got for that day. If I'm gone or miss a day, I am terribly sorry and will try to make it up to you people that are reading. 

So here are some rules, yes, even I have rules.
-If you don't win a day, don't whine. There's always tomorrow okay. 
-Don't be harassing other, I will not tolerate it.
-Not all the pets will be great so don't complain.
-More rules will be added as needed.

 ~~~~Today's Pet~~~~

Natural Female Malal

(She is currently unnamed.)

(For a chance to win today, tell me about a time when you to a park. It can be a scary story or a silly story, any kind of story you might want!)

6:52pm May 20 2017


Posts: 211
Moved to the correct forum.

11:14pm May 20 2017 (last edited on 11:14pm May 20 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 732
Thanks for doing this! I tend to find rare pets n eggs so maybe i could donate?

Favorite childhood memory:
Hmmmmm when I was like 4 or 5 and I me, AnimalsRAwesome and my brother Chris each ran into each others bed when it was bed time XD
My other favorite was when I cracked my nose open ;-;


11:19pm May 20 2017

Normal User

Posts: 18
That's sounds fun! :D I wish me and my siblings had done that but their not too fond of me so.... we didn't do that. 

Since you're the only one that's commented today, skiski951, you win today's give away!
You can donate if you want, that would be helpful but that's your choice if you decide to donate (And I would love it if you did because I'm not doing so well at finding rarer pets lately.)

11:35pm May 20 2017

Normal User

Posts: 732
Thank you!!

( I'll hatch it tonight ^^ )


11:41pm May 20 2017 (last edited on 11:42pm May 20 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 18
WOW! Thank you too! Maybe I should hatch one and see if I can get a ginger or something and have it for tomorrow's give away! Thank you so much Ski, these eggs will help so much!
(Also, tell me how that little egg turns out! :D)

11:42pm May 20 2017

Normal User

Posts: 732
OK! Your welcome! 



12:02am May 21 2017 (last edited on 12:02am May 21 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 732
The Mira egg was an adorable little nattie  whom I named TruffleBuffle ❤ 

Thanks again for the egg!


12:04am May 21 2017

Normal User

Posts: 18
Awww! He's so cute!!! I'm going to hatch that I found with him soon! Maybe their siblings? I found your egg first, reloaded the egg and found the other egg, so maybe they are siblings????

12:05am May 21 2017

Normal User

Posts: 732
That would be so cute!


12:08am May 21 2017

Normal User

Posts: 18
Oh no...... The egg failed.....

12:08am May 21 2017

Normal User

Posts: 732
Oh no :c


12:08am May 21 2017

Normal User

Posts: 18
OH NO!!!! I'M SO SAD RIGHT NOW!!!! ;-;

12:09am May 21 2017

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Posts: 732

My eggs fail 80% of the time •_•


12:11am May 21 2017

Normal User

Posts: 18
That's sad, I hate it when that happens. 0-0
Well, at least I didn't give you the faulty egg, still sad though. I couldn't wait to hatch that egg! ;-; Why world why!? It was so young ;-;

12:16am May 21 2017

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Posts: 732


12:21am May 21 2017 (last edited on 12:21am May 21 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 18
Well, I used the rest of my hatches and I got these two. I think I'll give away the Malal tommorrow and then maybe the Goiba the next day.

12:22am May 21 2017

Normal User

Posts: 732


12:23am May 21 2017

Normal User

Posts: 732
I'm saving up for a rancher class token to get three hatches a day instead of one fail ;-;


12:25am May 21 2017

Normal User

Posts: 18
That's a lot of work, let me know if I can help in some way! :D
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